Lord Shadow

896 Loki the Trickster I

'It ended' that is the word that came out of that man mouth when he saw the area of the world slowly going back to normal.

The sky calms down, the Earth no longer trembles.

Storms around the area slowly fizzled out. The skies that was parted open is slowly closing back like the sky is sewn by some invisible force

He breath hard and there is tiredness etched all over his expression. There is still pain, of course

His ears are dripping black blood but most of his injury has been healed.

His long silver hair that covered his left eyes is messy and his body is still trembling even after the aftershocks have leave his body

This is the effect when you have the soul to the attack. The damage to the world is not what concern this person.

Instead, it is the Wheel in the sky that concerns him. And now that the Wheel is no longer, he could calm himself down

The sound that comes from the Wheel might sound only like a creaking to some other beings, but to him, there is a melody in each of the creaking sound.

That melody when combined with the other melody of the world, of the essence of the world energy…it would turn into a song

A Song of Rebirth and Reincarnation. A Song that tortures his soul.

He looks around him. He could not ascertain his location after the rollercoaster ride of teleportation that he was subjected to

This time, he is at another place. Another island in the many island that have sprouted after the sudden expansion of the world.

This person with silver hair is none other than Yewa Hafar.

He is now recovering and it would not be long before he would reach his optimal state. But Yewa Hafar did not move much even after he had recovered almost all of his energy

That is because of someone beside him.

Beside him is none other than Loki the Trickster. But this Loki is not the Loki that Death Monarch Azief knew.

This is Number Seven.

The Loki that knows all of the future information.

That is why Yewa Hafar did not make any moves like leaving this island. He did not mind being killed.

But he clearly knows that Loki did not want to kill him. instead, if Loki really wanted to hinder his mission, he might create a sealing formation and seal him.

Though for such a thing to be successful for long is an impossibility considering who is backing Yewa Hafar, but it could still delay many of Yewa Hafar plans.

Then Yewa Hafar said again the words he said before

'It ended' Loki look at Yewa Hafar and he simply said

'It is different' Yewa Hafar knows what Loki is talking about.

This did not happen in the original timeline.

Though, from the very beginning, there is already a lot of change.

Some of the details remains the same, but there were many things that changed.

The arrival of the Demon King should have been a few years later. And he should have been weaker. And he did not make such waves like this

But this time, clearly none of it follows that script.

Yewa Hafar could only say

'You changed it' Loki smirks and simply said

'You and me both' Yewa Hafar snorted in displeasure.

Then at that time a wave of Divine Sense sweeps through the island. Loki click his fingers and his aura and Yewa Hafar aura were turned into lies.

The truth was that he was there. But Loki is a being that could change truth into lies and vice versa.

He alters the reality of the truth, tricking the Divine Sense by altering the Laws of the world, changing the truth that he and Yewa Hafar was not there and instead converting it into lies.

This is only a fraction of what Loki could do with his domain of Truth and Lies

The Divine Sense sweeps by, not sensing Loki and Yewa Hafar there. Yewa Hafar frowned as he recognizes this Divine Sense

'Death Monarch. He recovered. And from his Divine Sense, I sense a great power. He is only an inch away from Essence Creation. This time….it seems that it would be faster'

Then he laughed

'Destiny and fate would surely try to catch up. The obstacle that he would face would multiplied and his enemies would be blessed with providence. Destiny and Fate do not like being underestimated and played with. Are you ready for it, Trickster?'

Loki did not reply Yewa Hafar question. He also knows that this is not good. Just because Azief become faster in fulfilling his destiny, did not mean it would be easier for Azief.

instead, destiny and fate would surely ty to balance it. Luck does have a limit. Especially for those who are still under the control of destiny and fate

Other than a few existences in the Omniverse that is free from destiny and fate, every luck and fortune has a limit.

Even Odin, Zeus, Ra, Vritra these powerful beings could not free themselves from fate and destiny completely.

If they could free themselves from fate and destiny why would Odin have to start Ragnarok, always watching Baldur dying.

Why would Hades always had to release the Titans and the Giants to always replay the Gigantomachia and the Titans to reenact the Titanomachy?

Why would Osiris had to always fight Set?

Even those inside the Source Wall is unable to free themselves. Of course Loki also knows some beings that did not fit under this category.

Some beings had some advantage that free them from destiny and fate of this world.

One of them is the Gardener. Not many people know that there is a garden in the Omniverse. This garden is different from any other gardens in the Omniverse

A Primordial Garden which contains the essence of the Omniverse. The Gardener is the one who cut the flowers, pruned the fruits and sow seed and reap them

The Gardener guards the garden.

And that Gardener is Loki teacher. Each time, he thought about it, he always felt angry and frustrated with his teacher. But, only after he went back into time, he understands the constrain on his teacher.

His teacher come to him after the final battle was concluded. This is a story that he did not share with Jean, Hirate or even Sofia.

His teacher come unto him in his dream. In the form of a mare.

His teacher sings to him of the Song of Yggdrasil, telling him about some matters of the Omniverse, told him about the Garden, told him about a book and a Song

The Song is called the Song of the End and the book is called the Song at the End. It is the history of the Omniverse and how it ends.

And from the very beginning of the first life in the Omniverse, the end has always been decided to end in the hand of the Destroyer.

The details are not important. What is important was that certain big events would still happen regardless of the small changes in details.

It is like a small anthill trying to stop the tide of a river flood. A ripple of water could not break the land.

But enough ripple, enough force, and the land would break.

It is then very important for one to know where to throw a stone where the ripple would be the strongest and how large the stone that needs to be thrown into the lake to make sure the land would break.

Loki understood that at that time his teacher was giving him a hint.

Even now, Loki is not sure whether his teacher is on his side or on "That Being" side.

Loki teacher is none other than the famous Cosmic Trickster, the sworn brother of Odin Allfather.

Loki himself took his name from the name of his teacher. Of course he has his reason and it is not because he loves and admire his teacher.

He was afraid of his teacher, because he could never understand his action. If he were to describe his teacher in one word, it would be chaos

Loki himself in his later years resemble his own teacher, being a chaotic being that is hard to predict and changes his mind easily.

This persona is cultivated by following his teacher.

In the future, it would not be strange for people of Earth to have powerful teacher of different race of the Omniverse as their teacher as more and more people would travel out from Earth and adventuring on the starry skies.

Azief himself had many teachers. There is Alsurt. There is Azul. And as for others they too would have their own adventure and would learn from many people.

But if there is one thing that each of these powerful people would do is that they would not take too much teacher. It created Karma. And a Karma between a teacher and a disciple is hard to be broken.

A teacher for a day is a teacher for a lifetime. In a world of magic, words are not to be spoken carelessly, oaths should not be thoughtlessly spoken.

When one swore to primordial forces with their oaths, fate and destiny become witness. And when an oath is broken, destiny and fate would descend down and punish.

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