Lord Shadow

928 The Right Thing to Do I

Azief sighed and then he said

'But, Loki painted a target on his back. I could not just let him be like that. Because now, that anger and madness would be directed at him' Hirate scoffed and then he shouted

'He did it for you!' Shaking his head 'This is the sacrifice he makes for you.' Azief shook his head and said

'I don't need him to make that sacrifice'

'But, he did it anyway. Even if you did not ask for it. Because he knew what would happen if you were to take the blame. Maybe, he doesn't want your hands to be stained with more blood. Maybe, he really does care about humanity. Or, maybe he just wanted to protect you in some weird way. I don't know why he did it and the reason he does it. And honestly, I don't really care what his reason was. What I do know was that his decision would not harm the world and benefit the world. So I accepted it' Hirate reply.

Azief frowned again. He did not come here to argue with Hirate. He come here to announce something.

After all, he did not have time right now.

'I did not come here to argue the reason for his deeds'

'Did you come to punish me then? For agreeing to your little brother request?' Azief was silent for a few seconds. And then he shakes his head

'I did not punish someone who done no wrong to me' Sighing he said

'In the end, this all happens because of Loki. I understood why he had done what he did. I am touched. But, that burden is not his to bear'

Listening to this, Hirate face fell. He had tried to persuade Death Monarch with all he could. But then the next sentence shock him

'You were right, Hirate' Azief exhale and look at the horizon. He could see the vast sea and he could see the many continents in the distance

There is just this feeling of freedom when he saw the vast expanse of the world.

He thought about how after this it would not be bad for him to explore this new world that had changed.

A new age of exploration. He thought to himself and that thought made him happy for a moment.

'Katarina would have love to see it' he thought. The world was beautiful, but if there is no one to share it with, this beauty is not as good.

Azief then said

'If the world does fight a war against me, I might do what you said I would do. And I am actually scared that if it comes to such a situation, I would kill innocents'

He paused for a moment before he continues

'People might think of me as a mass murderer but that is only my image and not something that is true about me. I don't go around blasting people into dust. But I would not deny that when I fought otherworldly creatures on Earth, there would be some collateral death that I did not intended for. I never styled myself as some kind of hero or saviors. People put me on that pedestal. But, I would never want to kill innocent people intentionally' Smiling helplessly, he then said

'If people threatened me with the people I love, threatened me with the lives of my family, you were right, that I would go to war for them even if it's against the world. Because, I now have the qualifications to fight against the world' Hirate close his eyes and nodded.

'I don't know what to feel about what Loki had done for me. But I know I could not just let him take all the bad reputation'

Hearing this Hirate opens his eyes and he became perplexed. What is Death Monarch is trying to do by saying this?

'Tell the world' Azief said

'Tell the world that whoever try to hunt Loki, that person in an enemy of Pandemonium and would become my personal enemy'

This is the way to break the situation that Loki had created

Loki want to take the blame? Fine. I let you take the blame. Whatever Azief would do would never be able to absolve Loki blame. But he could share it.

Let people curse him too.

True, the right thing is not always the right thing to do. But, what the hell does it have to do with him?

Azief had done many things. But, there is not many things he had done that would make him regret. He knows there is no escaping regret.

There is always something to regret. But, the one thing he could do is to make sure that the regrets he has is not too much

Azief knows by making this announcement, people would also hate Pandemonium and him.

Because to them, to the world, it would appear like Pandemonium is trying to protect a criminal to the world because he and Loki is close.

But when does Azief ever care what the world thinks about him?

And that hate is deserved. What he did, he knows. He did not feel comfortable to let Loki get curses that was meant for him. He could not reveal the truth. But, he could at least do this.

Hirate frowned and he laughed. It is a very sad laugh

'All of this…. for what? Loki effort would be wasted' Azief scoffed and said

'Did he consult me when he crafted this plan with you? Did any of you ask me what I think? This is the first time in my life so many people try to protect me from telling the truth. I know what I did. I also know that not all of it could be blamed on me. The barriers between world was already weakened before I pierce through it. I bet, I was not the only one who was breaching left and right through the Multiverse. I bet you did too. I bet the Republic also did it. But, I would not give excuses. The action of mine piercing through the Time Continuum accelerated the destruction and the balance of the fabric of reality.'

Azief did not mind speaking about his effort of going through time. This is because it could not be hidden.

Hirate if he investigated the true reason later, he would surely found out the traces of Time that was left behind and would reach the conclusion that someone travels through time and space. Not to mention, there is still jean that Hirate could get information from.

So he did not mind telling Hirate this.

'I was prepared to take the blame. What Loki did was outside of my expectation. He wanted to protect me. And I wanted to protect him. Since that is the case,' and Azief smiles a bit and then he said 'Let us bear it together'

'Loki would not like it'

'And I don't like his way. But, he did it anyway. If he could do it, I also could do it' Azief reply. Hirate then nodded and then he laughs.

'Fine! But you brothers should know, you both owe me one' he said. Azief smile and he nodded

'Send the message fast. I don't want some idiot began sending assassins to kill Loki. Like me, this younger brother of mine also had a lot of enemies. And most of them are even more nefarious than my enemies. They need to be reminded who they are trying to kill. The world need to believe that I did not abandon Loki. Then they would consider more before doing something stupid.' Azief said

Then he come closer to Hirate and Hirate was startled for a second.

'Hmm?' he raised his eyebrows and Azief said

'I think you would need help broadcasting the message. I know you are not powerful enough to send the message toe everyone in the world. But I could help you with that'

Hirate understood that Death Monarch is offering his help. There is a smile on Hirate face as he said to Azief

'You are impatient' Hirate said and Azief reply

'I don't have much time' Saying this, he put his hand on top of Hirate shoulders and a powerful energy flows from Azief body into Hirate body

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