Lord Shadow

934 The World Reaction III

Since most of the surveillance system used after the fall incorporated magic and science altogether, the changes in the world energy also render most of the surveillance system that the Great powers had created to lose its mass scale surveillance area.

It is like the Divine Sense of the Disk Formation leveler. Before the expansion, their Divine Sense could envelop the world.

And the distance between countries and kingdom could easily be traversed by a Disk Formation leveler. All of the Great powers had Disk Formation leveler to control their vast land and kingdom that is under their influence.

Of course, most of the population move near the capital of the great power like most of European would migrate to Moscow and it surrounding areas to gain the benefit of the protection formation around the Senate.

But now after the expansion, at most Disk Formation leveler could envelop only around the country they are in.

And that also depends on whether the country is small or large. Some continents are as big as all of the continent of Earth combined.

And the seven continents of Earth had surpassed that size. So, a Disk Formation level could not even use their Divine Sense to envelop the continent they are in.

But, even while the leaders of the Great Powers were worried about this matter, they were more worried about the World Government.

The Republic might be in chaos right now with the sudden kidnapping of their High Chancellor Katarina but there is still Jean holding the fort and he is probably the best guardian of the Republic right now

The conflict that would arise is probably more about Jean and Boris conflict in the Senate of the Republic.

Probably the Senators would also not try to secede when there is a Divine Comprehension leveler holding the fort.

Because they still need the protection of such an expert.

And with how easy it was for Jean to appear anywhere in the world whenever and wherever he wishes, the Republic might lose the High Chancellor, but the Republic power itself had not change in their persuasion power over the world

One could even say that among the Three Great Powers, The Republic had jumped to second place displacing the World Government who were always considered to be the second below Death Monarch

But…. the same thing could not be said about the World Government.

The World Government had also now had a Divine Comprehension leveler but for some reason it did not strengthen the unity among the Kings and Emperors under the World Government

The thing is the Divine Comprehension leveler that the World Government get is not someone that any of the Great power was expecting

Everyone expected that if there is one person that could rival Death Monarch and someone who would reach the Divine Comprehension level after Death Monarch it would be Raymond.

Who would have thought it would be the Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya?

It is clear that Hikigaya act of secluding himself after the battle against Heaven where he helps Death Monarch was beneficial.

Of course, the world leaders had also got the report of how such an event could happen.

Hikigaya make use of the chaos and the abundance of energy that had come in during the early phase of the Multiversal Convergence to push himself to Divine Comprehension leveler by creating an illusion on the moon and the sun of Earth

Then Death Monarch even personally appeared and help him to break through that last one hurdle and Hikigaya managed to become a Divine Comprehension leveler.

The thing is the relationship of Hikigaya and Hirate was not like the relationship between Jean and the Senate.

Jean might have conflict with Boris and Katarina on the floor of the Senate. But in the end, their conflict is about the operation of the Republic, its policies and its aim and mission.

Whoever win, did not mean that the Senate would be weaker. It is the difference between ideals.

Boris and Jean could argue in front of the floor of Senate and curse each other in full view of the Senators of the Republic.

But after the Senate is closed, they could still meet each other and drink wine while cracking jokes.

Their difference is not something that would crack open the Senate into instability. This is the difference between Hikigaya and Hirate conflict in the World Government

Hikigaya wanted the protection of World Government while having autonomy. Hikigaya had always mention to secede Japan from the World Government.

The reason is simple. It restrains Japan.

Hikigaya did not want to conquer lands as that was not the initial intention of his. After all, what lands does he is interested in when there is an entire Universe to explore outside Earth.

But, Japan was forced to supply any of the resources toward the World Government during its formation.

Japan benefited from this as it is one of the founding countries of the World Government.

But, as more country enter into the World Government, Hirate had to make compromises and retract most of the advantages given to Japan.

One could say that Hirate had become more impartial as the scale of World Government become bigger.

But, Hikigaya and Oreki felt this not only detrimental to Japan development, it also reduces the benefits it had. And they still had to contribute their resources regardless because of their position as one of the founding countries

Japan is the least guarded nation among the World Government. What it means by this was that World Government rarely sends it Disk Formation levels to guard the island nation

The justification for this is because most of the other nations that enter into World Government did not have their Disk Formation levelers and requires one to maintain the stability and peace in that region.

As for Japan, they have Hikigaya and Oreki and their own private forces hence there is no need for too many protections from the World Government

The imperial family of Japan is nothing more than a figurehead for which Hirate derived his power from during the beginning of his rise.

The Imperial family was not killed off but they also lose their uses since Hirate had entrenched himself deeply as the Presidents of the World Government

It is at this moment that the Imperial Family of japan contacted the overlord of Kansai which is Hikigaya.

Nobody knows what they were talking about.

But many believe that is the moment where Hikigaya supported and colluded with the imperial family to lessen the grip and power that Hirate had on the Empire

And with the overlord of Kanto Oreki supporting Hikigaya, they slowly created a separate faction side the World Government and their aim was simple

They wanted an autonomy and also the protection from the World Government to repay for the founding of the World Government.

They would not meddle with the business of the World Government and the World Government would not meddle with their business

At the same time, the World Government needs to protect them with the full force of the World Government ability as japan was one of the founding countries of the World Government alongside the United States

Of course, now that Hikigaya is a Divine Comprehension leveler, many people are watching his next move.

Right now, the World Government needs a Divine Comprehension leveler if they do not want to lose their title as one of the Three Great Powers alongside Pandemonium and the Republic

But…. Hikigaya does not need the World Government anymore. Now, he has leverage

It would be interesting to see what will happen between the World Government and Hikigaya.

And then there is the nemesis of World Government, the League of Freedom. As for the League of Freedom, there is also something there.

The other Great Powers had got the report that shows World Government and the League of Freedom that always seems like oil and water, never could be mixed, actually once cooperate together and even created such a weapon on the Moon.

This creates alarm in the other leaders of the Great Powers.

Could it be that the World Government and the League of Freedom is actually creating a farce to the rest of the world, pretending to be enemies when they are actually allies.

It also shows that League of Freedom is not as harmless as one would have thought. When talking about the League of Freedom, one would always think of Storm Tide, the four tortoise that had an island on its back.

That is the trump card of the League of Freedom. Strom Tide could sail the seas without being attacked by normal predators of the sea.

It had also all kinds of formation arrays that is carved on the shell of the tortoise and modern weapons that attacked on the many building on top of the four tortoise shell.

That has always been the thought of other people when one thinks of the trump card of the League of Freedom.

But with the reveal of the weapon on the Moon, one wonders whether League of Freedom have more weapons that they not have shown to the world.

The weapon that they have in the Moon was more of a defensive weapon.

With the help that Lee Sangmin would give as the Price for borrowing Warp, League of Freedom would be able to complete their defensive weapon, giving them now the ability to teleport their people easily if such an event like today event happens again.

That is a defensive weapon and could also be thought of as an offensive weapon if one uses it correctly.

The question is, is the League of Freedom have more trump cards that they have not shown?

This kind of question plagued the mind of the other world leaders and as such, they could not help but look toward the League of Freedom with even more wariness.

One could even say, they benefited the most from this Multiversal Convergence event as they now could complete their weapon.

The others Great Powers also look at Lotus Order.

Lotus Order had also shows that Lee Sangmin worth is more than just his expertise in creating the Lotus Order Protection Formation and Arrays.

He is also able to integrate science and the application of magic by patching up the flaws with his arrays formation.

Warp, the League of Freedom second hand man of Narleod also shows his ability.

Who would have thought when The Arrayist Sage and Warp the Space Monarch work together, they could teleport everyone in the world that is below Seed Formation?

This kind of ability to teleport other people is without a doubt something that chills the heart of the other Great Power leaders.

At that time, most people don't care as they were faced with the attack of a horde of demons. Many rejoice at that time to be sucked into that Mirror Dimension

If not, they would surely be the collateral damage when two titanic beings like the Demon king and Death Monarch clashed with each other

But now, that the world is slowly calming down, when one thinks about it, this means if one had to fought Lotus Order or League of Freedom and those two unite with each other, normal soldiers that is consisted of any leveler below Seed Formation would be useless.

They could teleport the other Great Power army to wherever they wanted.

They could route an army, teleport them to some ravine of death or some forbidden areas of the world and the Great Powers army would easily be destroyed without Lee Sangmin and Warp having to do anything

The moment these thoughts enter the minds of these leaders, all of them would surely research how to block such teleportation ability to affect their people without consent

And then there is the Order of Thinkers who hides very deeply and shows their Twelve Pillars to the world

It even absorbs the power of the World Orb, possessing power to contend with the demonic horde.

It appears that these scientist is also not as weak as the other Great Powers had thought. They just knew how to pretend better than the others.

There is also the fact that they did not stop human experimentation as Death Monarch had discovered.

This would have to be addressed.

If not for the Multiversal Convergence event, who knows when that weapon of theirs would be revealed to the world?

As for the African Alliance, their weapons are something that everyone in the world had already knows so it did not make as much as a splash as the others.

It seems every Great Power seems to have their own trump card. News after news came since the fight ended and everyone is dizzy with the development that keep on going.

The day seems long today as they all waited with bated breath

What news would come after?

At the same time all of this news were revealed, and as the leaders of the Great Powers is trying to think of ways to navigate the new there, someone appears on a large island.


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