Lord Shadow

939 Earthshaker and Death Monarch II

He understood why Hirate covers up the story.

But he did not like it. When he thinks about it, this past couple of years, Hirate did a lot of things that did not conform to his heart.

Thinking of this, his heart felt heavy. He also remembers what Jean said to him before and that made him felt even worse.

Raymond did not follow the same path as Azief. His path is always about justice. He had been many time being patient with Hirate.

That is because he believes it is for the greater good. There were many things that Hirate did that did not fit his ideals and heart but he restrained himself.

But now as he discovers, the greater good does not care about justice. And the realization of that, made him feel tired.

There was silence between them. The wind blows, the clouds moves and the sea water below flows.

Time passes.

Azief look at Raymond and simply said

'Why stray from your path?' he suddenly said and Raymond was shocked. Azief then said

'You think too much. You consider too much'

'Not everybody could do whatever they wanted' Azief nodded. Then he said

'That is true. But that did not apply to you. If you don't like it, then say it. It is not like you are some kind of a weak mortal. You put the restrains on yourself. Why blame other people?'

'Adversity should temper one personality. Not break it. You are not broken. But you are malleable. And that would be fine, if you are any other person. But…. Raymond. I think you prefer to be straight, unyielding and unbroken.' Azief could see the problem with Raymond in one glance.

Hirate path is different. And Raymond path is different.

But Raymond has been holding himself back.

that prevented him from getting stronger.

Everyone path to getting stronger and breaking through the level is more less the same.

But, once someone found their Grand Path, then they either have to walk that path till the end or find a new path if the old path is not suitable.

Raymond is a man with a heart of justice. He abhors injustice, a beacon of righteousness. But, he had to endure Hirate ways that Azief could presume to be unsavory

Raymond heard Azief words and he nodded.

'I'll keep that in mind' Raymond has his own thoughts about this matter.

After all, today, he had learned what could happen if he still did not take thing seriously. He was powerless today to stop many things.

His heart was screaming in anger and it is full with dissatisfaction right now. he thought to himself if only he was stronger.

It would not be that bad. There would be less people that die. And this thought fills his head even as he was flying to the island.

Azief did not want to waste much time here. After all, he is meeting Raymond is for Sofia. The place where he was gazing before is none other than the Hill.

That is where she is right now. And she is helping Jean, supplying him with his energy. It seems Sofia knows what he would do.

She knew that he would come for Katarina. This matter always weighs on his heart. He did not know how to feel about this.

'I would not be long here' he said. Raymond nodded.

'Are you going to go?' Azief nodded.

'Then what about Sofia?' he asks

'She could take care of herself' Azief said and there is a glare on his eyes. Raymond frowned.

'You should settle it in the past. Why did the Demon King kidnapped Katarina and not Sofia? Because you have feelings for her.'

What I feel is none of your business' Azief said. Raymond close his eyes and nodded. Then he said

'Sooner or later, you will hurt Sofia like this' Azief expression did not change but he is angry., But he manages to calm his heart and said

'Don't meddle in our relationship'

'I want what you want, Death Monarch. I want her to be happy' Azief scoffed.

'You mean; you want her to be happy with you.'

'If that is the only way she could be happy, then let it be' Raymond said. Azief reply

'She has decided. And that person is me' Raymond sighed, close his eyes for a second, trying to calm his stormy emotions and then he said

'What is it that you came here for?' It is now time for the real reason of why Azief met him. It would not be because Azief just wanted to meet him and rebuke him or remind him who Sofia belongs to.

There must be another reason. Even Raymond could see this. Azief then said

'I need your support in the Quorum Council. To veto any decisions regarding hunting Loki. I doubt that Hirate alone could bear the pressure of the Council Lords. With you, it would be easier for Hirate and it would be easier for Loki. Could you do this for me?' Raymond nodded

He understood what Death Monarch is getting at. He nodded

'Loki is innocent. I would help him with all I can. Today, he sacrifices himself for the stability of the world. That man…...is a hero. It would be an honor to help him. And the World Government is not entirely blameless on this, no matter how it pretends itself to be'

'I know all about the risk of the World Gate. I should have…...' Raymond clicked his tongue as he looks at the sky with a regretful expression

'Hirate was too greedy…but I know where he is coming from. He wanted to strengthen humanity as fast as possible. The promise of technology from the other side, a new kind of magic from the other worlds is too huge of a temptation for him to take it slowly'

'There was always a risk. Everyone that was deep in the research of the World Gate knows about it. But they ignore it. Because the benefit outweighed the cost. I should have stopped him. I should have told them to take even more precautions. To research more, to minimize the damage to the fabric of reality even more. But everyone was impatient. Haish' he sighed.

Azief just listen to Raymond rants. Suddenly the mace speaks

'Hey, boy. It is not your fault. I told you to sock Hirate face. Those donkeys in the Research Centers only knows how to open the World Gate. Didn't I tell you that sooner or later, that would come to bite them in the ass?'

Then it shouted

'Now, run' The space around the area crack for a second before it instantly merges back. Azief was shocked for a second

Raymond look at his mace with a dumbfounded expression and he almost laugh.

And then he mace angry voice comes out

'Idiot boy. I give you the chance to run but you did not take it.

Raymond look at his mace and said

'Azief would not hurt me'

'He is treating you like an errand boy. Have you no pride, you motherfucker?'

'It is not something hard for me to do' Raymond said to the mace

The mace trembles and said

'Hopeless. You are too nice. One day, you would surely be taken advantage off'

Azief was still shocked at that power that erupted out of the mace in that instant

Unless, one is at Divine Comprehension peak level, it is hard to break the sealing that he had form over the area.

But that mace was able to, for that short period of time, to create a hole for Raymond to fly off.

'And you? Stop bullying the kid' the mace speaks to Azief.

Azief glares at the mace and the mace suddenly went silent again.

Azief was always curious of that mace. From the rumors he heard about the mace, it always speaks and it had quite the potty mouth. Yet when it is in front of him, that mace never speak.

Only now, he could inanely hear the mace speaks.

Azief had an odd feeling about that mace. It is something like the feeling of familiarity. He did not know why he felt this way. It is just a premonition in his heart

There is silence again as Azief said to Raymond

'I am the cause of this matter. There is no need for you to blame yourself in this matter and weep like some kind of an emotional hero' he said and Raymond laughs.

Azief is still the same with his expression face.

Raymond is someone that Azief just couldn't bring his heart to like. This has something to do with Raymond liking Sofia.

He might appear nonchalant about it, but who could truly be nonchalant about it when the woman you love have someone else pining for her

He just pretends to not care. Sofia treated Raymond like a friend.

That alone is a red flag.

But Azief could not and do not want to appear like a controlling boyfriend, forbidding her to have other guy friends.

And it would be easy for Sofia to think of him as a controlling boyfriend if he ever forbids her doing certain thing. This is because the disparity of power between him and her.

Sofia is powerful. But is she as powerful as him?

If he starts forcing her to do thing she don't want to do, if he starts crossing that line…. Azief do not want to become the worse version of himself.

He knew what Sofia had suffered with her ex-boyfriend. And he never wanted her to suffer that again. He knows the story of her when she was a child, about her father.

When they sleep with each other, she would tell him stories about the past. Sometimes, it was something he ask about. Other times, she just wants to share it with him.

So, he understands her. He understands why Sofia wanted to be friends with Raymond. And he trusted her.

But ain't no way in hell, he would trust Raymond in regards to Sofia.

It is like letting fish working with a grizzly bear. That is why every time he hears that Sofia is working together with Raymond, he would feel uncomfortable.

But Azief does trust Raymond justice. He trusted Raymond honor.


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