Lord Shadow

972 The Power of Meaning

'Words have power. And if there is a meaning attached to words, then it is even more powerful. A symbol has as much power as those who understand it. A symbol that did not have meaning possess no power. But, once it is ascribed to some meaning, it could inspire, it could evoke great emotions when seen'

'When a word is assigned meaning, it will always have powered. What fuels it, is the imagination, faith and belief. Never underestimate the power of faith and belief. It could turn intangible thing to tangible'

'It could turn illusion to real. If one reaches this level, it would not only be physical fires that he or she could control. Instead, this person could stimulate anger in one heart. Messing with people emotions, evoke unstable feeling and this could affect the battle'

'In a battle with equally matched opponents, one mistake is all it takes to determine the outcome. This is the battle of Law. It is why for most of my battle, I rarely had to attack more than a couple of times. I embedded Laws in my attack. In this world, on Earth, there is not people that could withstand it. Since they did not stand on the same peak that I am' Then he stopped speaking for a while

Sasha was silent for a second as she digested all this. Azief look at this with a smile. He waited. A few moment passes and then Azief said

'How is it? Did it clear your confusion?' Sasha finally broke out from her contemplation and look at Death Monarch back.

She smiles and then nodded

'Thank you' Azief only nodded and said

'You are my Shadow Guard. It would not be good if you are weak. Other people could be. Not you' Sasha smiles and nodded

'I should work hard then' Azief laughed. There is a lot of troublesome thing and sad thing happening to him today.

But, if there is one thing that Azief had learned in his journey, is that life is a very important thing to ever take it too seriously.

When sad thing happens, be sad. When happy things happen, be happy. And when there is something funny, laugh. Take it as it goes. In a world like the world Azief is living in, everything is a luxury

Death is always at the end of the corner. With one wrong move, everything could end. And while that is terrifying, there is also a beauty to it

Every moment, every breath that you take, every move that you make could be your last. So, make it matter.

Enjoy it.

Feel it.

Bask in it like it is the last second of your life.

He felt sad and angry because of what happened with Katarina. But now he laughed and he smile.

It did not invalidate his anger and his sadness.

It is just time is precious.

If he did not laugh now, when there is something funny that tickles his humor, when would he laugh?

Would he have time for it later? Sasha look at Death Monarch and she says

'You are a bit mellow now 'Azief reply

'If only the world thinks like you did, I would not have so many problems' Sasha smiles and then she shot back

'Because I am your shadow. I dare not say that I know you intimately. But I dare say, that I know you more than those people'

Azief chuckles a bit. It truly looks like a harmonious relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

Then there was silent.

He then thought of a few things he still did not resolve.

One in particular bear a burden of Karma onto him. he could see it now, the strings on him connected him and her.

It is not a string of love but of complication of cause and effect. There is a woman which he promised something to her.

He had promise that woman and that promise must be fulfilled. He had even almost forgotten about it but the word now echoes in his mind

'So, be it. I will become your master after I reach Disk Formation. This, I promise you' This is the promise he made to Somi the Fairy of the Battlefield.

He promises that woman that she would be his disciple. Thinking about it then, Xi Feng would have a senior sister.

He smirks thinking of this. Since she is going to the senior sister of Xi Feng; she could not be too shabby if they ever met later.

In the future, he had seen that Xi Feng would appear in that great battle between him and the world.

He still remembers it.

After all, it is hard to forget such a sharp sword strike. A sword slash that seems to cut open the Heaven and contain the trace of the origin power of primordial beginning.

Xi Feng in the future would surely transcend the people of his world and travel the Universe. That is the future he had seen.

His disciple seems to be quite a great figure in the Universe. At least, the one in the future. As such, how could Xi Feng senior sister be weaker than her?

This senior sister in none other than Somi the Fairy of the Battlefield.

At that time, Somi had lost a lot. She asks for discipleship and he accepted the request with provision.

But, since then he had never taken her formally as her disciple and he did not teach her a lot of things

He had truly neglected her. But he did not neglect her intentionally.

There were too many things that happens and the matter is always big and concerns the world that he did not have time to truly formally take her as his disciple.

Not to mention that his system did not truly work as it was intended as he walk the path of perfection.

When other people uses the discipleship system, there is bar window that is added to the status window

It would then give bonuses for the disciple to easily learn skills from the teacher. If the class is the same, it is even easier for the disciple to learn the skill.

Experience could also be transferred.

Learning points would be obtained by the teacher and the disciple would gain easier access to powerful skill, growing stronger faster

But, there is of course some things that people would look at when accepting disciple.

The stronger the comprehension of a disciple, the easier it was for the teacher to gain learning points.

This is what he had got to know reading from the reports of the intelligence agency of Pandemonium.

But this kind of system will not work between him and Somi. Because, the system is no longer a blessing and an aid for him.

Instead, it is a restrain for him.

Other people would still have the game like status window.

And he still has that. But, it is very blurry and at times it did not even work properly

Of course, there are other ways of teaching someone and Azief could do this Somi.

But since his class is different and the path he is walking is very different from her, he might not have a lot of things he could teach her.

He felt guilty for this delay and he hope to resolve this entanglement between him and her as fast as possible.

Though, he would think the best way to compensate Somi. Thinking about it, Somi is very proficient in sword.

He, himself is not that bad at using the sword. Maybe, there is something he could teach her after all

He sighed and then he said toward Sasha.

'Summon Somi here later' Hearing this Sasha was shocked for a second. She did not understand why Death Monarch wanted to meet with Somi

If it's the Great General Wang Jian, she could understand. But his wife. Azief could see the confusion on Sasha face and he said

'I promise her something before. It is time for me to fulfill that promise' Sasha suddenly get an enlightened look.

She once heard that Death Monarch once promises the wife of Wang Jian that he would take her as his disciple

But after years of nothing, even she had forgotten about that matter. It appears that Death Monarch finally wanted to honor that agreement

She then nodded

'I will summon her when you are ready' Azief nodded, satisfied with this arrangement. This is what he likes about Sasha.

She knew that he would be busy for these couple of days. And promise to bring her when he is not busy.

And then Azief was also reminded of a certain other woman and he said

'Bring Sina back to Pandemonium. There is too many beast in the world right now. I am worried that she would encounter certain things that she could not handle. And the court need some stable influence. Sina could be that stable influence' Azief knows how to balance power

He just rarely used it because he sees it unnecessary for him.

But, he could see that as more and more people believe in Pandemonium and live in it, the responsibility that he had is also multiplying

Their faith gives him power. But he did not need their faith. That did not mean that he did not care at all about these people.

More people living is good. He likes life after all more than he likes death. It is ironic he thought to himself.

Azief himself knows the position that he occupied in the hearts of the people of Pandemonium. He is the pillar of their safety and the promise of Pandemonium prosperity.

With him gone, there would always be unstable influence. Most of the time, he would not be worried.

Because he is confident that he would be able to come back

This time he is not so sure.


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