Lord Shadow

995 Sailing the Stars I

In Essence Creation one would feel the Laws and control truly the Laws under their rule. With their Will they could perform miraculous feat.

As the name of the level suggested, Essence Creation is creating essence. Essence of Laws is different than just controlling the Laws.

The Essence is the Law.

To break through to Essence Creation, it would require a massive energy for him to condense the Laws and refine it to an avatar that then could be condensed into an essence

In this state, he could only fail or succeed. Once failed, he might even have to be reduced back to Disk Formation

If he succeeds, then there is no problem

Entering level 90, at each level an essence will create a clone of the user endowed with the laws that the user has comprehended.

Azief have skipped this with his avatar that he had created in the Supremacy Stairway.

This is why he said he is only step away. And this is the reason why he did not regret taking the burden of the Etherna

At this level, one achievement and path would be decided by the number of laws that they had control during their level up to Divine Comprehension level.

The ultimate form of Divine Comprehension leveler is called the Heavenly Realm which means someone had been able to comprehend around Nine Laws

Anyone that could comprehend Nine Laws would fall under this category.

Of course there are other exception where one could still be considered a Heavenly realm expert even with one Law, if that Law is trained to almost perfection

And to advance to the next stage, one of the requirements is to fuse all the avatars inside their consciousness and create their Soul.

One would then be free from many limitations. There is many path to take. There is Immortal Soul, Divine Soul, Devil Soul and many others, depending on one path.

To reach Essence Creation is hard as one must have quite the understanding of one own great path and also a sturdy foundation on the other level.

If one like to take shortcut in the lower level when one reach Disk Formation or Divine Comprehension, they would find that their way forward is even harder if not impossible.

Azief is now trying to fuse all of his thirteen avatars and create his soul. This soul would weaken the power of fate and destiny that he has before.

When one creates their own soul, they are slowly breaking out of the chains of entropy that envelops all living beings, all thing and atoms in existence.

Entropy is the rule. But by creating one own soul, then the chains of intangible concept that controls one life is slowly weakened

Not destroyed but weakened.

And that is only one of the benefits.

Azief waves his hand and then he felt it.

Energies all around.

When he looks at the size of the Earth, Earth itself look so much bigger.

The Sun is also bigger.

The Sun before the expansion of Earth is already so huge that it could already fit 1.3 million planets the size of Earth.

And now Earth itself is even larger than the Sun. It was already amazing that it did not collapse into itself and exploded into bits of energy.

The All Source is the reason why Earth did not disintegrate and instead seems to affect the planets around it.

The effect of the Multiversal Convergence did not only happen toward Earth.

If Earth is the only thing that became bigger, then it would create an instability to the orbit and the gravitational pulling and pushing between planets.

It would not be surprising if it creates a cataclysmic event. The Sun is now bigger, gaining more than 20 time more mass.

The Sun could have a chance to become a supernova with its current size.

But Azief could see that there is an energy that is covering all of the planets, all of these stars and even the meteorites that is inside the Milky Way galaxy.

Of course, Azief did not use his Divine Sense to track all of the stars inside the Milky Way galaxy. He could do that but it would surely strain him.

Everything look stable like nothing had ever changed. It only looks like it did not change when in fact so many things had changed.

Each planet seems to have been covered by life and energy. The already gigantic planets become even more gigantic like it keeps up with Earth expansion.

He sighed.

The galaxy is way bigger than anyone thought it is.

There is a feeling of excitement and also a bit of fear when he thought of exploring the open starry skies in front of him.

There is no road and nothing could inform him.

Most of the star system he had been to before is orderly. Dangerous, yes, but still it was orderly

Before, Azief had travelled the stars.

But he was not a strong as this.

And at that time, he mostly uses some methods to transport himself form planets and other star system.

For example, when he was at the edges of the world that is under the controls of Asgard, most of these planets and star system could easily be travelled by using the Bifrost technology.

Like a rainbow path that strewn all over the galaxy, one could easily travel back and forth among all the worlds under the rule of Asgard and the Eight Realms.

He retracts back his Divine Sense and then he looks toward the Moon in the distance.

Azief flew toward the Moon. He then saw the structures on it that was covered up before.

He slowly floats down toward the Moon.

His pressure seems to contract and condense the space around him. When his feet landed on the Moon, the dust around his feet seems to disintegrate.

The ground seems to be stepped upon by titans as powerful force condense below Azief feet and the ground depressed ten feet deep.

'What have you been doing on the Moon?' He thought about World Government and the Republic.

Right now, the great powers would find it hard to travel to space.

If they use their cultivation base right now, it would still not be easy unless they are of the level of Death Monarch

Gravitational energy is in chaos right now not to mention the distortion of space and time and the energy that flows like a river that keeps flowing through the stars.

As he closes his eyes, his Divine Sense envelop the entire moon.

And as his Divine Sense spreads, it breaks all the concealing formation that is covering the secrets of the great powers

Azief saw sci-fi buildings, created by metals he did not know. He saw destruction and prisons. He saw deep underground base on the underground surface of the moon.

On the dark side of the moon inside of the largest crater in the solar system, The South-Pole Aitken Basin there is a large dome covering it.

The Dome itself is covered by all kinds of formation and arrays matrixes.

All of this is magical means to prevent anyone from looking in.

But as his Divine Sense swipes through that magical means, the array exploded into modes of light and the formation disintegrated like it was slammed down by a powerful force that render them useless.

A base and a colony could be seen inside with base stations and tents that look like pop up tents inflatable and easily created.

There is also a lot of supercomputers running calculations. Most of them is now destroyed and there is a fire inside that dome.

There are even robots that is still doing their job even as the dome itself is on a state of disrepair.

And that is not the only thing he saw on the dark side of the moon.

There are all kinds of rovers around the dark side of the mon and there is a large rectangular box that seems to interfere with the flow of energy.

The Moon also have some energy veins that is used to supply the base.

And another batch of prisons could be seen. And like Earth, there is even more structures crumbling

'Secret prisons, reconnaissance technology research and secret weapon construction. It seems that The World Government, the League of Freedom and the Order of Thinker did not tell all of the things they did in the moon'

He thought to himself.

Of course, some of the prison constructed on the moon is a public project between all of the great powers as they would imprison Disk Formation levelers that went rogue and created massive destruction to the world

But some of the prisons he saw is one that is not reported and probably is used to imprison the dissident or the enemies of the World Government, the League of Freedom and the League of Thinkers.

League of Thinkers as Azief had discovered is also engaging in many human experimentations.

The cybernetic organism that they created falls under the category of human experimentation.

They have agreed on this during the World Meet that human experimentation is not allowed unless publically announced and there is volunteer to it.

'Hmm' he seems to mutter.

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