You must know that Li Mu is an LSP!

I haven’t brought my horse shake with me these days!

Although no substantial action has been taken.

But Ji’an didn’t believe that such a beautiful girl could not be targeted by Li Mu under Li Mu’s nose.

But this matter Ji’an will not say.

After all, she is just a systematic person, and she is 100% loyal to Li Muna.

Everything is subject to Li Mu’s interests!

So not only will she not say it, but she will even help Li Mu create opportunities!

No way, the system is so arrogant.

Besides, on Li Mu’s side, Li Mu was experimenting with his abilities in the house at this time.

The Tang Dao that had just been taken out and rewarded to him by the system came to the hand.

But I didn’t expect that the blink of an eye was actually directly healed.

Even the blood didn’t come out much, it just hurt a little.

This “one six seven” is also normal, who can take a Tang knife to bleed himself!

“It seems that I will try other abilities in the evening.”

“Hey, hey, hey!”

I feel that I have only consumed a little physical strength and healed directly.

And there is an extra memory in my mind.

Even if you have no physical strength, you will heal.

It’s just a little slower.

This made Li Mu feel more relieved.

I heard that there is more chaos abroad, and I beat people with guns at every turn.

Especially the clubs in the football kingdom can be described as very arrogant!

It just so happened that Li Mu had now acquired such a magical ability.

Don’t talk about a community punk.

It is to come to a regular bureau, with the equipment of the little devil in his warehouse.

I can also make them come and go!

The most important point is that I am not afraid of disease now.

Even terminal illnesses can recover instantly!

It’s just a bit of physical exertion.

This made Li Mu even more excited.

I have long heard that the girl over there is very enthusiastic.

Li Mu was really afraid that he would be directly recruited.

But now!

Hey, hey, hey!

Well, the nickname of walking the rivers and lakes by yourself in the future is called Hikawa Steel Plate!

Hey, hey, hey!

When you hear this name, you are a good person who has a good life.

The good thing comes by itself, and the bad thing is the Hikawa steel plate!

Today I want to test my new abilities in the evening.

However, in the next period, I will eat more beef and mutton to make up for it.

The ability of the little pariah is to constantly increase his strength through rapid metabolism.

That’s a lot of food.

No wonder you can buy three levels of items in the System Marketplace!

Especially the third level of animal husbandry, if you eat it yourself.

Maybe one day sooner or later, his own strength will directly resist other countries!

After all, the ability of a little pariah to let thermal weapons kill like words?

After thinking for a while, Li Mu put away the Tang Dao from scratch.

It seems that he will also practice martial arts well during this time.

Ma Xixue’s ancestral Bajiquan is very good.

With his own increasingly strong physical fitness.

Li Mu believed that as long as he mastered the power method of Bajiquan.

You can quickly become a master.


Today’s day’s labor is over.

Trev led more than a hundred women down the mountain.

There are no more beasts on the mountain these days.

No way, the two tigers are now more and more ferocious.

Those big beasts only need to smell the smell of two tigers.

It definitely won’t be here.

Unless it’s winter, you won’t come here if you can’t find food.

It’s just that who will clean up who will not necessarily be at that time.

The most here is the wild boar.

Although this thing is a national protected animal.

But in the middle of this mountainous area.

Each village has a certain quota to kill these wild boars every year. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you don’t kill it, let the wild boar reproduce brainlessly.

It may take three or five years for the wild boar to directly bulldoze the entire village.

The rate at which this thing reproduces is terrifying.

More than half of wild boars give birth to two litters a year!

Even those who do not have two children.

The key is that even one litter can give birth to two to six wild boars.

At most, there are even a dozen piglets left in one litter.

And by the spring of the third year, the piglets of the first year have also begun to breed.

Just follow a wild boar and give birth to two piglets a year.

Three years there are only six left.

And the piglets of the first year will also start to give birth, which is ten.

The main thing is that this is still calculated according to the minimum …….

This thing can also harm the dealer!

Therefore, as long as you apply, the official will generally take the lead in hunting wild boars.

It’s like this kind of deep mountain and old forest place.

Basically, for more than a month, during the autumn harvest, the official will bring someone in to clear the wild boar.

However, these rules are no problem for Li Mu.

Because Li Mu has a license.

Less important protected animals like this one.

Li Mu killed three or five heads a year without any problem!

There are now about 1.5 million of them nationwide.

This is still in the state of annual clearance.

Otherwise, it will only increase.

“Let’s eat!”

Just when Li Mu was thinking about hunting wild boars himself.

Outside, Li Mu’s mother shouted into the house.

This is a very important skill among women in the northeast.

Li Mu remembered it clearly.

When I was a child, I lived in the countryside.

When you play outside with your friends.

Every time it’s time to eat.

Just listen!

As long as there are children in the whole village.

The woman in that house would push open the window and howl at home.

Basically, this voice can be heard by the whole village!

Because it even made a joke.

There was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old young man in Li Mu Village.

When I first entered middle school, I was 2.7 because there was no middle school in the village.

I had to go to the town’s residential school.

At that time, Li Mu remembered clearly that this kid’s grandmother scolded him for being a little brat!

(That is, boy means.) )

If the little girl grows up, she will definitely raise a man!

(In native language, it means to break shoes!) )

As a result, this kid didn’t learn anything else, but he remembered this sentence clearly.

This guy fights with other girls at school.

Scold people for raising men.

Girls are certainly precocious than boys.

So people know what that means.

Crying, he told the principal about it.

Because of this matter, the two families are inseparable.

In the end, the kid was fired.

Later went to the army.

I don’t know how these two dogs are now.

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