One afternoon, Li Mu drove the harvester directly back and forth on the big meadow.

It looks like almost 260 acres of land.

Although the work efficiency is very fast, but the fuel money is also fast!

In this afternoon, Li Mu consumed two hundred and fifty liters of diesel.

According to the price of diesel fuel, eight dollars a liter.

That afternoon, a harvester consumed a small two thousand dollars.

It is basically equivalent to the price of about ten yuan per acre of land.

Plus his husband’s one, this afternoon is four thousand yuan.

If three harvesters start at the same time.

At the end of the day, it is a small fee of 20,000.

This 10,000 acres of land can be harvested in at least six or seven days.

That’s the price of 1450,000.

No wonder this thing is rare, this is simply an oil-eating big user!

In the evening, I drove back home.

Li Mu saw that his mother-in-law was chatting with other women.

There are also quite a few men sitting on the steps smoking!

“Good fellow, I’ve seen this big harvester in the city before.”

“One and a half million, and there are three in the entire city!”

“This boss is really rich, Elizabeth can be regarded as having found a good aunt!”

“Isn’t that nonsense, we people work for others.”

“Isn’t it a good aunt!”

“My family’s three acres and six points of land, this big guy smoked a cigarette and harvested it.”

“Pull down, see the reaper in front? That’s estimated to be 20 meters. ”

“Who in our village has so much land?”

A group of men, smoking a cigarette.

While watching Li Mu drive this harvester back!

Li Mu opened the door of the garage and drove the car directly into the underground garage.

Even his two cars and motorcycle were in the garage.

It’s not that Li Mu is afraid of stealing, but if it rains in this place, there is no place to brush the car.

“By the way, say something!”

I watched as almost all of these workers came to their homes.

Li Mu quickly clapped his hands and signaled everyone to put their eyes on themselves.

“If you don’t go to work the afternoon after tomorrow, everyone comes here to eat.”

“Because of the opening of the farm, and Elizabeth and I will get married tomorrow.”

“So please eat well!”

“As for the time of marriage, please do it separately.”

Saying this, Li Mu looked at everyone’s expressions.

Sure enough, everyone was excited.

More than 70 percent of the people in the Great Meadow Subvillage are outsiders.

More than half are Tsarist Russians, and everyone’s circle is here.

So if anyone holds a banquet, it means that everyone can eat a big meal.

“In addition, there is another happy event!”

“That’s morning, Aunt Wang, Aunt Li. And Aunt Nawa. ”

“Three people found a large Ganoderma lucidum in the back mountain!”

“The market price of this Ganoderma lucidum is almost four or five hundred thousand.”

“So I reward the three aunts with 150,000 each!”

Li Mu said, and walked into the house under the curious expressions of everyone.

He took out the suitcase that the old man had given him at noon.


The moment the suitcase is opened, let alone the villagers.

Even Li Mu’s eyes were worth it.

Although the system has already rewarded Li Mu with 110 million in cash.

But the money was just a number stored in Li Mu’s bank card.

These 500,000 are real money.

Li Mu had really never seen so much money before!

Even before Li Mu went to college, he had not been to a restaurant.

I haven’t even been to a small restaurant.

When I go to school, I eat in the school cafeteria.

When you have a holiday, you eat at home.

At that time, Li Mu’s father had an accident at the construction site in 98!

Li Mu was born not long ago.

The construction site only compensated 200,000 yuan to Li Mu’s family.

And Li Mu’s mother is a Tsarist again.

Without the identity card of the Dragon Kingdom, you cannot go to work in a regular company.

In addition, at that time, taking advantage of the low house price, Li Mu bought a house in Bingcheng.

He also has to take care of Li Mu, and can only do odd jobs.

There is also not much money in the house.

“I grass, so much money?”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen so much money.”

“Who isn’t, the old Wang family is considered to have taken it out now.”

“Yes, didn’t this son of the old Wang family get married and have no house a few days ago?”

“This time you can build a brick tile of more than 100 square meters.”

“It’s also bricked, and you can build a small second floor with a little money.”

“But the old Li family and the old driver’s family also earned.”

“Where to find this boss, 150,000 bonuses on the first day of work!”

Listening to everyone’s voice, Li Mu quickly took out fifteen stacks of 100-yuan bills in his suitcase.

“Come, Aunt Nawa, this is your share.”

“This money was withdrawn by my husband at the bank in the morning, you count!”

“This one is Aunt Wang’s!”

“This one is Aunt Li’s.”

Li Mu took the money and handed it to the three aunts.

What makes the three aunts happy is that they can’t keep their mouths together!

It’s the first time I’ve seen so much money in my life.

The key is that this is still earned on the first day of work.

And looking at the three aunts happily holding the money.

The villagers below were all envious.

And they all made plans.

With such a large mountain forest, it makes no sense that the three of them can find the treasure but can’t find it themselves.

It seems that I will have to look around when I work tomorrow.

Or take a walk inside, anyway, so many people are together.

If you find a good baby, maybe the boss can reward so much money.

Suddenly, everyone’s minds became active.

“By the way, I’m telling you something.”

“In a while, everyone will take their mobile phones to me to scan the code!”

“I’ll set up a WeChat group!”

“If there is any work in the future, I can just say it directly in WeChat.”

Li Mu said, took out his mobile phone, and opened the QR code for everyone to add.

Now of these more than a hundred people, Li Mu only knows a few.

So Li Mu planned to wait until a few days to see who was more attentive to work.

Or whoever has more ability can be promoted to group leader.

Just get to know the group leader directly.

After all, these more than a hundred people, if they want to recognize everything, it will take a while.

It might as well be better to assign tasks directly to the group.

So many people, there is no problem with dividing into five groups!

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