“Boss, this is the account password of the router!”

“You see if it’s good, if it’s good, we’ll go back.”

In the evening, the time had already come to about half-past seven.

When the two installed broadband, they finally installed the broadband for Li Mu’s family.

Because the inside of this room is so big.

The network cable cannot be placed on the ground, but can only be nailed to the roof of the shed.

This has delayed a lot of effort.

“Good to make, good to make!”

“Let’s go back early, it’s half past seven.”

“It’s more than two hours before I want to go back to the city.”

Li Mu did not leave the two of them, and if it was daytime, he might have stayed for a meal.

It was too late now, and it would be nine o’clock when they both went back.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, boss, we’ll go first!”

“By the way, the two routers behind have hidden accounts.”

“Others can’t link, only if you bind the IP on the computer!”

After the two people got into the engineering truck, they said to Li Mu again.

“Thank you two masters!”

Li Mu touched his pocket.

The old man was not here, and he did not smoke.

I could only wave my hand at two people!

“Stay safe!”

“Okay, Elizabeth and the boss, aunt.”

“I went back too, and my mother told me to go home for dinner.”

Natasha was busy here for a while.

After getting what you need for your live streaming, you’re ready. 、

After debugging again, I was ready to go home for dinner.

“I won’t leave you today.”

“Remember to come early tomorrow afternoon, we have a running water table this afternoon.”

Li Mu waved his hand at Natasha, and then walked towards his room.

At this time, the installation of kitchenware is almost completed.

This is a much larger project than the installation of broadband.

The first thing is to install the hob.

Because it is a remote rural area, there is no natural gas.

So you can’t install a gas stove.

You can only burn wood and corn stalks, or barren grass to make a fire for cooking.

Therefore, most of the kitchenware bought by Li Mu’s mother uses electricity.

This is also a matter of no way, you can’t go out in the snow to pick up wood, can’t you?

However, a small stove was built in the place of the fireplace.

You can throw wood directly into the fireplace.

Then cook with the fire in the fireplace.

Li Mu’s house here has a total of six fireplaces.

The two large bedrooms in the front have small fireplaces.

There is a large fireplace in the kitchen and living room.

Especially the fireplace in the living room, three meters square!

You can throw large wooden piers inside.

A large wooden pier can burn for several days.

Keep the house warm at all times!

The remaining two fireplaces, one in the room chosen by Li Mu’s mother.

The house has a small staircase that leads directly to the roof.

There is also a small observation deck on the roof.

It can be said that in winter, the house must be colder.

So that room also has a fireplace.

The last fireplace was in the pool house.

It is connected to the sauna.

Very convenient!

“That’s right, Elizabeth!”

I saw several masters busy in the kitchen.

Because they have to modify the wiring of the wires at the gate.

So many electrical appliances must have to be replaced with wires.

Otherwise, the circuit old saying, or you can’t bring so many electrical appliances are easy to catch fire.

As far as the structure of Li Mu’s family is concerned, there is basically nothing left on fire.

So be very careful.

“You look at JD.com in the evening and buy me a few sets of clothes.”

“It’s only the end of July, and it’s so cold at night.”

“I’m going to wear long sleeves in a few nights.”

Feeling the cool breeze outside, Li Mu quickly said to Elizabeth.

This place is close to the mountains and there are two rivers on the side.

It was really cold in the morning and night.

Although Li Mu’s current body can also be bare-chested in winter.

But everyone is wearing fur, and you yourself are bare-chested.

Isn’t that death?

“Okay, I’m going to buy some clothes too.”

“The clothes before are much smaller, and they have been with you in the past two winters.”

“I don’t go out of the house much when I go home for the New Year.”

“So there are no too thick clothes either.”

“Just buy a few sets for our mother!”

Elizabeth nodded, anyway, now Li Mu has money.

There are millions more to her knowledge.

There was no problem at all with buying some clothes.

And in a few days the farm will still have a lot of income.

Enough for a family to spend normally.

Having said that, this fur and cotton clothes are not disposable.

In the countryside, it is considered a big household to buy a fur coat.

Basically, a better fur costs 20,000 or 30,000.

Most people don’t buy this fur to wear.

Isn’t there an old saying that says well, big gold chain, small watch.

Three small barbecues a day.

In the northeast, 80% of social big brothers and sisters wear mink!

This marten is a type of fur.

Also the best fur coat.

Basically, one piece costs about 20,000 or 30,000.

In addition to this mink, there are rabbits, foxes, sables, sheepskins and so on.

There are even martens!

Sable means a mink coat pieced together piece by piece from leftover scraps.

Although both are mink coats, the price can often be more than ten times worse.

“Okay, we’re going to start selling mink in a few days.”

“Let’s go over and buy some back.”

“Otherwise, this big winter will be difficult!”

“I used to look enviable than people dressed.”

“Now that we have money, let’s buy a few sets and wear them from Monday to Friday.”

Li Mu smiled and touched Elizabeth’s head.

I have to say that whether it is Elizabeth, or Li Mu and Li Mu’s mother.

All are born clothes racks.

Li Mu, in particular, wore a knee-high trench coat or fur.

That’s definitely very handsome.

Elizabeth and Li Mu’s mother are the same.

After all, the figure and height are here.

“Farm Master Li, we have completed the installation.”

“Just press this button while cooking.”

“When you’re done, press this button.”

“When the lights are on, the electricity is on.”

Just when a few people were talking and laughing.

The master who installed the furniture has already installed it.

He also gave Li Mu and the three of them a detailed introduction.

“There’s a problem, you’re calling me!”

“There’s my phone on here!”

The installer pointed to a line of phones under the stove and said.

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