
On board, with Tina starting the yacht.

There was a sudden whistle on the yacht.

A group of people all felt very curious.

Following the whistle, he walked towards the second deck.

As for Li Mu, he walked to the sheep’s head of the Golden Meili.

“Well, it’s a pity for this boat.”

Standing on the sheep’s head, feel the Golden Melly slowly starting.

Li Mu couldn’t help but sigh.

The Ussuri River is still a little smaller.

As a river on the border between China and Russia.

There is only one Ussuri shoal here!

Although this great river is 880 kilometers long.

But two-thirds of it were on the Russian side.

And because this river serves as a border river between two countries.

Neither the Dragon Kingdom nor the Tsarist Russians could sail freely on it.

You can only sail on your own side.

The middle part is the exclusive route of the border patrol.

The key and most important point is that there are only three places that Li Mu can go to this big river at present.

One is the Arctic Village above, and the Logu River Village is across the Arctic Village!

If you go up there, you will go out of the border.

Over there is an exclusive river belonging to the fishing village of Tsarist Russia!

They fish upstream every year, resulting in not much fish downstream.

And further down, it is the crossing of the Ussuri River.

That’s a shallow stall because of its geographical location!

It is not until the whole river flows into the Longjiang River in the back.

But it’s enough for Li Mu to play here.

This large river is also more than 200 meters long at the narrowest point here.

The widest point is even more than a thousand meters.

This is also the reason why Li Mu’s fish pond area can reach more than 200 acres.


“We’re going to the end of the ocean to find the Great Secret Treasure!”

On the third deck, Elizabeth and a few girls were standing on it and shouting.

I looked back at the D will of these girls behind me.

Li Mu couldn’t help but think of many flower boats in China now!

As long as you pay, you can rent a yacht directly to go to sea.

And there is also an atmosphere group on board.

After getting off the boat, I don’t talk about anything on board!

The key is not only the atmosphere group, but also the DJ group.

Bungee jumping can be done on the yacht.

This made Li Muna very envious before.

Rich people really know how to play!

The ship sails above the high seas and can be played however you want.

After all, there are no laws on the high seas.

Many internationally known ship jams take advantage of this to make money on the high seas.

I didn’t expect that it didn’t take long for me to live this kind of life.

It’s just that this is not a flower boat, but a private yacht.

“Good guy, the scenery in this place is really good!”

Standing on the bow of the boat, Li Mu looked at the reeds that kept swinging on both sides.

And the water birds flying in the sky of sky 257 sighed with emotion.

It has to be said that it is not for nothing that this place can have excellent air for more than 300 days a year.

First of all, this environment is rarely seen in the world.

After all, it is sparsely populated and there is not even a large factory.

This allows the place to maintain its original natural scenery.

And standing at this height of seven or eight meters.

Li Mu can also see the big meadow next to him!

This big meadow does not refer to the big meadow village.

It’s the abandoned meadowland not far from the big meadow sub-village!

Li Mu’s eyes were all barren grass.

It’s a lot more than the 10,000 acres of meadows on my side.

Li Mu took out his mobile phone and checked, the big meadow over there actually covers an area of 500,000 mu! (Fiction!) )

Less than five kilometers from the village of Great Meadow is the Great Meadow.

All the way to the location of the first bay of Longjiang. The area separated by sixty or seventy kilometers in the middle all belongs to this large meadow.

Because this side is sparsely populated, there is no official money.

So this big meadow was directly abandoned.

It’s been hundreds of years old.

“This place is nice!”

“If I can contract it myself.”

“Then won’t you be able to raise four or five hundred thousand head of cattle?”

Look at this 500,000-acre meadow.

Li Mu’s mind suddenly became active.

If you can raise 4.5 million head of cattle.

Then you can earn at least billions a year!

Although now he himself is not bad for money.

But people, there has to be a small goal, right?

Who can go without going there?

Passionate samba dancers, and white Africans with legs from neck to neck.

Even other women below the Alps are waiting for their redemption.

Where is the most beautiful woman in the world?

Presumably many people will say uklan!

But with the development of the network in recent years.

The most beautiful race in the world has emerged.

That’s the rose of the Caucasus!

They claim to be descendants of the wolf clan.

Full of wild beauty!

It’s just that their population is too small.

Only four or a half million people.

Remove the words of the old and the young, as well as the men.

There may only be 50,000 women of the appropriate age.

And except for Caucasian roses.

There is a country in South America with a national beauty pageant.

The women of that country are also very beautiful.

The key is that people learn the etiquette of beauty pageants from an early age.

Whether it’s body shape or temperament.

It’s all the best choice!

Finally, there is the woman of the third brother.

Although the low status of women in this country is simply outrageous.

But it does not prevent the women of the third brother from shining in the world beauty contest in these years.

I have to say that the women of the country of Asan Ge do have an amorous beauty.

These women Li Mudu have not been saved, how can they not want to make money.

“This is the Arctic Village up front, right?”

The Golden Melly traveled for less than an hour.

Li Mu saw this very beautiful village in front of him.

Isn’t that small?

Doesn’t it mean that there are only twenty-six families in this village?

Li Mu stood at the bow of the boat, put his hand on his eyebrow, and looked at the village.

This village was built on a village by the river.

Li Mu counted with a frown.

There are 26 families there.

2,600 households, right?

Two-story European-style buildings spread across hills on the edge of the Ussuri River.

There is also a huge thermometer at the intersection of the village.

Li Mu was stunned.

There are even many four- or five-story buildings behind these two-story buildings!

“Doesn’t it mean that there are only twenty-six families in this Arctic village?”

Seeing all this in front of him, Li Mu walked down from the sheep’s head a little confused.

Run in the direction of Elizabeth’s side.

“This is Arctic Town!”

“It’s not Arctic Village!”

“Arctic Village has passed.”

“Don’t look, it takes us less than an hour to get here by boat.”

“But if you drive, it will take at least an hour and a half.”

Elizabeth explained to Li Mu funny.

This Arctic village is indeed twenty-six households.

The reason why it can become popular is because of the video posted on the Internet before.

That is to splash water into ice.

This makes many non-believers and curious southerners come here to check in.

So it makes Arctic Village a popular attraction.

But in fact, most people come to Arctic town.

Because the scenery here is more beautiful.

In addition, in winter, you can play some ice sports on the Ussuri River.

That’s what made the place fire.

“So it is!”

“But this place is good, there is actually a winery?”

“Supply and marketing cooperative!”

“Northernmost Post Office.”

Li Mu stood at the edge of the pool, squinting his eyes and looking into the village.

I actually saw a winery.

Blueberry Ice Winery.

There is even this supply and marketing cooperative.

Supply and marketing cooperatives, that is, shopping malls before the nineties. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just that this supply and marketing cooperatives are state-owned.

At that time, everyone was going to the supply and marketing agency with various bills to buy things.

Later, the supply and marketing cooperatives were slowly canceled.

I didn’t expect to see supply and marketing cooperatives in this place now.

Li Mu remembered that the supply and marketing cooperatives on his side were canceled around two thousand years ago.

“yes, it’s fun here.”

“It’s just that it takes a long time to drive over.”

“Arctic Village is not as fun as Logu River Village.”

“At the very least, there are many, many things full of national characteristics in the village of Logu River.”

Natasha held her mobile phone and explained to Li Mu while doing a live broadcast.

The Golden Melly, which became a private yacht in China, can be said to be the new daughter-in-law on the sedan car.

For the first time!

Now that there are so many fans of One Piece, most people are very sad about the destruction of the Golden Melly.

Just now, Lin Shiyin took a lot of videos of the Golden Melly.

Let Natasha also move the mind of the straight (BGEA) broadcast.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the live broadcast was opened, more than 100,000 people came into the live broadcast room to watch.

There were even quite a few questions about where Natasha bought the ship from.

The last thing that is lacking in the country is rich people.

“Boss, the front can’t be opened.”

“Our ship is too high, we can’t cross this bridge.”

As the Golden Merry slowed down.

Tina stepped out of the cockpit.

“Then let’s go back!”

“Just go back and see Arctic Village and Luogu River Village!”

Li Mu looked at the bridge in front of him, and he really couldn’t get through.

A normal fishing boat is thirty or forty centimeters higher than the surface of the river.

His golden Merry is eleven meters tall.

In addition to the height of the sails will only go higher!

It’s normal if you can’t get by.

“Okay, let’s go back and pass by Luogu River Village first!”

Tina nodded, said two words to Li Mu and ran down again.

Luoguhe Village, this village was originally during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty.

Many people from Lu Province came here to mine gold and clear land.

Finally, the village was established by the diversion of the Ussuri River.

This branch of the Ussuri River was originally called the Luofeng River!

Because turtle and salmon are produced here.

Later, everyone established a village here.

Thinking that the Luofeng River was not elegant, it was changed to the current Luogu River.

The village is not very big either.

It was almost fifty kilometers away from the Arctic Village that Li Mu and the others had just passed.

Of course, this is talking about the distance traveled on land.

If it were above the Ussuri River, it would certainly not be that far.

After all, walking on the Ussuri River is driving in a straight line.

“Okay, you guys wait for me here!”

“It’s not good for you to enter people’s villages wearing this outfit.”

“I’ll go in and take a look and come straight out.”

“No more than half an hour at most!”

Between talking and laughing, everyone came directly to this Luogu River Village.

The village was built on a bare hill.

Behind the hill is a field of cultivation.

Li Mu looked at the distribution of these houses in front of him.

It is estimated that the maximum number of households is no more than sixty.

“Then I’ll accompany you to take a look!”

Wang Jiayi followed Li Mu off the boat.

The others changed their clothes, and Elizabeth and Wang Jiayi and Tina did not change their clothes.

Tina and Elizabeth were in a hurry to get their driver’s licenses.

So there was simply no time to change clothes.

Only Wang Jiayi’s three girlfriends changed their clothes.

Also, where do people like Natasha and others have swimsuits in this village!

Although bikinis are now worn everywhere.

But in the eyes of the rural elders, this is bad customs.

So in the countryside do not dare to wear such clothes.

“I’ll go too!”

Watching Wang Jiayi follow Li Mu’s side.

Elizabeth also ran straight from the ship.

She wanted to show Li Mu.

I don’t know what happened these two days.

Li Mu is getting stronger and stronger.

It made Elizabeth feel a little kidney deficiency.

There are so many leprechauns living in the plus house.

I’m afraid that Li Mu can’t help but go out and steal food!

Now I see that Wang Jiayi actually went out alone with Li Mu.

Elizabeth ran straight up!

As soon as he gave Li Mu’s arm, he clamped his own will.

“Okay, let’s go and see it together!”

The three people, talking and laughing, came directly to the village of Luoguhe.

Like the Great Meadow Sub-village, there are many people sitting in the shade under the roots of the trees playing cards at the entrance of the village!

It’s just that all the buildings in this village are built on a straight line.

Li Mu took a closer look.

There are still many shops on both sides of the street!

The doors of these shops are all with large signs hanging on the side of the road.




Apart from these three, Li Mu really hadn’t seen anything else.

It can be said that almost every household in this village has this kind of sign hanging at the gate.

Let Li Mu can’t help but shout a good guy in his heart!

This is the whole village eating the benefits of the Internet celebrity village.

And this village does not have much to do with ethnicity.

It’s just that at the entrance of the village it says Longjiang First Village!

Logu River Village!

At that time, there will be many big trees on the side of the road.

Looks like the view is ok!

“Okay, it’s not interesting!”

“Let’s go back!”

Frowning, he stood at the entrance of the village and looked into the village.

Li Mu couldn’t help but be a little disappointed.

Sure enough, Internet celebrity attractions are Internet celebrity attractions.

There is simply no room for hope.

Especially now it’s summer.

Let the advantages of Luogu River Village not play out at all!


Even Wang Jiayi, who was beside Li Mu, couldn’t help but shake his head!

It seems that when I go back, I still have to develop my own farm.

Originally, the Great Meadow Sub-village was not included in the tourism circle because of the Northern Lights Farm.

If you develop it yourself.

Then there will definitely be people who come here.

In the early stage, if there are one or two hundred people, their own homestay can be received.

When the villagers in the back have money, they can build homestays every house!

At that time, there will be more people who can receive them.

Forget it, don’t think so much.

Li Mu shook his head and returned to the ship with the two women in less than ten minutes.

“This place is really not as good as our big meadow village.”

“When this winter comes, I hope that our big meadow village can also have some tourists.”

After getting on the boat, looking at the puzzled eyes of others, Li Mu helplessly explained two sentences.

It seems that I really did something this winter.

Helicopters, ice play items.

As well as their own high-end homestays and high-end ingredients.

This is all the capital to develop the Northern Lights farm by yourself!

Anyway, everyone came here to play.

A hundred bucks by helicopter, who can endure this temptation!

【Ding: Detected that the lord found the farm treasure*1! 】 】

[Treasure: Siberian tiger! ] 】

[Weight: 220 kg for male tiger, 145 kg for magnetic tiger! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the Beast Whisperer! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining two Enlightenment Pills! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the helicopter pilot*20! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the yacht butler team*1! ] 】


As the Golden Meli had just started, Li Mu’s mind remembered the system’s prompt sound!

“Siberian tiger?”

“Siberian tigers are also farm treasures?”

PS: Although there are no updated ten chapters, these eight are 40,000 words.

Also, ask for a dollar tip, thank you all!.

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