“Of course, talk about hygiene!”

“And it can also keep these two tigers from cavities!”


Li Mu explained to his mother.

“Okay, you guys are playing here.”

“I’ll go back and change my clothes first!”

Li Mu’s clothes were directly torn apart when he beat the tiger just now.

I still wear a pair of beach pants.


So Li Mu planned to go back and change his clothes.

In the system to see what rewards you have not claimed.

Especially those livestock, you must quickly receive it.

Otherwise, tomorrow my two sons will starve.

The point is that in addition to these two tigers, bears also eat meat.

This thing eats a lot a day.

So these three pets are all big cooks on Li Mu’s side!

Although Xiong Er can’t eat meat now.

Back in the room, Li Mu directly lay on the bed and directly opened the system warehouse to look up.

In addition to the livestock, there were twenty helicopter pilots.

As well as the yacht butler team did not collect it.

There were also two supercars that were not claimed.

These two supercars Li Mu did not plan to get them.

Now neither of these supercars can run at all.

The practicality is simply not great.

It’s better to wait until you open other territories behind you.

In giving these two supercars to get out.

In this way, he can gallop directly abroad.

It’s exciting to think about!

However, these livestock words can be taken out directly.

“System, I will directly give it to all the livestock!”

Li Mu clicked the OK button and took out all the animals.

Now the person who specializes in livestock breeding on Li Mu’s side is Ivanov.

Last time, Li Mu also asked Ivanov to directly recruit ten people.

Maybe these ten people are not enough.

It’s better in the summer.

These animals can be directly given to the large meadow to eat pasture.

But in winter, the ice and snow here must be artificially fed.

These ten people basically did not have enough food to transport.

But now if you take out these animals yourself.

Then he will have to let his old man Trev go to the grain warehouse in the city to buy grain.

More than 10,000 cows need a lot of food!

Now the meadow has not been cleared.

You can’t grow grass at all, so you need to quickly clear the big meadow.

Then plant the pasture.

Although it is now August.

But the grass can grow in half a month!

It can rise to more than a meter in a month.

You can also let these animals eat until the end of October.

When it snows, you can’t continue to eat.

Just now after planting.

Wait until the end of September to get grass.

Grass mining is a technical term among herders.

When there is enough pasture, everyone will deliberately set aside a large piece of grass for the livestock to eat.

When it’s about to snow, just put away the grass.

This pasture is the so-called roughage.

In winter, these animals are driven back to the livestock base.

These animals live on these pastures.

Seventy percent of the feed for a cow a day is these pastures.

The remaining 30 percent is concentrated.

That is, corn and so on.

“Hey, Daddy, where are you running again?”

Do what you want, after receiving these animals.

Li Mu picked up the phone and called his husband.

There was also the sound of the wind whistling on the other end of the phone.

“I’m in the city, and I’m here today to get the license plate.”

“After we go back and install it, our car will be able to leave for Lu Province to buy sorghum.”

On the other end of the phone, Trev explained.

“Okay, the livestock I bought will arrive tomorrow.”

“More than 13,000 cattle!”

“And more than a thousand pigs.”

“More than a thousand sika deer.”

“We don’t have pasture now, so buy some concentrate feed back!”

“We now have ten granaries. Let’s buy ten granaries first! ”

Li Mu thought about it, although the barren grass in the big meadow could not be eaten now.

Because these animals are very expensive.

In foreign countries, those high-quality livestock breeders drink red wine and eat high-end feed.

You can even listen to music and enjoy a massage.

However, those devil muscle cows can directly eat these barren grasses.

At that time, Li Mu will directly crush these grasses with a harvester.

Add some concentrate on slightly.

Anyway, these devil muscle cows are also to be killed directly.

It just so happens that in the past few days, they can be directly sold after killing them.

“By the way, Dad, I still have to buy a car body.!”

“We’ve bought another twenty high-horsepower tractors.”

Li Mu suddenly remembered the twenty tractors in his farm.

It can just be used to pull up the barren grass in the meadow.

So it’s just right to buy it back directly for the body.

“Okay, then I’ll go and buy it directly.”

“But there may not be a lot of food now.”

“I’ll take a look!”

“Now these grain depots are emptying their stocks at this time.”

“Ready to receive the new grain that is about to be harvested.”

“I’ll go over and take a look first.”

With that, Trev hung up the phone.

This is also true.

It’s the end of July.

In just over a month, new grain will be harvested.

So grain depots are now cleaning up last year’s stocks.

In this place of Mohe City, because everyone grows corn.

So basically the harvest starts after mid-September.

The harvest will be completed in early October.

After harvesting the corn, everyone has to clear all the corn stalks out of the ground.

This is also a big project.

Especially the big meadow sub-village on Li Mu’s side.

It’s right on the edge of a primeval forest.

Don’t dare to burn the land with fire.

Because the risk is too great.

If one is not done well, it will burn the primeval forest.

If this primeval forest were on fire.

That’s no joke.

So the official will not let everyone burn the waste.

Everyone can only pull the corn stalk back to their homes.

Those who raise cattle at home will also give them directly to the cows.

This corn stalk is also a very good feed for old cattle.

Evening, after eating a meal.

Li Mu finally saw his old man.

His old man brought more than a dozen grain trucks to Li Mu’s farm.

“Son-in-law, this is the grain I bought in the grain warehouse.”

“Here are twenty tons of corn.”

“A ton of corn costs 2,400 dollars.”

“Today they don’t have that many trucks.”

“Tomorrow we can go over and pull the corn ourselves.”

Trev pointed to Li Mu and introduced the grain trucks behind.

“Okay, then daddy, you can take someone over and put it in the granary!”

“Let’s continue to buy tomorrow!”

“Let’s buy all thirty granaries first.”

“Almost three hundred tons.”

Li Mu simply calculated.

Even if only six thousand cattle are left on his side.

That cow ate about ten pounds of corn a day.

A day is 60,000 catties, that is, 30 tons.

This month is almost a hundred tons.

Winter here lasts six months.

It will take time to grow grass in April of the following year.

So prepare at least six months of food yourself.

That’s six hundred tons of grain!

And that’s not counting myself going to the grass in a few days!

“Okay, then I’ll go straight there.”

The old man Trev nodded.

With the convoy, they headed towards the granary.

As for Li Mu’s own cultivated fields.

Li Mu did not plan to grow corn.

Many vegetables are now much more expensive than corn.

Garlic can be grown in April and May.

When the garlic is ripe and ready to be harvested, you can grow jade cabbage.

Garlic now costs more than a dollar.

It is definitely the first choice for Li Mu planting.

In the evening, after eating the night, Li Mu came to the e-sports room and began to play the game.

Others went out and out.

Now there are two tigers in the house.

I’m not afraid to encounter other beasts on the road. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, Li Mu also relieved that the people in the family took the tiger out to play.

These two tigers have now been completely subdued by Li Mu.

After all, they knew that Li Mu had good things here.

And their IQ was also improved by Li Mu.

A full meal or a full meal, they can still clearly distinguish this matter.

Back in the e-sports room, Li Mu directly turned on the computer.

Went straight to Station B and took a look at the Northern Lights Farm.

Unexpectedly, this Northern Lights Farm account actually has more than 200,000 fans.

Li Mu clicked in and found that this account had only posted four videos.

The first is the introduction to the Northern Lights Farm.

However, this brief introduction only introduces the specific location of the Northern Lights Farm.

The second video is a video taken by Wang Jiayi and her sisters to build a grain storage silo.

The third is the aurora, and the fourth is just uploaded.

Video of Li Mu hitting the tiger.

And the title and its vigor!

The first wrist of the national uniform Hao applied to play!

One punch for a wild Siberian tiger!

What made Li Mu look confused.

However, there are quite a few comments on this.

Not to mention, this Wang Jiayi really has two strokes.

The video clips are really good.

It begins with a giant aurora symbol.

Blue-green gradient Northern Lights farm in five big words.

There is also a polar bear logo on it.

Needless to say, it looks pretty cute.

Decided, in the future, this will be the symbol of the Northern Lights farmhouse.

When you sell your goods later, the packaging uses this logo.

Li Mu clicked on the video and watched it.

Don’t say, the girl named Su Yun has a very good voice.

Very magnetic royal sister voice.

Introducing the Northern Lights Farm.

“No wonder, this team wants to take Su Yun with them specifically.”

Li Mu nodded, and there were four people in Wang Jiayi’s team.

Among them, Wang Jiayi specializes in video editing.

Lin Shiyin, on the other hand, is responsible for shooting videos and photos.

Even that Li Miao, who has a very low sense of existence.

I am also proficient in English and can translate these videos and send them to the Internet.

Only this Su Yun Li Mu has never known what she does exactly.

Now Li Mu knows.

Because of her voice, Li Mu directly became famous.

It stood up in an instant.

“Good, good!”

Listening to Su Yun’s exceptionally magnetic royal sister voice.

Li Mu couldn’t help but nodded, not saying anything else.

With this voice, Su Yun was able to gain millions of fans.

It’s really this sound that makes people listen to it crispy and numb.

Very feeling!

After watching all four videos for myself.

Li Mu couldn’t help but nod.

What do these videos say.

Although the editing is very good.

But it’s basically impossible to get a big fire.

It can only be regarded as above average.

Unless it’s something like aurora and fighting tigers yourself.

Otherwise, with Su Yun’s voice, it would be good to gain millions of fans at most.

But that’s okay.

Those breaking point videos are all with a dedicated team.

Whether it’s from shooting or marketing.

All have a dedicated marketing team.

There are only four people on his side, which can be regarded as okay.

You can only accumulate fans little by little.

That’s okay too.

After turning off the video.

Li Mu opened the game and began to play.

This was also requested by Li Mu himself.

Give your sword soul every day.

Play by yourself for a while.

With the equipment of the sword soul, Li Mu can play in a maximum of twenty minutes.

No time wastes either.

Otherwise, it would have been someone else playing for themselves.

Then Li Mu’s money was spent in vain.

So Li Mu wanted to experience it himself.

In fact, Li Mu also took advantage of the current version.

Previously, the amplification equipment was directly hardened.

The few pieces of equipment of the big horse monkey are the same level as Li Mu.

Basically each one cost seven or eight million.

Now the materials are cheap, and the contents are cheaper.

Therefore, Li Mucai spent less.

In addition to the luck of the big horse monkey.

This allowed Li Mu to successfully increase the amount of equipment.

After playing for twenty minutes, Li Mu went directly to the order to prepare to wash and sleep.

Tomorrow I will go to receive the livestock and the two teams.

There are quite a few things.

Twenty pilots of the helicopter.

Now there is not even a place to live.

And the staff dormitory has not yet been built.

In addition to that team of housekeepers on board.

It is also so that there is no place to live.

However, if there are not many people, they can stay on the ship for a few days.

When the staff dormitory is established later, you can live directly in the staff dormitory.

It’s not like people from the village, you can go home and live directly.

Li Mu could only find a place for them.

However, this matter can also be helped by your husband-in-law first.

Almost every home in the village is now habitable.

It’s like Li Mu’s husband’s home.

There are two rooms with east and west. (Okay)

One room is Elizabeth’s.

The other room belonged to the old man and mother-in-law.

The torches in the countryside are relatively large.

Who is on six or seven people without any problems!

At that time, Li Mu can directly contribute money.

Let these people live in the homes of the villagers first.

Staff dormitories can be accommodated in a maximum of seven days.

They are all made of very high-end materials.

A condition that does not cause leukemia in people.

Therefore, Li Mu also let these people live at ease.

It’s just the furniture inside.

It may be necessary for these people to buy it themselves.

Anyway, these people are system people.

Although the identity procedures are very complete.

Including their past, it is a fiction of the system.

Except for Li Mu, they didn’t have anywhere to go here at all.

Li Mu also planned to let them live in the staff dormitory first.

Furniture or something, Li Mu paid for it, let them buy it themselves.

Later, Li Mu can buy some houses or homesteads in the village that others do not want.

Let these people live in the village.

Although these people are system people.

But it is also to get married, marry and have children.

If the good-looking young lady Li Mu can still accept it for them.

But the man’s words are still forgotten.

Li Mu doesn’t have that kind of love yet.

Li Mu looked at the time, and it was already past ten o’clock in the evening.

Several women in the family have not yet returned.

Li Mu did not wait for them either.

Anyway, there are dumplings and rice balls around them.

There will be no danger either.

In addition, they are still in the village.

Li Mu was even more relieved.

So Li Mu took a bath.

Got straight into the bed.

I started to rest.

At this time, just when Li Mu was preparing to rest.

Inside the village, a group of people are sitting under a large tree listening to Elizabeth tell about the farm.

Especially the helicopter also has the origin of these two tigers.

In the village, 99 percent of the population considers airplanes to be high-end means of transportation.

Cars simply can’t compare!.

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