At eight o’clock in the evening, when the big horse monkey and the others were wandering around the house.

Ivanov walked in from outside with Ma Jingqi.

“Boss, the cows and sheep have all been carried.”

“Do you want to start now?”

Hearing the words of Ivanov and Ma Jingqi, Li Mu nodded~.

“Okay, let’s start now!”

It’s already eight o’clock, and even from now on, it will take half past eight to eat.

Li Mu, who had been playing games for a day, was already hungry.

“Let’s go, we’ll come back tomorrow to play!”

“Now let’s go out to eat.”

“Our beef will definitely satisfy you!”

“Our beef is even better than Sakura Country 5A beef.”

Li Mu invited several people to the courtyard.

These people walked around Li Mu’s house.

Like Li Mu, who had just come to the farm, they were all shocked.

This kind of building is too rare in China.

And it’s not just rare, it’s almost none.

At most, it has been seen among hobbites.

That one is not as good as Li Mu’s house.

“Then we’re going to have a big meal tonight.”

The big horse monkey said with a smile.

“Brother Kun needs to eat more, as the number one owner of the national service.”

“Brother Kun is my idol!”

“You know, when I didn’t have any money.”

“I don’t have a month’s income and work exclusively on the dungeon to move bricks.”

“I only brush fifty or sixty characters a day.”

Li Mu looked at Brother Da Kun next to him who didn’t talk much.

Laughing and pulling Brother Da Kun into the topic.

“And my Eternal God of War!”

“You can pull it down, the big pustule was the mouth that let the family press there for half an hour!”

I heard Li Mu talk about the Yonghe God of War.

Not only the big horse monkey, but even everyone else laughed.

It’s really this meme that is too famous.

Yonghe stands with a big!

“Haha, I’ll just say why there are so many wind methods and sword shadows on your number!”

PS: Wind Law and Sword Shadow are two characters in the game Dungeon.

The skill range is large, and the cooldown time is fast. It is the first choice of many brick movers.

“You are looking for me for this matter, for which profession is faster.”

“I know everything!”

Brother Da Kun introduced Li Mu with a smile.

Li Mu’s number he has also been on. The previous increase was given to Li Mu by Brother Da Kun.

Only after the equipment is formed will the big horse monkey take over to do the program effect.

“Can you not talk nonsense, am I the God of Yonghe War?”

“I’m a good mechanic, if I had this physique of yours.”

“I didn’t say a word, I sent them all to the hospital.”

Big pustule held up his eyes and laughed loudly.

“By the way, do you even have a wireless network in our house?”

“Our wireless network is dedicated to gigabit enterprises, and the speed of downloading things is 100 megabits per second.”

“If it’s link broadband, you can download seven or eight hundred megabytes a second.”

“It’s just right for you to live.”

“We still have an e-sports room!”

“It’s just that there are two computers in there right now.”

“It just so happens that the four of us can team up together to brush a picture.”

Li Mu introduced everyone with a smile.

Then he led everyone and walked outside.

At this time, Li Mu’s yard was hot!

People who know how to cook are all gathered around the stove.

So much beef and mutton, skewered of skewer!

Blanched water, because Li Mu prefers to drink mutton soup.

Sun Maomao personally made a pot of mutton radish soup for Li Mu.

Inside are all Sun Maomao’s secret sauce.

That tastes amazing!

In addition to barbecue, there are also some boiled beef and mutton.

It also has some special seasonings inside.

As for vegetables and so on, these things are all taken from the old man’s house.

Originally, Li Mu also wanted to buckle a greenhouse here to grow vegetables. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Later, I thought that my big son likes meat and wine.

I don’t like to eat greens at all, so forget it.

When the time comes, my two restaurants open.

If you lack anything, you can go directly to the hotel and get it.

“Good guy, I haven’t looked closely just now, this is really twenty helicopters?”

The big horse monkey looked at the twenty helicopters in the yard.

Directly to myself stunned.

To say who has ten eight cars.

The big horse monkey has really seen it.

But who has twenty helicopters.

Don’t talk about the big horse monkey, even Jack Horse, he has never seen it!

“Yes, these are all agricultural aircraft!”

“I can take you up tomorrow to have a play!”

“Although this is an agricultural helicopter.”

“But it’s full of horsepower, and you can seat ten people at a time.”

“I can take you to experience it tomorrow!”

Li Mu explained two sentences to the big horse monkey.

This time, the big horse monkey was invited to his farm.

The main thing is to promote your own Northern Lights farm.

To put it mildly, how much can you eat horse monkeys?

After all, the big horse monkey is also four people.

These things are that the big horse monkey does not come, and Li Mu always eats them here.

At most, it is just adding some bowls and chopsticks to the horse monkey.

But if the horse monkey is live these days.

It is just enough to let the audience in the live broadcast room take a good look at Li Mu’s farm from beginning to end.

In this way, tourists will not come until winter.

This is also the reason why Li Mu wants to invite the longing life program group.

It is undeniable that this show is now pulled.

But there are still tens of millions of loyal fans.

From the beginning of the show to the present, a total of six mushroom houses have been experienced.

Now these six mushroom houses have been hyped up sky-high!

At the beginning, some of Li Mu’s classmates ordered a mushroom house for the second season on the software.

Two thousand yuan a night, and only one family can go.

At most, it is to experience what the guests of the mushroom house do.

Like cooking, farming, etc.

To be rewarded, the necessary effort is a must.

“That’s a good feeling!”

“I’ve never been in a helicopter.”

“Just tomorrow, I will give the audience in the live broadcast room a live broadcast of the feeling of flying all of a sudden!”

The big horse monkey laughed.

“Actually, it can be broadcast live tonight.”

“You can broadcast it live to all the people on our side.”

“But Natasha don’t care, don’t live stream her.”

“Don’t live stream you either, after all, it’s people from two platforms.”

“It’s not good to be in each other’s shots.”

Li Mu explained two sentences to the big horse monkey.

If you don’t live now, when will you wait for the live broadcast?

After a while, the footage of everyone eating their jaws went live out.

Then the beef on his side must not be sold and exploded?

PS: Today is five changes, I owe everyone more tomorrow, it is really a headache.

Otherwise, there would be less on the recommendation. I’m really sorry four.

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