In the evening, after watching the starry sky on the roof of the car for a while.

Li Mu then climbed down from the roof of the car with Elizabeth.

Now only four treasures have been found here on his farm.

This also includes two Siberian tigers.

And the task that the system gives itself to itself is ten treasures.

That is to say, there are still six treasures in the farm that have not been discovered.

Looking at Elizabeth, who was already asleep next to her, Li Mu directly opened the system panel.

Looked at his own task.

The first is to receive the task of the farm, which has been completed by itself.

And there is no follow-up, it is a single-line task.

There are three more tasks behind this task.

The first is to promote the farm and make the farm famous.

Now this task Li Mu has completed the five rings.

“Two Five Seven” is next a hundred million popularity value.

This task, Li Mu, was not sure whether it was the final task or not.

You must know that many agricultural and pastoral farms in the world have a popularity of more than one billion.

However, if this task can really have a billion popularity worth this task.

I think the mission rewards should be very rich!

In addition to this task, there are agricultural treasures and farm brands.

There are ten farm treasures in total.

Now Li Mu has found four.

Especially that Ganoderma lucidum, Li Mu bought it at the original price.

It can be described as a thousand dollars to buy horse bones.

In order to arouse the enthusiasm of the villagers.

After all, their own receipt and payment are far from proportional!

I just paid some money.

But the money you pay for yourself, your own small treasury, you can earn it back in half a day.

Most of the things that the system gives itself cannot be bought with money.

And the last task, the farm brand!

This task has not been completed by Li Mu so far.

But this task is also faster.

By next winter at the latest, Li Mu will be able to create at least ten world-renowned brands!

Thinking of this, Li Mu turned over.

Got straight up from the bed.

Although it is now past twelve.

But Li Mu had things in his head.

Can’t sleep either.

Anyway, with Li Mu’s physical fitness, he can go without sleeping for three or four days.

So Li Mu plans to go out and wander!

After walking down from the car, Li Mu wandered around.

Although it is now dark outside.

But Li Mu didn’t plan to go far!

Just wander around here.

Not to mention, this place is really nice.

Especially now, in the middle of this wood, the wind blows.

Li Mu only felt refreshed!

“I have to say, this scenery is really good!”

With his hands crossed on the back of his head, Li Mu looked at the stars in the sky.

While walking towards the front.

“This is really just about this outside!”

After walking for more than half an hour, Li Mu found that the barren grass under his feet was already more than half a meter high.

And in front of the birch forest, it was actually the wasteland that he had already taken a fancy.

That is, the big meadow that covers an area of 500,000 acres.

Originally, Li Mu also planned to contract this big meadow.

The back can actually be prostituted in vain, so Li Mu put this matter down.

Anyway, there are many people grazing in this big meadow nearby.

It’s not just Li Mu himself who is grazing cattle.

It’s just that Li Mu’s animal husbandry is a little more than other people’s.

“Oops my grass!”

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for discovering the farm treasure*1! ] 】

[Treasure: Sakura Country Small Military Base! ] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the gold AK*2! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the Lord for successfully obtaining the Golden Shotgun*2! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the skill: a hundred shots! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the weapon: Tang Dao *2! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the skill: Draw the Sword and Slash! ] 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the lord for successfully obtaining the wine filling package! ] 】

Cracking sound!

On Li Mu’s side, he suddenly felt as if he was stepping on the air.

Because Li Mu has always looked up at the stars in the sky.

Didn’t notice under the feet.

Unexpectedly, I actually fell directly into a tunnel.

It startled Li Mu.

Especially Li Mu also heard the prompt tone of the system in his ear…….

I actually found a treasure?

Doesn’t it mean that the treasure is in your own farm?

I’m not on the farm now!

The treasures of this place are also counted in the farm?

Li Muli grunted down for almost half a minute.

This is where it falls to the bottom of the tunnel!

Taking out his mobile phone, Li Mu directly turned on the flashlight with his mobile phone!

“I grass!”

As soon as he turned on the flashlight, Li Mu was frightened by the scene in front of him.

Because in front of him are actually a few white bone shelves!

The blinding light on this big evening startled Li Mu.

However, next to these bone shelves, there are actually two forks.

Li Mu hurriedly headed in the direction to the left.

Just now, the system gave Li Mu a hint.

This is a small military base in Sakura Country!

That’s probably eighty or ninety years now.

Now there is no one in this for a long time.

Therefore, Li Mu was not afraid to meet people here.

Just be careful not to touch the mechanism or anything.

Li Mu walked along the tunnel on the left.

It took almost two minutes to walk.

Li Mu looked at what was in front of him and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because in this underground warehouse, there are mountains of gold.

In addition to this gold, there are many other things.

“Receive!” 4.2 Li Mu did not have the heart to look at these gold.

After all, you can’t stay here for long!

So Li Mu directly used the system’s warehouse to put away all these things.

Looking at the empty warehouse, Li Mu went in another direction.

There are no more gold treasures here.

It’s just that there are a lot of weapons here.


Li Mu waved his hand again and put away all these weapons.

This thing Li Mu didn’t plan to take out either.

Let’s wait until I go abroad later!

Although these weapons are outdated.

But if it appears in Africa.

That’s a very powerful weapon.

Thinking of this, Li Mu walked out along the exit in front.

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