Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 124 Talented Person - Eden

After returning to the ground, the teleportation array instantly became dim, and it would only take half a year to open it next time.

There is no teleportation array specifically for energy supply, and it can only rely on naturally free magic energy to replenish energy.

The six people checked the whole body again and found no abnormality. They took off the cotton clothes wrapped around the skin to expose the limbs and head.

"Set off."

Eden dragged his tired body and gave the order, but his tone was very relaxed. They came back alive, and not one of them was missing.

Outside the earth fort, Weilin waited here for seven days.

Thousands of troops have been mobilized around, always on standby, and will immediately go into battle if an emergency occurs.

"My lord, the vanguard team is back." Kyle entered the room and reported to Wei Linhui.

"Come on, take me there."

Verin put away the Druid's Book and walked straight into the castle.

After the six people crawled out of the cave, they sat on the ground without any image, enjoying the warmth brought by the sun.

"Lord Lord."

When Eden saw Verin coming towards him, he immediately stood up, beat his chest and saluted.

The other five people also stood up and beat their chests in salute to express their respect.

"Sit down, don't be nervous."

Weilin smiled and looked at the six people who had returned safely. He was the first to sit on the yellow earth without any image.

Seeing this, several other people sat down cautiously.

"Sir, this is the situation of our investigation. Due to our poor sense of direction, we can only use the direction of the cave entrance as the west as a sign. Please take a look." Eden took out a simple map and a book recording the conditions of the cave from the bag.

Weilin took the map and record book, then spread out the map and opened the record book to read on the spot.

Not long after, Baird came to the castle, sat next to his master, and looked at the map on the ground.

"You, the scout, have the best say in the situation in the Underdark. It's up to you to explain the situation." Seeing his manager arriving, Verin closed the record book and said to Eden with a smile.

"Yes, Lord Lord."

Eden then began to organize his words and explain the situation in the Underdark.

He is methodical and has clear priorities, which makes Verin and Baird nod frequently. He is a talent that can be created.

Half an hour later, Eden licked his chapped lips and continued: "Lord Lord, Lord Baird, this is the general situation. To be safe, I ended this operation as the captain."

Baird nodded in admiration: "You did a good job. You didn't rush in rashly. The unknown situation is scary. If you are not careful, we may lose this important transmission node."

"Very good." Verin looked at Eden and said with a smile, "Next, I hope you will study with Baird for a year to make up for your shortcomings."

Hearing this, Eden knelt down on the ground and thanked Weilin: "Thank you, Lord."

Weilin stood up and also helped Eden up: "You achieved this through your own hard work."

"I value you very much." Baird stood up from the ground and solemnly said to Eden, "The Lord has given you this precious opportunity to study with me. It is also because I value you."

"Send someone to seal the entrance of the cave and leave a squadron stationed here to observe the situation here at any time."

"Yes, sir." Everyone saluted.

Afterwards, Verin put the map and record book on his horse, took Kyle with him, and left the castle.

After Weilin left, Eden thanked Baird with gratitude: "Thank you for your cultivation."

Seeing this, Baird shook his head and said seriously to Eden: "I like you. I will at most improve your position and pay attention to you all the time. And the Lord values ​​you and allows you to study with me because I hope that you will not only I am just a soldier who wants you to develop in the direction of uniting the army. Even if I have the heart to love talents, I cannot teach you these things without his permission."

"did you know?"

"I understand that I am willing to be loyal to the lord for life until death. But without your recommendation, I will not be appreciated by the lord." Eden said to Baird from the bottom of his heart.

"You, you, don't say such things again." Baird said helplessly.

"Yes, sir."

Eden decisively lowered his head and admitted his mistake without making any rebuttal.

"Okay, I have something else to do. I'll give you a week's leave. Report to me in a week." Baird patted Eden on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"As you command, my lord."

After Baird left, the other five members of the vanguard team gathered around and congratulated sincerely: "Congratulations to the captain for your rapid promotion. The road will be smooth in the future."

"Brothers, although we have worked together for less than a month, we are comrades in life and death. I, Eden, will never forget you."

"Captain Eden, take care along the way."

After bidding farewell to the other members of the vanguard team, Iden left the castle.

At this time, a knight attendant led a horse to Eden and said respectfully: "Sir, Lord Baird asked me to send a horse for you to travel back to Qixing Town to visit relatives."

"Thank you brother."

"You're welcome."

After Eden solemnly thanked him, he mounted his horse and returned to Qixing Town.

On the way, Eden enjoyed the breeze and felt more free and relaxed than ever before.

Three years ago, he was just a serf. By virtue of the original promotion path issued by the lord, he became the first person in the army to be promoted to a bronze warrior. He worked hard to achieve what he is today.

He was very glad to have met Lord Weilin and General Baird, otherwise he would still be farming in an unknown corner, living a life that he could see the end of, and quietly leave this world after a few decades.

More than three hours later, Eden returned to Qixing Town, handed the horse to the security team, and then went to the market to buy some seasonal fruits and walked towards home.

Knocked on the door, Eden waited quietly in front of the door.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and it was a young woman he didn't know.

Before Eden asked, the other party took the lead and said: "You are Lord Eden."

"Well, I am Eden, you are..."

"Lord Eden, I was assigned by the garrison to take care of your family, you can call me Adona."

Seeing this, Eden nodded and then entered the house.

Looking at his wife and two babbling daughters, Eden's tired heart was healed.


Holding his two daughters, he felt that it was all worth it.

After returning to the castle, Weilin put the map and the notebook on the bookshelf, and waited until the next time to organize a stronger team to explore the dark world, and then complete the information above.

"Kyle, you can have more contact with Eden in the future."

"My Lord, why is this?" Kyle said with some confusion.

"I just want you to make more friends."

After glaring at Kyle and driving him out, Weilin began to deal with the official business of the past few days.

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