Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 264 The Differences between the Aristocratic Systems of Kingdoms and Principalities


After two months, Angus finally came out of the underground treasure house.

Looking at his father's rosy face, he must have completed the connection with the half plane.

"Father is in a good mood today, let me check how you are practicing first." Angus's irritable heart has nowhere to go, picked up Weilin and went straight to the training ground.

After a loving teaching, the energy that had nowhere to vent was released.

Weilin lay on the ground, looking at the avatar that was beaten up, and touched his face. Fortunately, his practice has improved, otherwise he would be beaten.

Seeing his father stop, Weilin took back the avatar.

In the hall of the city lord's mansion, Angus sat in the first seat, listening to the reports of Dred and Migos.

Weilin sat aside, eating cakes, drinking tea, and studying silently.

"My Lord, the war in the capital of Duke Bogonghan is at a stalemate, with no obvious progress."

"According to the intelligence sent back by Lord Simon, the southern army suffered 150,000 casualties in the two-month siege battle, the expeditionary army was killed and 30,000 injured."

"Among them, 33 gold professionals died, more than 6,700 silver professionals died, and the noble army from the central province of Duke Bogonghan who defected halfway was basically exhausted. Six earls died, and there were more than 30 barons and viscounts under the Grand Duke. In total, more than 80 nobles in other categories died, leaving a large area of ​​unowned land in the central region."

Angus tapped the table with his fingers and said, "Our Highness Allen has started to take action, otherwise after winning the Grand Duke's throne, there will not be so much land to be distributed to so many generals who have followed him for many years."

Hearing his father's words, Weilin's heart did not change, and he continued to eat melons.

If he were in the position of the third prince, he would probably do more ruthlessly than him. Not only would he clear out all the nobles who defected halfway, but even those who were half-hearted would not be able to escape. They would all be cleared out in this war.

"Sir, should we continue with our plan?" Migos looked at Angus and asked.

"Continue. The primary purpose of this war is to push Simon up, seize the title of an earl, and allow the branch of the Ecks family to grow in the Principality of Bogonghan." Angus did not hesitate at all and asked Migos to continue according to the plan.

There is a huge gap between the earls of the principality and the earls of the kingdom.

In terms of land area, the earl of the Kingdom of Ilia needs to have at least 25,000 square kilometers of land, a population of no less than 500,000, and a standing combat force of no less than 10,000.

In contrast, an earl of the Principality of Bogonghan only needs 3,000 square kilometers of land, and the population does not matter. As long as there is a qualified army, it doesn't matter whether you hire adventurers or borrow other people's troops to make up the number.

Of course, taxes are indispensable, otherwise the title will also face the risk of being deprived.

In other words, the earl title of the principality is not as good as the viscount title of the kingdom, which is the consensus of all countries.

In some principalities, some barons and viscounts will grant a knight title and a manor village to powerful professionals in exchange for the other party's military support.

According to Weilin's understanding of the aristocratic system of neighboring countries, no matter what political system is implemented in the kingdom, there is one thing in common, that is, all noble titles in the country must be granted by the royal family, and the object of loyalty must be the king. Other nobles are not qualified to grant lower nobles.

The implementation of this rule is on the one hand to ensure the combat effectiveness of the nobles, and on the other hand to strengthen the authority of the royal family.

For the principality, there is no such rule. The two levels of marquis and earl titles are granted by the grand duke; baron and viscount are granted by earls and marquises, and can also be granted by the grand duke; as for the lower level of knight title, all nobles can grant it.

If some families have strength, they will not enfeoff lower nobles. No one will do such foolish things as weakening themselves if there is military support.

Then, Dred continued to report: "My Lord, the province of Chris currently has 200,000 troops of the Southern Army and 80,000 expeditionary troops, including 45,000 of the Ex Corps, 12,000 of the three battalions of the Rodent Corps, more than 7,000 of the two battalions of the Simis Corps, 12,000 of the three battalions of the Sixth Corps, and 4,000 of the three battalions of the Third Silver Knights."

"What is the specific strength of the 200,000 Southern Army?" Angus looked at Dred and asked in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Dred replied helplessly: "According to my statistics, there are 35 gold professionals, 2,326 silver professionals, 9,328 bronze professionals, and more than 60,000 apprentices, of which 80% are low-level apprentices, and the remaining 130,000 are all ordinary people with no strength."

"This is the result of my training for two months."

"To put it bluntly, if I and Lord Migos join forces, with 10,000 standing troops led by Eagles, we can slaughter all these southern troops."

Angus has a deep understanding of Dred's complaints.

Compared with the southern army under the command of the headquarters, the southern army in Chris Province is really a group of cannon fodder. What are so many ordinary men doing? Are they just delivering food to the other side?

"Two hundred thousand southern troops are selected to extract the elite, with 5,000 people in a battalion, and trained twelve. The other troops are reorganized into 1,000-man teams and sent to the back to farm. In name, the combat sequence of the southern army is still maintained."

This plan is the best for the current situation.

A large part of this group of people were recruited from the southern province of the Principality of Bogonghan. Disbanding them on the spot would cause a series of public security problems. It would be better to make use of them and let them farm.

In the next month, the border between Chris Province and Nandeshalin Province was peaceful. Shank Xirik was cautious and sent small troops to test the other side step by step.

Angus struck hard and ate the bait released by the other side at a very fast speed.

The two sides persisted for a while. When Delaid finished refining the 200,000 southern troops, it was time for Angus to show his power.

The weather was getting warmer and warmer. Weilin took Kyle to search for talents everywhere in Chris Province. As long as they were interested, they basically visited them, persuaded them with power and money, and basically no one did not cooperate.

In addition, more than 20 young women who were capable, good-looking, strong, and willing to sacrifice themselves for the family were gathered.

For the group of single dogs in the territory, he was really worried.

In early April, Weilin returned to Beiyi City, returned to the military camp, put on his armor again, went to the front line, and prepared to counterattack the southern Deshalin province.

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