Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 32 Territory Meeting

Lying in bed at night, Weilin felt more relaxed than ever before.

After two battles, the population of the territory reached 4,000, and the weapons and equipment were greatly enriched. The strength of the knights under his command was improved, and everyone was happy.

Next, Verin prepared to form three centurions of infantry, one centurion of archers, and increase efforts to train knights squires.

Through these two battles, he found that he had too few knights to form an effective charge.

Recalling the battlefield, my cousin's arms were able to command hundreds of knights and knights' attendants, and I drooled with envy.

At eight o'clock, the sweet voice came again, bringing him valuable news.

[Fifteen days later, thirty kilometers west of the Lake of Prayer for Stars, a group of centaurs will herd a group of purple horses passing by. There is a brown centaur with a low-level silver level. 】

The first time he heard the news, Weilin sat up from the bed suddenly.

Blue and purple horses have good endurance, strong carrying capacity, gentle temperament, and can easily carry thousands of kilograms of weight.

The most important thing is that as long as the fit reaches the standard, this kind of horse can have a short-term spiritual connection with the knight and play greater value on the battlefield.

The only problem is that one of the herding centaurs has reached the low level of silver, which is difficult to solve.

"The brave will be overpowered to death, and the timid will be starved to death. As long as we arrange it in advance, I don't believe that we can't kill a low-level silver centaur."

Weilin made up his mind to get the green purple horse no matter what.

Half a month is enough for him to lay a trap on the opponent's path.

The next morning, as usual, a new round of meetings was held to summarize the gains and losses of the previous month.

First of all, Baird, as the current consul, stood up and reported: "Lord, in July, we reclaimed a total of 4,000 acres of land, and the construction plan on the south side of the Lake of Praying Stars has been basically completed. There are two logging sites and two quarries. There are one salt mine and one confidential mine. The population of the territory reaches 4,000 and 200 people, and the proportion of free people is 7%."

Immediately afterwards, Andrew stood up and reported: "Sir, the salt mine can mine forty tons per month. We will increase the number of manpower this month and it is expected to reach about one hundred tons."

"Lord, two sides of the outer wall of the castle have been completed. Due to the increase in manpower, according to the estimation of the half-elf girl Eunice, the scheduled construction work is expected to be completed in two months. Please ask if other construction projects will be added." The knight stationed at the Lake of Praying Stars Randolph stood up to report.

"Pass my order. After the construction of the original project is completed, select important facilities for construction."

"Yes, sir." Knight Randolph bowed and saluted, then sat down.

Finally, the knight Greg who managed the public warehouse stood up and reported: "My lord, so far, there are one hundred and fifty sets of iron armor, six hundred sets of leather armor, fifty knight's swords, three hundred long swords, etc." Spears, three hundred bolts of cloth, two thousand five hundred catties of grain and wine, three hundred catties of fruit wine...30,000 catties of processed mineral salt, 50,000 catties of unprocessed mineral salt, 630,000 catties of grain, one hundred and forty thousand catties "A war horse."

Unconsciously, the supplies in hand have reached so much.

After listening to the reports of several people, Weilin prepared to deploy this month's plan.


"My subordinate is here." Baird, who was sitting in the first seat, stood up, beat his chest and bowed in salute.

"In the next month, I need you to reorganize the army in the territory. The quota is four hundred people. Ten people will make up a small team and fifty people will make up a squadron. Six squadrons of infantry and two squadrons of archers will be formed."

"In addition, urge the craftsmen to continue building three-bow bed crossbows. The more the better."


Immediately afterwards, Verin began to issue orders to the knights with duties.

Finally, he looked around and said in a deep voice: "Hebrew."

Hebrews, who was sitting in the last seat, woke up with a start, stood up and said loudly: "Lord."

"I am going to hand over one hundred and forty war horses to your management and assist your brother in training knights and attendants."


Hebra heard this and responded loudly.

After so long, I can finally do something to serve the Lord.

"This time the meeting is dissolved and Orlando remains."

The fourteen knights got up and left the cabin one after another.

After seeing everyone leave, Verin looked at Orlando. This kid seemed to have grown a few centimeters taller.

"How well have those children been trained this month? How many of them have met the standards I specified."

Upon hearing this, Orlando immediately replied: "My lord, out of one hundred young men, seventeen are qualified, and the remaining eighty-three, according to your instructions, have all been assigned to craftsmen as apprentices."

"It's okay. The pass rate of 17% is already higher than my expectations."

I originally thought that ten of the hundred boys would be qualified, but I didn't expect that there would actually be seventeen.

Weilin remembered that he had seen a survey at Windsor Castle a few years ago. It recorded that the Knights Academy and the Academy of Magic in the Royal Capital conducted random inspections in the towns surrounding the Royal Capital to check the cultivation talents of civilian children.

Finally, it was concluded that for every one hundred teenagers, seventy reached the threshold of becoming a warrior, five reached the threshold of a knight, and one reached the threshold of becoming a mage.

For other rare professions, such as the magic knight Adrian under his cousin Brian, there will be one in 300,000 people.

"By the way, how is your training progress?"

Faced with Weilin's inquiry, Orlando did not hesitate and told the truth: "My Lord, I have reached the threshold of the middle bronze level. It is expected that I will be able to break through the high bronze level in more than half a month."

"Well, tell me if you need anything."

"Thank you, my Lord."

Then, Orlando left, and Weilin was the only one left in the wooden house.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the lake through the window, he gradually relaxed.

The next priority is to set traps, ambush centaurs, get blue-purple horses, and expand his strength.

Two days later, after the territory was on track, Weilin took two knights to 30 kilometers west of the Lake of Qixing to explore the terrain and designate an attack plan.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

Along the way, except for a few goblins, the rest were all brainless beasts, and they became their food directly.

Standing on a hill and looking down, there was a green grassland with some dog-headed people and goblins appearing occasionally.

Weilin took a pencil, spread out a piece of white paper, and began to record the surrounding terrain.

Generally speaking, the two sides are high, the middle is low, the terrain is flat, and there are low bushes and weeds all around, with almost no places to ambush.

"It seems that we must find another place to set up a trap and use bait to lure the low-level silver centaur over there."

So the key to the problem lies in what can tempt the centaur to ignore the safety of the purple horse and follow the bait.

The next moment, Weilin knew the answer.

"Let's go and take a look at the side."

Weilin took the reins and led two men to other places.

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