Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 337 The Tasteless Supplementary Army, Grotto Hills

The whole camp was in a carnival, and the nobles called their friends to celebrate this hard-won happy event in their spare time.

Even Weilin, the legion commander, received many invitations, but he rejected them all.

The deadline given by the Corps Command was to arrive at the Grotto Hills before December 25th. There were still more than 20 days before the deadline. It would not be a bad idea to rest here for a few days and let the soldiers relax.

In the tent, Weilin prepared a private banquet for his subordinates, the attendant Kyle, the commander of the Praying Star Camp, Cassius, the two brothers Orlando and Hebrew, and the priest Lavia, plus himself, a total of six people.

Three days later, the army regrouped and marched towards the Grotto Hills.

During the march, the dwarf villages and towns encountered were empty, and there was basically no trace of dwarf activities.

This is the cruelty of war. The province of Xigas was basically destroyed. It would be basically impossible to recover without thirty or forty years.

As for the West Hill Province in the northwest, it was polluted by the breath of death. Even after being purified by the priests, it was basically impossible to use it within 30 years.

In addition, the West Hill Province has also become a natural barrier. The kingdom only needs to send troops to guard the area on the east bank of the Short Stone Pass, which basically eliminates the possibility of the dwarves attacking from the Gray Wasteland.

When passing through the Iron Tower City in the southern part of the Xigas Province, Weilin received the supplementary soldiers sent by the Sixth Command and a batch of supplies they escorted.

"My lord, this batch of supplementary soldiers has 5,500 people, including three silver knights, five silver warriors, 26 bronze knights, and 63 bronze warriors. The rest are warrior apprentices. 90% of them are just entering the warrior apprentice stage and are not very useful."

Kyle checked it out, came to Weilin, and reported respectfully.

"It's normal. The logistics troops only have the task of transporting supplies. Even the guard troops along the way are all responsible for combat troops. I don't have too much hope." Weilin shook his head and explained to Kyle.

The powerful troops are basically in the combat troops. To put it bluntly, the logistics troops are a group of civilians who have just put down their hoes, and there are even serfs and slaves from other countries.

The kingdom is kind. During the training period, the kingdom sent officers of the kingdom legion to teach and spread the simplest warrior breathing method, so that they can step into the door of the warrior profession.

Ordinary people, as long as their talents are not too bad, can enter the warrior apprentice level in three months as long as someone teaches them.

Unfortunately, the extraordinary knowledge is in the hands of the nobles. It is not possible to simply get a breathing method to embark on the extraordinary road.

A warrior breathing method with only a dozen pages may have two or three related extraordinary books behind it, recording the breathing method, operation method and precautions.

It is not enough to get the warrior breathing method. If you want to go further, you also need the corresponding training method.

Some warrior breathing methods and warrior training methods do not match, and they are easy to die suddenly.

Of course, there are also civilians who create their own paths with their innate talents.

Such people are rare, and a kingdom may not even have one in a hundred years.

This is also why Devonshire, who taught civilians and lower-level nobles for free, gained such great prestige in the province of Kadlo.

"How to deal with this group of people?" Kyle asked.

Weilin thought about it, and then asked Kyle to invite the other eight viscounts and other barons.

"Leader of the Legion." Everyone came to Weilin and saluted with chest beats.

Weilin pointed to the group of supplementary soldiers in front of him and said, "Everyone, these are the supplementary soldiers assigned to our legion by the Corps. You can select some if you need them. I plan to form a separate battalion for the rest as a logistics force."

"The eight viscounts will select first, and then the barons."

"Follow your instructions."

Then, the eight viscounts brought their guardian knights and subordinates into the supplementary army, selected qualified soldiers, and added them to their own army.

Weilin even saw two viscounts arguing loudly for a silver knight.

In the past, other nobles would stand aside and eat melons, but now they have no intention of doing so and secretly select qualified soldiers.

The two quarreled for a few minutes, and when they saw the actions of others, they immediately stopped, snorted, and immediately joined the battle for people.

In the Battle of Aishikou, Qixing Camp suffered few losses, with 335 people killed and 186 injured, and basically recovered.

Half an hour later, the eight viscounts picked and chose, and finally took 1,500 people.

As for the remaining 4,000 supplementary soldiers, in their eyes, they were only slightly better than the young and strong farmers who had just put down their farm tools. If they were incorporated into their own army, they were really afraid that their army would have problems during the battle.

After the viscount finished his selection, Weilin asked the baron to come forward to select.

In the end, 2,500 supplementary soldiers were left.

"Cassius, put this group of people together with the disabled soldiers, and let the disabled soldiers serve as officers at all levels, and let Viscount Edger command them, and they will be responsible for transporting military rations in the future."

"In addition, you have people pay attention to these people. If you find talents worth cultivating, you can absorb them into the Qixing Camp after investigation."

"Yes, my lord."

Cassius beat his chest and saluted, then strode to the back of the army.

After resting for three hours, the legion continued to set off.

The Ilia Kingdom marched for two days and one night, and then rested for one night.

This marching code was basically adopted by other noble armies.

The more elite kingdom army, the soldiers' strength is naturally higher than that of the noble army, and they can basically march for four days and three nights and rest for one night.

What's more, they can march for five days and five nights, but generally no commander will do this unless they encounter a very urgent situation.

Although the Star Praying Camp under his command can do this, other noble armies cannot.

Naturally, Weilin can only march for two days and one night.

Five days later, 55,000 troops of the 135th Legion arrived at the Grotto Hills in the central area of ​​Xigas Province.

Weilin patted the red phosphorus horse and brought a dozen guards to a hill more than 30 meters high, from which he could see the entire Grotto Hills.

Grotto Hills, a thousand years ago, was an active mining base of the Ironforge Dwarf Mountain Kingdom.

After 800 years of mining, it was finally exhausted 200 years ago, and this place was abandoned and gradually became a habitat for various plants and beasts.

However, after the ravages of war, the cave hills are now basically bare, and everything that can be burned has been burned. I think it was done by the previous clearing troops.

Weilin pointed to a huge pit more than ten kilometers away and said to Kyle: "That place should be done by the 128th Legion of the 26th Corps. Five thousand mages jointly cast a large-scale strategic magic [Fire Storm], which directly changed the terrain here."

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