Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 397 Changes in Qixing Territory 1

The wide road was paved with stone slabs and could accommodate eight four-wheeled carriages.

There were countless caravans passing through the passages on both sides of the road, heading to Qixing City in groups.

"I remember there seemed to be a hill more than 30 meters high next to it." Weilin pointed to the fertile land in the northwest and asked Kyle.

"My Lord, there was indeed a hill here seven years ago, and it should have been flattened by General Baird." Kyle searched his memory and answered immediately.

"Good fellow, Baird will not turn the area around Qixing City into a plain in these seven years." Weilin was a little surprised. Within the range of vision, except for the 100-meter hill that supported the old castle, there were almost no low hills in other directions.

Qixing City, more than 30 kilometers away, can be seen from here.

After getting off the red phosphorus horse, Weilin came to the left side of the road, looking at the clear river in the ditch, and then looking into the distance. It should be coming from the tributary of the Yellowstone River more than 100 kilometers away, and there are fish swimming in it.

Every 100 meters on this road, there is a place to store garbage, which is handled by the nearest farmers.

Weilin squatted down, took off his gloves, and reached out to touch the clear river. Several green fish surrounded Weilin's hand and spit clear water.

The orderly army stood straight on the road. On both sides of the road, whether it was merchants, pedestrians, or adventurers from afar, they all lowered their heads and dared not keep their eyes on the young man by the river.

Looking at the crowd walking in fear, Weilin smiled. Although he still looks young, his actual age is older than most of the middle-aged people here.

"It's really shocking. Baird's administrative efficiency is a bit scary."

"My Lord, General Baird is worthy of this title. He has managed Qixing Territory in an orderly manner." Orlando stood aside, admiring the surrounding scenery and exclaimed.

Extending from the road to both sides, each piece of land has a detailed plan, which piece is planted with grain, which piece is planted with yam, or a fruit forest, all in a staggered manner.

"In the hands of Baird, the "designer", I can't wait to see the full picture of Qixing City."

Weilin jumped on his horse and continued to move forward.

More than 4,000 troops of the Qixing Camp lined up in a row of six people, marching towards Qixing City.

The crowd in front took the initiative to retreat to the side of the road and let the road go.

The news of the truce between the Kingdom of Elijah and the Ironforge Dwarf Mountain Kingdom has spread throughout the kingdom. Even civilians in remote mountainous areas know that the war that has lasted for many years has ended.

Unknowingly, twenty years have passed.

Thinking back to the past, when he first came here, it was still a wilderness, with monster clans such as goblins and dog-headed men living here.

The marching speed was not fast. After entering his own territory, Weilin wanted to slowly appreciate the changes around him.

Three hours later, they arrived at the foot of Qixing City.

The Qixing City garrison had cleared the road, and Baird led the important personnel of the territory to wait here for a long time.

Standing in front were his own guardian knights and their families.

After that were the second batch of important talents discovered.

After that were capable officials and officers, who were very unfamiliar, and Weilin had basically not seen them.

"My lord, welcome back." Baird put his right hand on his chest and bowed his head.

Some qualified old people saluted with the same etiquette, and the crowd after that knelt on one knee and told their oath of allegiance to Weilin's portrait.

Gray stepped forward to lead the red phosphorus horse and let Weilin get off the horse.

Baird looked at the mysterious swordsman in front of him, whose strength was almost the same as his own. He was very shocked and didn't know where his master found him.

"You really gave me a big surprise."

"You have worked so hard for so many years."

"Master, it's my honor." Although Baird said this, Weilin saw his melancholy eyes. He didn't say anything, but just smiled.

So many things were put on him, causing his strength to be still at the high silver level, which really made him feel a little guilty.

Then, Weilin looked behind Baird, and saw three blond children, two boys and one girl, who were led by Baird's three wives.

There was no timidity in the eyes of the three children. They looked up boldly, looking at the person their father was loyal to, with some curiosity and more admiration.

You don't need to think about it, it must be related to teaching by example.

"Okay, let's go in and talk."

Then, the troops entered the city and were taken to the military camp in the northern city by Cassius.

Led by Baird, Weilin went to the manor in the eastern city of Qixing City.

On the lawn in the front hall of the manor, many maids shuttled back and forth, bringing all kinds of exquisite cakes and food to the long table.

Many of these foods were very novel to Weilin.

After seven years away from home, he seemed a little out of touch.

Baird saw Weilin's puzzled expression and stepped forward to explain: "My lord, this dish is cooked with mountain green mushrooms from the underground world. It tastes slightly spicy, but it is rich in nutrients. It can be cooked with water and any seasonings to make a pot of thick soup."

"This dish is called Toris Vegetarian Meat. It is a mutant plant found in the Gray Wasteland during the fourth development. It contains very high calories, which is equivalent to ordinary meat. It can be made into dry food. Three pounds can provide three days of food for apprentices and high-level warriors. Although the charcoal grilling method used here loses a lot of energy, it can stimulate the unique aroma of Toris Vegetarian Meat."

The two walked along the dining table, one telling and the other tasting.

The others came to the open space next to them, talking to each other and expressing their feelings of parting.

Casius looked at his colleagues, each of whom had children, and his heart as hard as steel began to break. He made up his mind that he had to hurry up.

There were fifty-six dishes on the long table, and the ingredients of each dish were produced locally in Qixing Territory.

Seeing these appetizing dishes, Weilin could see the development level of Qixing Territory and the efforts made by Baird and others in it.

"Give me a rough number, how much wealth has Qixing Territory accumulated in the past seven years." Weilin pulled over a chair, sat down casually, and asked Baird.

Seeing this, Baird said with some shame: "Master, the surplus is not much. The total of various materials is only about 80 million gold coins, and most of them are invested in construction."

"Hahaha, don't show such an expression. I don't mean to blame you. In my opinion, you can develop Qixing Territory to this level and still have a surplus of about 80 million gold coins. It's already quite good."

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