Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 421 Marriage Certificate

"Except for Clara, our family is all here." Angus looked gentle, not as serious as usual.

Weilin sat quietly in the last seat, listening attentively to his father's speech.

This family meeting was very brief, mainly Angus narrated, the others listened, and Ilysis occasionally interrupted.

"Your eldest brother is married, and now it's your turn, brothers and sisters."

"Ortheya, Lisis, what do you two think?"

In response to her father's question, Ortheya shook her head and said, "Father, I will follow your arrangement."

"My daughter, I will give you half a year. If it doesn't work, as your father, don't blame me for interfering in your marriage." Angus said with a serious face, his tone full of warnings.

"Yes, father."

Weilin observed the expressions of his father, mother and second sister. It was obvious that the two "elderly" had already known about the second sister's affairs, but there was no ripple in their hearts.

"Lisis, what do you think?"

Facing his father's interrogation, Lisis stood up helplessly: "Father, it's all up to you."

"Sit down."

Angus waved his hand, motioning Lisis to sit down, and then looked at Weilin with a relieved smile on his face.

Except for his eldest son, he was satisfied with his youngest son.

"Welin, when are you going to get married?"

"No more than ten years." Weilin hesitated and gave an approximate deadline.

"This is the marriage certificate between you and your fiancée, remember to keep it." Angus took out a marriage certificate, held it up with fighting spirit, and placed it in front of Weilin.

Looking at the names of the two on the cover, Weilin quickly put it into the space ring, not giving others a chance to see it.

However, through the micro-expressions of the other people, Weilin still felt that he was a step slower.

Turning his head to look at the fourth brother, he met the incredible expression of the other party, smiled awkwardly, and then sat down and stopped talking.

"From today on, your eldest brother will officially start a family."

"Twenty years later, I will pass the title to your eldest brother as a marquis."

"During my reign, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me. This is a promise as a father."

The few people present were not fools, and naturally heard the implicit meaning from their father's words.

A few minutes later, this short family meeting ended, and Weilin and Lisis left the small room together.

"I can't see that my younger brother actually walked in front of me."

"In that case, fourth brother, then you have to work hard and try to get married before your younger brother gets married." Weilin touched Lisis with his elbow and said with a smile.

"It depends on the situation."

Lisis was not sure when he would get married, so he made a promise easily.

Ilysis and Alicia, who were walking behind, looked at the lonely back of Ortheya, and just as they were about to go up to her, they saw Angus put his hand on his son's shoulder.


"Let her think about it."

"Okay, father."

"Ilysis, enjoy this beautiful night." Alyssa smiled and gently told her child, then followed her husband to leave.

Ilysis held his wife's hand, looked at his father's back as he left, and looked at the sky again, feeling a little complicated.

"You should listen to your father." Alicia comforted softly.

"Let's go back first." Ilysis said to Alicia with a gentle smile.

After returning to the room, Weilin took out the marriage certificate that had been put into the space ring before, opened the first page, and the names of both parents were at the top, and Weilin and Xuemiya's full names were at the bottom.

"Ahem, I don't know what the other party's expression would be when they know this."

Counting carefully, he and Xuemiya had met twice, and the time they spent together did not exceed twenty-four hours.

Then, Weilin began to read the contents at the back of the marriage certificate.

For the marriage between the great nobles, some identity information of the direct elders of both parties will be recorded at the back.

Xuemia Silves' father, Cyprian Silves, was born in the royal family's side branch. He was 153 years old and was a low-level soul knight. He was now the staff officer of the Kingdom's Eighth Knights. He had eight children, and Xuemia was his sixth child.

His mother, Eulalia Silves, was born in the Simis family. She was the younger sister of the contemporary Simis family's Earl Licia. She was 133 years old and a high-level gold elemental mage. She was now the vice president of the First Magic Academy in Krumi Province.

As for his fiancée, she was 42 years old this year, three years older than him. She was still studying in the Ashe Magic Kingdom. She was a mid-level gold arcanist specializing in illusion.

"I don't know what kind of interest exchange my father made in it. I don't know if I have a share." Weilin closed the marriage certificate, put it in the space ring, and began to think in his heart.

If he said that his dear father had no interest exchange with his future father-in-law, he would never believe it.

From the existing information, Weilin could not judge any useful information. He looked at the sky and went to bed directly.

The next morning, amidst the melodious classical music, Weilin got up from the bed, washed up, put on his dress, and left the room.

The day after the wedding, the visiting guests began to carry out the real purpose of their visit.

Weilin came empty-handed and had no business needs. He just walked around and looked around to kill time.

There are many like him, most of them are younger descendants of the family, who follow their elders to see the world and get to know some of the family's allies.

"Good morning, Weilin."

"Ailowen, you look pretty good today."

"Thank you for your compliment."

The two walked on the garden path and had a friendly conversation.

Through Ailuowen's words, Weilin couldn't help but yearn for the Holy Third Kingdom of Dawn.

Similarly, through Weilin's introduction, Ailuowen was full of curiosity about the Kingdom of Elijah and full of interest in the Gray Wasteland in the west.

Unknowingly, time slipped away in the communication between the two.

Near noon, the two gave each other a hug and left reluctantly.

In the White Maple City where the redbud flowers are in full bloom, the redbud flowers all over the mountains are blooming like flames, gorgeous and dazzling, and full of fragrance.

Above the White Maple City, countless brave air knights ride griffins and soar under the blue sky and white clouds.

A unique hand-carved exhibition, each exquisite sculpture is lifelike, showing the artists' superb skills and unlimited creativity.

At the White Maple Knight Tournament, the knights were dressed in gorgeous armor, holding sharp swords, and were heroic, showing fearless courage and tenacious fighting spirit.

Weilin recalled the various scenes described by Elowen just now, and felt a little yearning.

From this point of view, these must be the local cultural landscape of the White Maple Province. I wonder when Qixing Territory will be able to derive a unique culture.

Three days later, this secret and public transaction came to an end.

After the guests left, Weilin returned to Windsor Castle, stayed for a few days, and then set off to return to Qixing Territory.

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