Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 475: Unknown Space, Gray-White Creatures

After coming out of the spring, Midia drew his knight's sword and looked around. It was all gray, and he explored the surroundings carefully.

After walking a few hundred meters forward, the fog gradually faded. Midia's vigilance was raised to the highest level, and he would perceive the surrounding situation in detail with every step. His heartbeat was like a drumbeat, which was particularly clear in this silent environment.

With a nervous heart, I don't know how long it took, Midia left the area wrapped in fog and came to an uninhabited wilderness.

There was no trace of any creature wherever he looked, as if this was a forbidden place for life.

Seeing this scene, Midia squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil. There was plenty of magic power, but there was no fluctuation of life, which meant that there were no creatures such as insects in the soil.

He took samples several times in succession, and the results were still the same.

Midia was sure that there were no insects in this area, at least the area where he was standing did not feel any fluctuation of life.

"There is plenty of magic power, but there is no breath of life."

With doubts, Midia decided to explore a distance forward and set off to report back.

Silently estimating the time in his heart, Midia walked forward for an hour, repeating the previous exploration, and still no life fluctuations.

Looking back, the big tree that he used as a mark has become blurred, like a lonely giant beast, silently guarding this wilderness.

"It's time to go back."

Less than ten minutes after Midia set off to return, a gray-white creature suddenly drilled out from the ground and attacked him without saying anything.

Facing a strange creature that was only a bronze intermediate, Midia, a silver intermediate knight, easily took the opponent's life at a speed that the opponent could not catch.

Carefully observing the surroundings, Midia divided some of his energy to check the gray-white creature he killed.

Its appearance is similar to a mouse, with three sharp claws on its front legs, and its hind legs are shaped like horseshoes. There is a mouth on its abdomen. Even if its head is cut off, it is still slowly crawling, chewing the soil, absorbing the magic energy in it, and repairing the wounds of its body.

"This is..."

Midia dug open the belly of the gray-white creature and took out a gray crystal.

"What is this? It's neither a magic crystal nor an elemental crystal. What on earth is this thing?"

As the lord's guard, he is also well-informed, but he feels very unfamiliar with the gray crystal in front of him.

Although it contains magic energy, it is not what he knows.

He untied the thin rope around his waist and tied the gray creature around his waist, preparing to take it back for the lord and Lord Kyle to study carefully. I believe that with the knowledge of the two lords, they will definitely know what this is.

After dealing with the gray creature, Midia quickened his pace and headed in the direction he came from.

He was not sure whether there would be gray creatures that would continue to attack him, and whether he would face creatures that he could not resist and die in this unknown area.

Thinking of the faces of his wife and two children in his heart, Midia couldn't help but smile. This was the most important thing in his heart besides his belief in the gods.

An hour away from the destination, three low-level silver gray creatures drilled out of the ground, roared, and attacked Midia.

With a piercing cry echoing in his ears, Midia shook his head to wake himself up.

After a hard fight, Midia half-knelt on the ground and stuck the knight's sword into the ground to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

His internal fighting spirit was almost exhausted. Looking back at the more than ten kilometers to go, he smiled bitterly.

"I'm not dead yet, so there is hope to go back alive, Livia, wait for me."

After resting for more than ten minutes, Midia took out the gray crystal from the three gray creatures and continued to move in the direction they came from.

As for the bodies of the three gray creatures, Midia could only choose to give up, or he would die on the road.

Maybe he should have returned after he walked out of the fog at the beginning.

Maybe he shouldn't have come here.

Why didn't the gods protect him.

Will his wife betray him after he died.

Why did he come to this world, should I...

Many distracting thoughts arose in his heart, making Midia have the urge to commit suicide.

"No, why do I have this idea."

Suddenly thinking of something, Midia untied his chest, took out the gray crystal, and threw it on the open space not far away.

The next moment, all the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared. Midia was sweating profusely and lying on the ground, looking at the gray crystal not far away with lingering fear in his eyes.

"My damn intuition saved my life again."

After a brief period of confusion and hesitation, Midia gradually came to his senses.

He untied the corpse of the gray creature at the beginning, carefully plucked off its fur, and then put four gray crystals, one small and three large, into the bloody skin and wrapped them up.

Picking up the package again, he no longer felt depressed.

This was enough to prove that everything he was doing now was right.

Carrying the corpse of the gray creature on his back, Midia moved forward again.

However, outside the fog, a huge monster was wandering around, blocking his only way.

Midia lay behind a low hill, observing the behemoth with trepidation.

The momentum emanating from its body made him tremble.

"The monsters only wander outside the gray fog and dare not go deep into the gray fog." Based on his own inference, Midya had a bold idea in his mind.

Perhaps the gray fog is the only safe zone in this area.

As long as you enter that area, you can return safely.

Turning over and lying on the grass, Media looked at the sky and grabbed a plant with leaves.

As he fiddled with the leaves, he said to himself: "Go over."

"Don't go there."


Unconsciously, he picked off the last strip of leaves.

Suddenly, Midea laughed.

"It's really ridiculous. Whether I do it or not depends entirely on myself. Why should I find an object to determine my will?" Midya murmured to himself.

He realized that his inner self was the most important compass, not anything outside of him.

Taking a deep breath to ease the fear in her heart, Media decided to complete her mission. Even if she died, she would not be a deserter.

After checking his weapons and tying the gray-white creature corpse tied around his waist, Midea jumped up and rushed towards the gray mist at full speed, blocking his own life. Even if he died, he would still be on the way to the charge.

The gray-white creature turned its huge head and stared at the moving ants. It roared deafeningly and headed towards Media.

With a huge body and a terrifying aura, even though her body was trembling instinctively, Midea still did not stop her steps. Life and death had already been forgotten by her the moment she jumped into the pink spring.

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