Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 705: Protect Yourself

Three days later, Kyle led the Thousand Castles Army, the Black Rock Army, and the Badak Army as a "vanguard" to march towards the rest of the cities on the Badak Plain.

Weilin led the 20,000 expeditionary forces of the 15th Army, the 15,000 troops of the Crusaders, and the 7,000-plus people of the 31st Crusade Army, a total of 40,000 troops, and followed slowly behind.

In the barracks, Weilin received the document reported by Kyle, put it on the low table, and shook his head helplessly.

This method of using the enemy to defeat the enemy is very clever, but it is easy for the Beast God Church to take advantage of it.

However, since his guardian knight wants to do this, then let him do it, anyway, he will cover the bottom.

On the Badak Plain, every time Kyle conquered a city, he would capture local professionals and fill them into the Badak Army as cannon fodder to attack the next city.

With the support of the Thousand Castles Army and the Black Rock Army, plus his own strength, Kyle was not afraid of these people rebelling.

In less than half a month, one-third of the land in Badak Plain fell into the hands of the 15th Army, eight cities were captured, 37 towns were destroyed, and 58 fortresses were razed to the ground.

Since most of the Germans in the villages and towns of Badak Plain were relocated, Weilin was relieved of the affairs of governance.

Located at the junction of Badak Plain and Houston Hills, Dobick, the commander of the Eighth Legion of the German Kingdom's Western Expedition Army, borrowed 5,000 people from the Ninth Legion, and gathered the noble army from Badak Plain and absorbed the local noble army to expand the number of troops to 40,000.

In addition, as the commander of the Eighth Legion, he forced the governor of Houston Province to provide him with 30,000 men, plus more than 4,000 adventurers, more than 2,000 mercenaries, and more than 2,000 guards from the Church of the God of the Beast, and the strength of his troops was barely restored to 80,000.

Although the remaining troops on Badak Plain were under his command, the enemy's offensive was too fierce and most of the areas were divided, so he could only let these troops fight alone.

"Sir, the latest battle report shows that the enemy has conquered Grangemouth Fortress. Earl Kegran was killed in the battle. Half of his 3,000 soldiers were killed in the battle, and the remaining few were captured. Most of them fled to the wilderness." An Eight-Indian warrior entered the tent and reported to Dobick, who was sitting in the upper seat.

Dobick stopped writing, looked up at the general who was reporting, suppressed his anger, and asked, "It was the Badak Army who did it."

"Yes, sir." The Eight-Indian warrior lowered his head and answered, "According to the spy's report, the Badak Army has expanded to 20,000 people."

"Damn, these traitors, when I defeat them, I must use fire to purify the sins they brought, and then let the lowest livestock chew their bones."

Facing the enemy, this group of spineless people are submissive, but facing their own country, they strike hard.

To ease the anger in his heart, Dobick calmed down and asked: "Commander Alicante of the Ninth Legion and Marquis Irus of the Tenth Legion, what are their responses?"

"Sir, Commander Alicante of the Ninth Legion is short of troops and is only willing to lend us another 10,000 soldiers of the Eighth Legion."

"As for the Tenth Legion, Marquis Irus did not reply, so he must have refused."

Dobick overturned the low table and roared loudly: "Short-sighted guy, if the Eighth Legion is gone, will his Tenth Legion be safe?"

The Eighth Indian warrior lowered his head and dared not express any opinion.

After the anger subsided, Dobick looked at the messy tent and began to examine his mistakes in his heart.

"I regret it, I regret it!"

If he had adopted a dead-end tactic, how could there be a big rout, causing the Eighth Legion to lose its strategic initiative and control of the Badak Plain.

More than ten minutes later, Dobick stood up and walked out of the tent.

With insufficient troops in hand, he was ready to abandon the northern defense line and give up the flank of the Tenth Legion.

Since Irus, this bastard, is so heartless, he can only give priority to saving himself.

On January 26, 9755 of the Glorious Calendar, with the capture of the last fortress, the entire Badak Plain fell into the hands of the expeditionary force.

In the tent, Weilin looked at Kyle who entered the tent and was refreshed.

“How do you feel this month?”

After Kyle sat down, Weilin smiled and asked.

“This month, I have gained a lot and tried many different ways to manage the army.”

Kyle slowly spoke and told about his gains this month.

While listening, Weilin made some suggestions.

Although he was not good at playing chess, he was far ahead of Kyle in terms of experience in leading troops in battle.

“According to the report from the Shadow Assassin, the Eighth Legion of the Western Expeditionary Army of the Kingdom of Geman has given up the County of Carrigus in the north of Houston Province.” Weilin pointed to the corresponding position on the map and told the story.

“My lord, how long has this happened?” Kyle looked at the map and asked.

"Three days ago."

Kyle touched his chin and said, "My lord, is there a trick?"

"Maybe, but I prefer this to be an internal conflict among the enemy." Weilin answered and expressed his thoughts.

"It's possible that the enemy is fighting internally."

Weilin looked at the map and continued, "The flank of this German Kingdom army is exposed. I plan to use your Badak army to test it. If there is no trap, then contact Earl Russell and join the 18th Army to capture Soller Province and annihilate this German Kingdom army."

"My lord, I understand."

The two of them carefully discussed emergency response plans around Carriggs County, Houston Province, to avoid unnecessary losses.

In early February, the Badako Army, led by Kyle, advanced to Carriggs County in the northern part of the Houston Province after resting for seven days.

After entering Carriges County, the road was smooth. Except for the serf army organized by some rural barons, there was basically no decent resistance force.

In less than three days, the Badako Army occupied the entire Carriges County, preventing a surprise attack by the Eighth Army while spying on the deployment of the Tenth Army.

After learning the exact information, Verin immediately sent an escort knight to contact Earl Russell to discuss a plan to attack the province of Soller.

In the Scrabst Fortress in Soller Province, Irus Scrabst received the information from the southern troops, swept all the items on the table to the ground, picked up the knight's sword, and killed a man. The maid who spilled the tea was chopped into pieces.

The maid's blood splashed on Irus's face, and his eyes became crazy and fierce.

"Go and ask General Gref to come over." Irus' voice was low and hoarse, and his fierce expression gradually faded away.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Marquis." The butler bowed his head and saluted. He didn't bother with the pile of meat on the floor. He quickly left the study and sent someone to notify the deputy general of the Tenth Army stationed in Soller City.

"Someone is coming."

Irus's deep voice echoed in the study.

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