Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 730 Rebellion (Part 2)

On the city wall, Iliff looked at the purple light in the distance and waved his hand to signal his nephew to start the action.

The young knight understood and came to the city wall with his guards, asking the soldiers to open the city gate.

As the earth shook, a large number of troops approached Rostock.

An officer handed over a red ribbon and said respectfully: "General."

Iliff raised his left arm and asked the officer to tie a red ribbon for him. Then he drew his sword and said loudly in the moonlight: "At this moment, the army will rise."

More than a thousand soldiers stationed on the city wall took out red scarves and tied them on their left arms.

On the streets of the city, more than 4,000 defenders tied red scarves one after another.

In less than a moment, thousands of soldiers of the Black Rock Army arrived at the foot of Rostock. Under the leadership of the rebels, they passed through the north gate and entered the city.

"Enemy troops are entering the city, enemy troops are entering the city."

The shouts resounded throughout the military camp. A large number of soldiers put on single clothes, picked up weapons, left the tents, and looked at the enemy troops rushing in from all directions. They were confused for a while.


Under the moonlight, thousands of troops rushed into the East City military camp. All the Germans who did not wear red scarves were within the range of slaughter.

Shouts, screams, and the sound of weapons colliding resounded over the military camp.

The soldiers did not know the generals, and the generals did not know the soldiers. In a very short time, the command system completely collapsed.

A large number of soldiers fled in a hurry, unable to distinguish between enemies and friends, and when they were not conscious, they cut anyone they saw.

"General, we defeated a 10,000-man military camp of the German Kingdom with more than 3,000 people. It can be said to be a great victory!" An officer cut off the enemy's flag, took down the flag, handed it to his own general, and complimented.

"You have to remember that it was General Feirui's good leadership that allowed us to defeat the enemy so easily." The young general folded the flag and stuffed it into his armor, reminding the officer beside him.

"General, you are right."

As more than 40,000 Black Rock Army soldiers entered the city, the entire Rostock city was filled with flames and shouts of killing. The old and weak in the city hid in their rooms, praying that the enemy would not break in, and praying that their husbands would return safely.

In the Church of the God of Beasts, a large number of church knights and beast masters gathered in the hall, looking at Archbishop Mutalin in unison, waiting for her decision.

"Archbishop, the city is in chaos, and a large number of nobles have abandoned their soldiers and are scrambling to flee." A church knight with blood on his face entered the hall, knelt on one knee, and reported respectfully.

"Archbishop, the enemy has entered the city, and the divine shield has lost its effect. There is no need to defend Rostock City. We should withdraw to Geman City as soon as possible to preserve our manpower." A bishop came to Mutalin and whispered.

Mutalin heard this and looked around. Except for some younger church knights, most of the clergy had fear and anxiety on their faces.

It is an open secret that the alien god army has ordered the clergy of the Beast God Church to kill without mercy. If they stay here, they will die sooner or later.

For most people, who wants to die if they can live.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Mutalin summoned a low-level war beast of the Holy Seal, took all the clergy into his stomach, and then put the war beast into the seal, and his figure disappeared in the temple.

Ten minutes later, the gate of the Beast God Church was broken open, and Carlisle led more than a thousand soldiers into the temple.

"General, there is no one on the east side."

"General, there is no one on the west side either."

"General, the bedding is still warm. The people from the church just left. Do we need to chase them?"

Seeing this, Carlisle turned to a soul-minded mid-level arcanist behind him and asked, "Sir, what should we do next?"

The soul-minded mid-level arcanist glanced at the statue in the temple and ordered, "Evacuate this place. The temple of the God of Beasts should be handed over to the people of the Life Church. If you deal with it rashly and offend the gods, you will definitely bring disaster."

"Yes, sir."

Then, Carlisle led his troops to evacuate the temple and went to other places to consult enemy personnel.

As time passed, the sun rose, and the first ray of sunlight shone into Rostock City.

There were Black Rock Army soldiers slaughtering in the city, and Badak Army soldiers besieging and killing outside the city. Most of the 50,000 defenders in Rostock City died at the hands of the Black Rock Army and Badak Army, except for the more than 5,000 people who followed Iliff in the uprising, and only more than 3,000 people were captured.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Weilin rode on a red phosphorus horse and led the army into the city.

Under the north gate, Weilin looked at the noble flag flying on the top of Rostock City and was very satisfied.

This siege achieved the greatest results at the lowest cost, which was a great victory.

"Iliff Mines, the surrendered general of Rostock City, pays homage to Lord Weilin." Iliff knelt on his knees, raised his sword high, and said loudly.

Behind him, more than 4,000 German Kingdom soldiers who had rebelled knelt on the ground and bowed their heads.

Weilin turned over and dismounted, stepped forward to help Iliff, a low-level Saint Seal warrior, up.

This was the first time he had subdued a native strongman of the Saint Seal level since he came to the Nangeshia continent of the Metagea plane, which was a good start.

"General Iliff, from today on, you will be the commander of the Mines Army. In addition to these 4,000 brave warriors, I will add 15,000 warriors to the Mines Army within half a month. I hope that under the guidance of the Crown of the Goddess of Life, you can find the right path."

After saying this, Weilin returned Iliff's sword to him.

Iliff took the sword, inserted it into the scabbard, bowed his head and replied: "Thank you for your gift, my lord."

"Miller, take General Iliff to reunite with his family."

"Yes, Lord." Miller beat his chest and saluted, answering respectfully.

Iliff thanked Miller again, and then followed Miller with an excited look to the military camp.

Weilin briefly reviewed the more than 4,000 generals of the Mines Army, and then waved his hand to let the army continue to enter the city.

In less than five days, the 15th Army took Rostock City without any effort.


In the palace of Geman City, the old king heard the report from the guards below, and held the armrests of the throne tightly to suppress his anger.

"Your Majesty, Iliff rebelled, opened the north gate, and led the alien army into the city. Tens of thousands of brave warriors were leaderless and were completely annihilated by the enemy army without any martial ethics. Only a few warriors withdrew to the palace."

"These damned traitors, I dare not trust them."

Hearing the king's insults, some generals in the hall showed frost on their faces, lowered their heads, and dared not speak, so as not to bring trouble to themselves.

"Send the order down, immediately arrest the Mines family, take them outside the palace and behead them, hang their heads on the outer city wall, and chop their bodies into pieces to feed pigs."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The two guards answered loudly, then turned and left to convey the king's order.

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