[Open the wooden treasure chest and get rat lure powder*7, insect trap powder*4, snake lure powder*5! ] 】(kg)

[Open the wooden treasure chest and get potatoes*3, yellow heart sweet potatoes*5! 】(kg)

【Open the bronze treasure chest and get the Blue Gold Sword (1st Order)*5, Glass Set (1st Order)*4! 【

Open the bronze treasure chest and get the Quenching Fruit*3! 】 【

Open the bronze treasure chest and get the Lingmi Tree Sapling (First Order)*8! 】 Look

at the five chests that open.

Chen Ze cannot talk about being satisfied, nor can he talk about being dissatisfied.

What was opened by the first wooden treasure chest, Chen Ze was more satisfied.

Seven kilograms of rat trap powder and five kilograms of snake lure powder.

Take advantage of the words.

Maybe it can make the rats and snakes go to war!

And the potatoes, yellow heart sweet potatoes, and lingmi tree saplings.

These three crops are also good, they can be grown in the Spirit Plantation Secret Territory, and the food in the territory will be diverse in the future.

As for the blue and gold sword and the glazed suit, it is more general.

Although it is a first-order equipment, in Chen Ze's eyes, it is not very important.

After all, the equipment created by the mid-level refining workshop in the territory was already enough.

At least before breaking through to the first order, the role of the first-order equipment is not great.

At last.

Chen Ze was not very satisfied with the bronze treasure chest that opened the quenched body fruit.


The five treasure chests opened this time are too much worse than the five opened before.

Chen Ze wondered if it was because this time, he did not boast about 1688 and 6666 in his heart, so the things he prescribed were not very good?

shook his head.

Chen Ze took out a strawberry-sized quenching fruit and ate it in one bite.

It is similar to the first time you drink quenched body fluids.

Heat up your body, then drain cloudy and greasy sweat from the pores all over your body.

Only this time the amount is much less.


Even if not much dirty liquid is discharged, the smell is still not good.

Fifteen minutes later.

Chen Ze, who was full of comfort, walked out of the bathing room.


The other side.

Bai Bing followed a certain trajectory and finally found White Frost.

I saw where White Frost was, as if it had been ploughed by missiles.

Not only is the ground pitted, but it is also steaming.

Some places have even become sinkholes.

An endless stream of rats is pouring out of the sinkhole!

And the white frost at this time.

He was leading the rats behind him around in a circle, and from time to time he threw a small fireball behind him.

When after going around in a circle.

White Frost will collect the dead rats, and then throw all the collected mouse meat into the sinkhole not far away....

Obviously, the white frost that threw away the mouse meat was very good and had a lot of fun.

I heard my sister White Frost's cheerful laughter from time to time.

Deep under Bai Bing's eyes, she also showed a spoiled look, she had not seen Bai Shuang so happy for a long time.

See this scenario.

Bai Bing did not sigh too much, after all, the matter was important.

Immediately, Bai Bing's eyes flashed with blue light, and the spiritual energy in his body surged, and three large ice balls suddenly appeared in front of him.


Xu Yu, three large ice balls flew towards the rat group behind White Frost.

After flying into the rat group, the ice ball exploded directly.

All the rats within a radius of ten meters were frozen into rat sculptures and then shattered.

And at this time.

White Frost also accelerated and came to Bai Bing.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"Let's go, go around the snakes first, then shake them off and return to the territory!"

Bai Bing didn't say much, and after greeting Bai Shuang, he took the lead and headed to the south of the territory.

The speed of the two is not fast.

Keep a distance from the rat colony behind you.

View from above.

It is like a dark river, gradually flowing towards the area belonging to the snakes.


Just when Bai Bing and White Frost led the rats behind them to the snake group.

Chen Ze spent 5 units of exquisite wood, 30 units of exquisite stone, 5 ordinary crystal nuclei and 1,000 copper coins.

The simple well in the main building of the lord's mansion and the reservoir was upgraded to an ordinary well.

Upgraded wells.

10 cubic meters of well water can be produced every day!


The water from the well can also be drunk directly!


Chen Ze walked out of the lord's mansion again and upgraded one of the wells.

If it weren't for the enough crystal nuclei collected today, Chen Ze really wouldn't have upgraded the well.

After all, the 6 humble wells in the territory are completely sufficient, and the well water on the trading market is never out of stock.

And the upgrade of the well.

Other resources are just drizzle for the territory, but the number of ordinary crystal nuclei requires 5!

So, as long as it's enough, it's enough to sell.

Chen Ze and Shen Wansan have not upgraded the well.

But that's not the case anymore.

Crystal nuclei for Chen Ze.

It is no longer such an important resource, as long as he brushes a day's rats, the crystal nuclei collected will never be less than a hundred!

And that's the efficiency before.

Now the density of mice is so high, Chen Ze doesn't know, if he brushes the mice with all his strength, how many crystal nuclei will be harvested!

However, Chen Ze still hasn't upgraded all the wells at the moment.

Because of the upgrade of the lord's mansion, 100 crystal nuclei are required.

If you upgrade all the remaining wells, there will only be 44 crystal nuclei left.

Even though Chen Ze was sure that he would collect enough crystal nuclei in the afternoon, he still did not rashly upgrade all the wells.

After all, in Chen Ze's eyes, the upgrade of the lord's mansion is the most important thing, and it is impossible to be sloppy.

After telling Shen Wansan about upgrading the well, Chen Ze climbed the stone wall on the east side of the territory.

"I've seen Lord Lord."

The leaders who patrolled back and forth hurriedly stepped forward to salute after seeing Chen Ze climbing the stone wall.

Chen Ze waved his hand, signaling that the other party didn't care about him.

Stay until the people are far away.

Chen Ze's face showed a worried expression.

According to his estimate, with the speed of Bai Bing and Bai Frost, as long as it went well, it would have returned to the territory a long time ago.

It's just a group of rats on the periphery, and the two of them should not have any accidents.

However, the two have not returned yet.

Chen Ze decided to wait.

If the two did not return after ten minutes, he would personally go to the east to see what was going on.

After all.

As a spiritual master who could release his spiritual power, Chen Ze's flight speed was much faster than that of the two who only had a first-order twofold.

Even if he went deep into the rat group to find the two, he was not worried about his safety at all,

but Chen Ze had no chance to perform.

It was less than five minutes later.

White Ice and White Frost returned from the south side of the territory....

Seeing the two returning, although Chen Ze was curious, he did not rush to the cafeteria to ask Bai Shuang.


The Lord's Mansion Drawing Room.

Chen Ze sat on the first place, followed by Bai Bing, Bai Shuang, Shen Wansan, Zhao Wu, Han Xin, and Ruan Ling.

Under Chen Ze's signal.

White Frost first explained her findings.

Chen Ze, who was sitting in the first place, knew this.

It turned out to be a circle with the rat group, and then together with Bai Bing, the rat group was led to the area of the snake group.

Because the speed of the rat group is not fast, it has been delayed for some time.

It has to be said.

The twins of Bai Bing and White Frost are beautiful and powerful, and at the same time, the brain melon seed is quite smart.

And Shen Wansan and several people, after listening to Bai Shuang's narration, nodded their heads in praise.

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