An hour later.

According to Chen Ze's calculations, he was now about five hundred miles away from the territory!

And at this time below this position.

It should be the center of the rat colony!

Because the rat hole in this place is the largest at most!

Chen Ze did not leave immediately.

Instead, near the center of this colony, I began to observe carefully.

As the scope of observation became larger, Chen Ze found that this group of rats seemed to be moving and gathering in a northeast direction!

Chen Ze even found some silver-haired rats in it!


This group of rats is about to go to war with an unknown race again.

Moreover, the scale of this big war is much larger than the previous time with the snakes!

The exact number is unknown, but the rats participating in the war, at least several billion!

Forehead drop a turtle turtle, too special meow scary.

See this scenario.

While Chen Ze flew higher, he secretly thought in his heart.

This supreme will also thinks too highly of him, and actually let him be born in this position.

Chen Ze didn't believe it.

In the vicinity of other Blue Star Lords, there will also be such terrifying local groups.

So many rats can be dispatched casually.

How many would there be if it came out?

What rat tide is not rat tide, should be raised another order of magnitude, to reach the rat sea....

Glimpse the leopard.

How strong is the race that is ready to fight this group of rats?

And what about the snakes in the south of the territory?

Chen Ze's face was full of question marks, where was he born.


Is it the entire Qianyuan District like this, or is he the only one?


Chen Ze no longer thought much, but followed the direction of the mouse below and took the first step.

After all.

If they maintain the same speed as the rat pack, who knows how long it will take to fly to actually reach where they need to assemble.

And as long as he knows the direction, Chen Ze will look in front at most.

You will definitely find another group that is at war with the rats.

Of course.

It is also possible that there are so many rats, just to attack a single powerful creature....

However, this probability is relatively low.

More than an hour later.

Chen Ze came to the sky above a valley.

The valley is not large, and the distance between the two mountains is only about a hundred miles.

"Is it a cat or a tiger in the valley?"

Looking at the hordes of cats in the valley, Chen Ze secretly said in his heart.

Because he flew too high, Chen Ze was not easy to judge for a while.

When staring.

Only to find out that in the valley, there is a group of big cats.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Just a group of big cats, but their body size is larger than the Siberian tigers in the previous life!

So it makes sense to call a big cat.

At this time.

Chen Ze levitated in the air, looking at the scene below with relish.

I saw this group of big cats, in the dense woods.

All kinds of snakeskins moved and gathered at the mouth of the valley.


Chen Ze was also intently observing and thinking, and based on the performance of this group of big cats, he guessed their strength.

It's not that you don't want to use scan sniffing.

But because the maximum distance of scanning and probing, like the collection range, is only 100 meters!

As the number of observations increases.

Chen Ze found that the strength realm of this group of big cats had all reached the level of non-entry triple or more!

There are even quite a few elite-level big cats!

The probability of this elite-level is much higher than that of countless mice.


Even if the strength of this group of cats is generally high, in the face of those billions of mice, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape this calamity.

It's really because the number of big cats is too small to reach the million-level level.

Average down the words.

Each big cat has to fight thousands of mice!

Even if each big cat can really deal with thousands of mice, will that group of mice give such a chance?

A swarm rushes up, and there will be no chance of a slow confrontation at all.

I'm afraid of these million big cats.

Fight off up to 500 million rats, no more!

After continuing to observe for a while.

Chen Ze began to return to the territory.

Anyway, according to the speed of the rat group, the big war between the two groups.

The earliest will have to be tomorrow night.

At that time, you might as well add some chaos to the rat herd.

At least they can't be allowed to wipe out the cat pack so smoothly!

Because he already knew the geographical range of the rat group, Chen Ze wanted to speed up the return to the territory.

And did not fly the whole way.

As long as you avoid the depths of the rat colony, the periphery can still move extremely fast on the ground.

Of course, when you are close to the territory, you have to fly the whole way.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Although ordinary mice can't even see his shadow, there are high-level mice near the territory.

Chen Ze didn't want to speed up the process of the war again.


When the time came to half past two in the afternoon.

Chen Zecai returned to the territory.

After lunch at the restaurant.

Quickly summoned everyone to the lord's mansion to discuss matters.

At this time.

The Lord's House Chamber.

Chen Ze, who was sitting on the main throne, first recounted his discovery of going deep into the rat group.

Everyone pondered for a while.

White Frost also slowly said what he had probed in the depths of the snakes.

There was no big movement on the snake side.

There was no pursuit of the flock of mongoose that retreated and fled.


White Frost found a black snake with long horns.

Through observation, it can be determined that the giant snake is the leader of the snake group!

As for the words of strength.

Probably around the first order sixfold!

The current bloodline, like White Frost, is a general.

And the giant snake also sensed the white frost in the sky.

Of course.

Just perceived, did not really see the white frost.

That giant snake is also very bold.

Even if he knew that there were people watching in the sky, he stretched his body generously.

The other party gave the white frost the feeling as if he was showing off.

To say it ugly, it is to stinky beauty....

It can be learned from here.

Maybe the giant snake was too big.

It can fly, but the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, so I did not pay attention to the white frost!

And a little bit strange.

White Frost couldn't analyze what the problem was.

The leader of the serpents, the serpent, devoured his men all the time.


When other small snakes come to the giant snake.

The giant snake did not eat it immediately, but waited for a moment before swallowing it.


When White Frost finished talking about the situation he had detected.

All of you.

You look at me, I look at you.

It's not that everyone doesn't believe in White Frost, but they are all curious about the behavior of the giant snake, why they devoured their subordinates.

See the appearance of everyone.

Chen Ze lightly nodded the table, pulling everyone's thoughts back.


The crowd began to discuss.

How to create trouble for these two huge groups without exposing their territory.

Minimize their number.

At the very least, it is necessary to delay the war with these two ethnic groups.

Especially the rat pack!

From the narrative of White Frost.

Everyone agreed that the snakes in the south of the territory were relatively lazy.

So the territory can temporarily focus more energy on the rat colony.

And tomorrow night.

When the rats and cats fight, you can set fire again!

After all, the vicinity of the cat herd.

There are also many trees that can burn some of the rats.

At last.

While hurrying to improve the strength of all the members of the Divine Beast Army, we must also practice the Divine Beast Battle Formation!

It's already speeding up, and according to the outline, I could write more than twenty chapters in these days....

I don't know how well it is written to speed up the process.

Readers want to see faster or slower....

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