Chapter 50 William the Carpenter

The housekeeper Chahar chose the northeast corner of the fort for the construction of the squat toilet.

This place is far away from the gate of Shanlin Fort, and is separated from the inner fort by a city wall. It is also a long way from the main building where Luo Ning lives, so there is no need to worry about the smell drifting over.

After getting along with him these days, Chahar is well aware of his master's mysophobia, such as taking a bath every day, washing and changing clothes every day, etc. He is simply more clean than some ladies from aristocratic families.

But Chahar didn't find this strange.

Every noble has some unique hobbies, and a quiet one like Luo Ning is already very easy to take care of.

Dig a hole, place a pottery jar, and then put up wooden boards, and the simple squat toilet is completed.

But there was no time to build a shed today, so it could only be an open-air squat toilet.

Luo Ning looked at it for a moment and nodded in acceptance.

This kind of primitive squat toilet has no technical content. With the detailed drawings he drew, ordinary people can build it accurately.

"It's basically like this, except the cylinder is a little smaller."

He gave Chahar suggestions for improvement: "There are more than twenty servants in the castle. You have to ask Kalles to make several larger jars. Or you can see if there is a mason who can dig a leak-proof one in the ground." A large pit can be used instead of a pottery jar, which can meet the requirements as long as the excrement water does not drain away."

There is no cement here. Luo Ning didn't know if there was any material that could replace cement for sealing, so he chose a cylinder from the beginning.

"Okay sir!"

Chahar wrote down this suggestion, "I went to the blacksmith shop in the afternoon and asked. Kallus promised that he can make a larger pottery jar, but I just need to give him time."

Making clay pots is not difficult, and even ordinary people can make some small clay pots by themselves.

Luo Ning nodded, "Which method should be used, or both together? Anyway, there can't be only one or two toilets in the castle."

"Also, tell Kallus that the castle will not appropriate the fruits of his labor. I hope he can make pottery jars with confidence and ensure quality!"

This was a small matter. After Luo Ning explained it, he left the scene, leaving Chahar here to think hard about what method should be used to satisfy the lord. ıllıllııllıllı

But after all, he still couldn't imagine using manure water to fertilize. Can people eat the vegetables grown in that way?

Moreover, the master loves cleanliness and is obsessed with building toilets. They are two extremes.

But doubts are doubts. Chahar still meticulously completed the things Luoning ordered. This is not a conflict.

"Let's go and ask the masons in the town." He said to the two servants beside him.

On the other hand, the valet Galen led the guards to the home of the carpenter Uncle William.

The uncle was currently instructing his son on how to build a cabinet.

When he saw Gallen and the guards coming, his expression immediately changed.

The story of Prince's betrayal of the lord has long been spread. Even the people in the town who are paralyzed in bed know something about it, and the same goes for William.

For this reason, he hasn't been able to eat enough, can't sleep, and can't sit still these days.

He was afraid that because he had accepted Prince's employment to build the castle cabin, he would be pursued by the lord, saying that he was in league with the betrayers.

He once thought about taking his wife and son away from Shanlin Town, but finally gave up.

Although William's family is a free citizen, it is very difficult to leave the place where they have lived all their lives in a hurry and live in another strange city.

Fortunately, after waiting for two days, he found that the lord had no intention of pursuing his crime, and even sent the mysterious light magician Lord Elrond to rescue the injured.

He realized that the man at Hillwood Castle might be a truly benevolent lord.

But he didn't expect that what was supposed to come would still come, and the castle guards still came to his home.

When he saw this group of people, William's heart instantly fell into a basin of cold water, and his heart felt cold.

"Sir, what are you doing?" he asked anxiously.

Gallen was in a trance for a while, never expecting that one day someone would call him "sir". This feeling was really... very strange.

Sure enough, entering the castle to serve the lord was the right choice.

Although the other party respected him, Gallen did not forget Luo Ning's instructions. He maintained a very polite attitude and even practiced the etiquette he learned from Chahar.

"Uncle William, my name is Galen, and I am a servant of Baron Ronin of Hillwood Castle. I came here today to invite you to the castle. It seems that I have something to give to you."

Hearing these words, William's nervous heart calmed down a little. He still asked a little awkwardly: "I wonder what the lord called me to come over for?"

In response, Galen shook his head.

He didn't know Luo Ning's purpose, but thinking that the master had been experimenting with that piece of wood all afternoon, and now he was looking for a carpenter, it might have something to do with that piece of black iron wood.

But he learned a lesson from the experience and did not speculate on the information he was unsure about.

"I don't know much about this. I'll find out when you go to the castle with me."

Gallen said: "The master is waiting for you over there, don't keep him waiting too long."

"Okay, okay, my lord, please wait a moment. I will go to the castle with you now." William quickly turned around and picked up the tools for later use.

Soon Gallen led the carpenter outside the main building of the inner castle.

After making sure that the lord did not want to punish him, William's mood improved. At this time, he looked at the main building built by him, and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

There is no greater joy for a carpenter than looking at his masterpiece.

After waiting for a moment, a figure walked out of the main building.

William immediately stood up straight and maintained a respectful attitude.

Compared with the last time he admired the Lord's face from a distance on the grassland, this time he saw it more clearly.

The lord is worthy of being a son of a great noble. His appearance is so noble and handsome, and his demeanor is so calm and elegant. People feel a sense of admiration and admiration as soon as they see him.

"Your subject, William, I am very happy to see you, my dear lord!" William saluted and greeted seriously.

"Nice to meet you, Uncle William!" Luo Ning acted quite easy-going.

Such a title made the old carpenter opposite feel flattered for a moment and didn't know how to reply.

"I came to you today mainly because I have something I want you to take a look at." Luo Ning said, taking William to the side of the black ironwood tree.

"Is this a tree from the black forest?" William, the carpenter, recognized the source of the tree segment at a glance.

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, "Have you ever understood it?"

This question touched upon William's area of ​​pride, and he couldn't help but laugh, "I, William, am not bragging. I have been to all the woods in Shanlin Town, and there is no wood that I don't understand!"

Luo Ning smiled and looked like he was listening.

Regardless of whether the other party was bragging or not, he could recognize at a glance that this was a tree section in the dark forest, which made him take a high look at William.

"The trees in the Black Forest are very hard. Princet originally wanted to use them to build this house, but it was a pity that it was too troublesome to cut them down, so in the end it was abandoned."

"It can't be used as materials to build houses, and people who chop wood don't want to take the trouble to cut it home for fire. Over time, we don't pay much attention to the black forest."

This surprised Luo Ning. He didn't expect Prince to have discovered the black forest a long time ago, and he didn't expect that since he discovered it, he didn't understand the value of the black ironwood.

This really gave him a bargain.

"Uncle William, the servants in the castle say that your skills are good, and I want to see it with my own eyes."

Luo Ning pointed to the tree segment on the ground, "The black ironwood is hard enough to be used to make chest protectors, shields and attack spears. I would like to ask you to make a set for me."

When William Carpenter heard this, he was immediately stunned.

He has always thought that wood was used to build houses and make furniture. He never thought that it could also be developed into armor and weapons.

Hearing Luo Ning's words, his mind suddenly opened up and he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Master, you are really a genius!"

He looked at the tree sections on the ground, and he already had the appearance of armor and spears in his mind. He also believed that relying on the hardness of the black iron tree, the things made would definitely be useful.

William put away his eagerness to try and began to think seriously about how to make it.

"Master, it should be no problem to make the things you mentioned. But you know how hard the black iron wood is. It is really difficult for me and my son to cut it down and transport it home in large quantities! "

Not only is black ironwood hard, it's also heavy.

This tree section, which is just over one meter long, would be difficult for an ordinary adult male to lift.

Not to mention that William and his son had to move all the way back from the west.

"Don't worry about this. I will arrange manpower for you. You and your son can only focus on manufacturing, and don't waste it on transporting and chopping."

"In addition, to help me make these things, you need to keep them secret for me, and I will also pay you extra compensation."

When William heard that the lord not only did not force him to work voluntarily, but was even willing to pay him, he was immediately moved and happy.

"Praise my lord, you are truly a kind and enlightened lord!"

He said, humbly bending his waist at 90 degrees: "William is very happy to serve you!"

"Great, I'll work out a reasonable salary and manufacturing plan for you."

Luo Ning nodded and said with a smile: "Before that, you can take these tree segments back and study them carefully. It would be best if you can let me see the finished product as soon as possible!"

Thank you Mr. Youye Hongyu for the reward, and thank you all for your votes~


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