Chapter 8 Betrayal

Outside the castle, everything for Luo Ning's trip was ready. new

In addition to food, the six carts were also loaded with books, bedding, etc. The weight was distributed just right so that one horse would not be overweight.

If it weren't for the limited carrying capacity of the carriage, Luo Ning would have wanted to pack up all the murals in the room and take them away. After all, they are from Wushanbao, and they must be worth some money if sold, right?

"Lord Baron, Lord Marquis asked you to come back and see me when you have time."

Most, Rulans' servant and the old butler of the castle, was coming to say goodbye on behalf of the old Marquis. Standing next to him was Hallwater, but the latter represented not Wiggins, but Diane.

"I will."

Luo Ning raised his head and glanced at the glorious castle. He wondered what the state would be like when he came back.

After waving to the two housekeepers, he asked Chahar to drive the carriage, and began the journey to Shanlin Town under the escort of nine guards.

Osan Castle is not built in Osan Castle, but is located on the southwest hillside. The castle and Osan Castle are connected by Osan Avenue.

There are some estates (somewhat similar to villages) along both sides of the avenue.

Some of these estates belong directly to the castle and are left to servants to take care of, while some are awarded to canonized knights (the lowest nobles) who have made meritorious deeds.

Walking five or six miles northeast along Wushan Avenue is Wushan City.

This is a large city with a population of close to 100,000. If the citizens in the surrounding manors are included, the population of Wushan City will definitely exceed 100,000.

Because the places where his predecessor visited rarely involved cities, Luo Ning wanted to see a city in another world with his own eyes.

But as we got closer and closer to Wushan City, the stench in the air became stronger.

"What's going on? Is there a pig farm nearby?" Luo Ning subconsciously thought.

Soon, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

The end of Wushan Avenue is connected to a wide but winding long street. Houses of different styles are scattered on both sides of the street. They are basically one-story buildings, and there are very few two-story buildings. ♦☜

If you only look at these, it's just a bit backward and shabby, but what makes Luo Ning the most intolerable is the hygiene!

All kinds of feces can be seen everywhere on this dirt road, including thin, hard, yellow, black, small lumps, and large piles.

Luo Ning was lucky enough to see an old horse stepping over the dung pile, and it was immediately flattened, making it cling to the soil.

Such a scene directly aroused Luo Ning's visual nerves!

"Is this a place for people?"

Although some of the houses in Wushan Castle are relatively damp and dilapidated, the hygiene is pretty good, at least there is no feces everywhere, but here... it's really hard to describe.

"The reason why the castle was built five or six miles away from the city is to avoid the stench, right?"

Luo Ning pinched his nose and looked away, "Chahar, why is this place so dirty, does the castle not care?"

Chahar, who was driving, felt a little strange when faced with such a question, "Sir, why does the castle have to take care of the health here?"

Chahar's wise rhetorical question made Luoning not know how to answer for a moment.

Yes, why does the castle care about the hygiene here?

Can any benefits be gained?

Nobles only care about their own lives, and lords only care about their own taxes.

Commoners or serfs are just tools of the nobles. As long as they don't die, they don't care whether they live well or poorly, and whether the sanitary environment is dirty or clean.

Just like pig farmers, they don't care whether there is anything wrong with pigs living in pig manure.

For a moment, he felt uncomfortable.

Big cities like Wushan City are like this, so what will the scene be like in his small mountain town?

Luo Ning couldn't even think about it.

"Hurry up and leave Wushan City, I can't stand this smell at all!"

"As you wish, sir!"

Chahar waved his whip and the carriage started running faster.

From Luo Ning's perspective on Earth, what kind of big city is a city with a population of more than 100,000? It doesn’t even have the population of a county.

However, the area of ​​Wushan City is not small, and it took more than three hours of stop-and-go for the convoy to completely leave the boundaries of Wushan City.

The farther away from the city, the more uneven the road becomes.

Luo Ning raised the car window and found that there were dense forests on both sides of the road, unlike before where he could still see manors and fields. Now they have arrived on the mountain road in the wilderness.

Considering that the horses had been walking for more than an hour, Luo Ning ordered: "Chahar, stop and rest. The horses are tired, and we have to prepare lunch."

"Okay, sir!"

Chahar shouted and conveyed Luo Ning's instructions.

Six carriages before and after also stopped one after another.

Luo Ning walked out of the carriage and breathed in the fresh air outside. It was much more comfortable than when he was in Wushan City.

He looked at the mountains in the distance and ordered: "Let six guards go to the mountains to get some fodder to feed the horses. The remaining people prepare lunch. After everyone is full, we can go on the road."

"Okay sir!"

Chahar walked towards the carriage loaded with groceries, preparing to take down the only iron pot to make some broth.

After explaining, Luo Ning stepped into the forest.

He was going to take this opportunity to claim the reward for the first day of seven-day login.

In this way, he will have one more knight among his subordinates, and the safety of the team will be more guaranteed.

But before he could take two steps out, Chahar's exclamation came from behind him.

"What do you want to do!"

Then the sound of the iron pot falling to the ground was heard.

what happened?

Luo Ning turned around in surprise, only to see Chahar fall to the ground, the iron pot falling aside, and the guards who should have been busy drew their swords and walked towards him.

Is this... a rebellion?

Luo Ning was someone who had seen big scenes in TV dramas, and he immediately realized what these guys wanted to do.

However, he still subconsciously asked: "What do you want to do?"


The leading man had a joking look on his face, showing no respect for his master.

"Sir, Shanlin Town is too remote and barren. We don't want to go there with you, so we want to ask you to borrow some money to leave."

"You are betraying, betraying!" Chahar understood and became even more angry.

"Not only have you betrayed the Baron, you are also betraying the Wushan family! Aren't you afraid of death?"

Not only him, but even Luo Ning did not expect that these nine "elite soldiers" would betray him.

In this world, being able to serve the nobles in the castle is something that many people only dream of. Betrayal of nobles usually only happens to people with strength or status.

What do these people have?

Luo Ning narrowed his eyes: "You want to kill me?"

These words shocked Chahar so much that he forgot to accuse him, "Killing nobles?" They actually want to kill the nobles?

How can this be! How dare they?

"Hey, everyone said that the Baron is a stupid donkey. Now it seems that you are not that stupid."

The leading guard showed a cruel smile, "If you want to blame, I can only blame your father for looking down on you and giving you so much money, but he didn't choose a loyal professional knight to protect you."

After hearing this, Luo Ning actually laughed, "That puts me at ease."

Luo Ning was naturally relieved.

When he just saw the guard trying to kill him, he subconsciously felt that this was Wiggins' arrangement. It was a very scary thing for a count to be determined to kill him.

However, judging from what this group of people said, the other party was just motivated by money and was not ordered by Wiggins.

The bloody plot of a father bent on killing his son did not appear.

That's why he said he was relieved.

But this sentence made the betrayers confused. In their opinion, Luo Ning was about to die, so why should they rest assured?

"I think you were so frightened that you were talking nonsense, right?"

The backstabber raised the sword in his hand, "Brothers, kill him, and the supplies and gold coins on the carriage will be ours!"

With a sound of encouragement, the guards, whether they were hesitant or timid, strengthened their betrayal hearts. They roared and charged towards Luo Ning.

"Sir, be careful!"

Chahar didn't know where he got the courage. He pulled out the dagger he was carrying and wanted to rush forward to help. However, he fell to the ground before he could take two steps. He tried to stand up, but his legs refused to control him.

He was too nervous.

Luo Ning was also very nervous. He had never seen such a scene in his whole life.

But as a dual-professional transcendent, he would not lose his ability to move due to too much adrenaline secretion.

He sneered, turned around and ran towards the forest so fast that none of the nine guards could react.

"Why is he running so fast?"

The guards were puzzled. Didn't it mean that the Marquis's eldest grandson had been drained of wine and sex and was very weak?

The speed that just broke out was far beyond their reach.

At this moment, he felt something was wrong.

But now that the cards have been shown, there is no way back. Luo Ning must die today!

"Kill, kill Luo Ning!"

The betrayer gathered enough strength and rushed into the forest with a roar.

A burst of light suddenly erupted from the mountain, and a steady, loud voice sounded:

"McSallyton greets you, my lord!"


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