Lord Xue Ying

Vol 21 Chapter 12: Three basic secrets

Dongbo Snow Eagle is crying and laughing.

It turned out to be the case.

With the relationship between the demon ancestor and the owner of the lake island, if it was in the third cosmic era, the devastating soldiers came to the place where the ancestors came to die! However, the masters of the Devil and the Lake Island have long been absent from this universe. Whether it is dead or there are other places, the two most powerful existences of the universe are long gone, and their grievances have spread to themselves. ? Don't you?

"On 10,000 years, the practice will not be achieved quickly." The **** rotten man said that he sat directly on the side of the hall, and he was too lazy to look at the Dongbo Snow Eagle.

"There is no need to compare with a spirit." Dongbo Xueying feels that the other party's attitude is too bad, but he also knows that the spirit is also following the command of the ancestors, even if he hates his Dongbo Snow Eagle, he can only be in authority. Looking for trouble in the scope, he only reduced the time from a million years to 10,000 years, instead of directly rushing to the East Snow Eagle, not his kindness, but not enough authority.

"The devil ancestors gave opportunities to other cosmic life. I am a devastating army soldier. He still gives the opportunity." Dongbo Xueying looked up at the hemolytic secret technique.

Hemolysis secret surgery.

It is a blood secret technique. When you practice pain, the pain is abnormal. The closer you are to success, the more horrible the pain is.

Although I haven't practiced it, the information can be recorded clearly and clearly. The difficulty of hemolytic secret surgery lies in two places: one is the test of understanding! It is very difficult to practice a complex blood secret in a short period of time, and the requirements for understanding are extremely high. The other is the test of endurance to pain. The deeper the cultivation, the more painful it is. Continue to practice under the influence of pain!

Affected by voodoo, Dongbo Snow Eagle is very clear, how difficult it is to practice under the pain of torture!

"Come on." Dongbo Snow Eagle was very calm and sat in the dilapidated hall, began to cultivate.

Mortal, fear of pain.

And when he comes to such a realm, it is more about being a life and a hone to the soul.


As soon as I practiced, the skin of Dongbo Snow Eagle was covered with a bulging vein, and the blood was running.

"This secret technique, the manipulation of the blood can be really powerful." The Dongbo Snow Eagle discovered the magic of this secret technique when he practiced it. "It is a mystery that the foundation of the "Magic Real Body" is dismantled."

Hemolysis secret surgery, erosive mystery, refining mystery.

These three secrets are the test of the Three Devils, but they are all derived from the legendary "Wan Mo Zhen", which is the most basic part of this school.

This ruthlessness is far beyond the six famous inheritances of the Devil's ancestors, because "The Reality of the Realm" is the horror of the ancestors who created the martial arts and made him strong enough to compete with the owner of the Lake Island. This horror is absolutely fascinating... It is said that to be truly successful, the six major inheritances must be cultivated in the first place. This condition alone needs to open up six roads and all have to reach the dominance. There are other external forces to assist, and it is extremely difficult.

It is very difficult to get this school alone, and you must go deep into the three holes.

And the test of the 'Three Devils' is successful.

Because the three secrets are all practiced, you can get the most basic volume of "The Reality of Wan Mo". Although it is the lowest and most basic, it is extremely precious for the Sayādaw. And there are other gains.

Therefore, it is possible to enter the ‘hemolytic temple’, and the Dongbo Snow Eagle feels that he is lucky. Unfortunately, the instrument seems to be quite hostile to the lake island.


The Dongbo Snow Eagle, sitting cross-legged, has a faint red light on the body surface. It is the light reflected from the blood in the body. Suddenly the red light dissipates, and the skin of Dongbo Snow Eagle can't help but countless blood fog.

"Oh." Not only does the skin have **** spurts, but also the blood in the mouth of Dongbo Xueying.

"Hey." The cold man in the blood robe in the hall of the hall opened his eyes and squinted. He laughed a few times.

"How could this be?"

Dongbo Snow Eagle is frowning and confused. "This secret technique is obviously the magical application of the rules of heaven and earth. I have opened up the road. I just started practicing and practicing."

"It is not the secret technique of the dismantling of the basics of Wan Mo Zhen. It is no wonder that the Devil's ancestors used to test the sages." Dongbo Xueying originally thought that he would open the way for millions of years and cultivate with his own understanding. A secret technique should not be difficult, but it has suffered from the beginning. Not only this, but his own deity in the material world also vomited blood, and apparently failed to cultivate.

"Continue." Dong Bo Xueying completely sinks his heart to practice.


Time is day by day, January month, year after year.

Within the bloodstain hole.

The ancient demon is like a huge mountain range, still asleep, and the four guardians of the mother-in-law who are hidden in the distance are also very wrong.

"A thousand years." The robes of the gray robes whispered, "We have been here for a thousand years, and the Dongbo Snow Eagle has not yet appeared."

"Intellectual information is not fake. According to the cause and effect investigation, he is still in that area." The evil spirits looked at the ancient demon in the distant place. "He should fall into a dangerous place in the blood-scarred hole, and temporarily cannot come out." ”

The gray robe female guardian nodded: "We have refining the liquid, and I still want to kill the Dongbo Snow Eagle as soon as possible to continue to refine. It can be dragged until now, and the liquid has long since been abolished."

"Wait." The blue man also said.

"We have enough time, patience, etc." The old man wrapped in purple robes only revealing a pair of eyes.

Their four methods of protection are indeed heart-wrenching, and they are indeed wronged.

After all, their original plan was to refine the successful liquid medicine and continue to go to a dangerous place. But now the liquid is abolished, they can only wait here.

from their perspective.

It is also a new level of the Sayādaw, and the four of them are joined together. Among them, the ‘failure to protect the law’ is even more arrogant. They think that it is very easy to solve the Dongbo Snow Eagle. Who wants to wait here for so long! And I have to wait for it, and I have to be careful... I can't wake up that ancient demon.

"When he comes out, he can't let him die too much." The robes of the gray robes whispered.

The other three guardians agree.

For the life of the practitioners, they have no mercy.


A thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years... It has been more than six thousand years.

Hemolysis in the temple.

When the Dongbo Snow Eagle practiced, the body was shaking slightly, the painful faces were twisted, and finally they couldn’t help but scream.

"Hey, what is the sound?" The cold-blooded man in the corner of the hall heard the sound and opened his eyes, showing a smile of excitement. "Is it very painful, hahaha, is it so good to practice?" This is one of the three basic secrets of "The Reality of the Realm". The requirements for understanding are extremely high. It is very difficult for those who are worthy to practice for millions of years. Do you want to practice in a million years?"

"And the deeper the cultivation, the more painful it is, even the deity will hurt."

“It’s even harder to practice in severe pain.”

The cold-blooded man in the blood robe stood up and admired the slight tremor of the pain of the Dongbo Snow Eagle in the distance. "I thought you were so powerful in destroying the Legionnaires! This is only six thousand years, and the hemolytic secret technique you practiced may not be cultivated. In a small part, the pain is far from reaching the limit! When you are getting big, you know what the taste is... Hey, although I haven’t tried it, I have seen many of the sages who have finally lost their way.”

"Oh, I almost forgot."

"You only have 10,000 years. When the time is up, I will throw you out! But I will calculate it. You can continue to practice and continue to taste the taste of hemolytic secrets. Unfortunately, after the deadline, even if you practice It became useless to become a hemolytic secret."

"It must be practiced within ten years. The test of the ancestors is your spiritual realm. The test is your understanding."

The cold-blooded man in the blood robe said that he still appreciates the pain of the Dongbo Snow Eagle.


The originally painful Dongbo Snow Eagle recovered its calmness, and the originally distorted face also restored peace. At the same time, it opened its eyes and looked at the cold man in the blood robe.

"I only said a few words, you can't stand it without cultivation? Your heart is really very general." The **** cold man saw the situation.


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