Lords Of All People: Invincibility Starts With Summoning The Empress

Chapter 31 Who Is Spring Cicada? Who Is The Oriole?

He Qi's remarks immediately resonated strongly.

"That's right, Jiang Chen is so arrogant that even God can't stand it anymore, so he sent us to take him in!"

"I calculated, plus Jiang Chen's income from selling excellent equipment and spiritual food, he has at least 5 million spiritual stones!!!"

"It's not just spirit stones, this kid doesn't even have Rare, even high-quality equipment!"

"Don't forget he's collecting gold, which proves he still has at least one Rare building blueprint!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

"Heaven will send a great responsibility to us, so let me go through this ordeal!"

"Since it is God's will, why don't we use blood as an alliance and advance and retreat together in the future?"

As soon as this remark came out, a group of mentally ill teenagers instantly became excited.

"Unify the town of 10086!"

"More than a small town? We will surely usher in a new era!"

"That kid Jiang Chen is really lucky for me to be famous in history!"

"Everyone wait, I'll get the bowl!"

He Qi said with satisfaction:

"After taking down Jiang Chen, we will imitate Jiang Chen's approach to Li Muze and cut off his arm first!"

"After forcing him to hand over all his property, then..."

He Qi made a downward cutting movement, with murderous look in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

He Qi looked at Lin Mo who was frowning and said nothing:

"What's your opinion, Mr. Lin Mo?"

Lin Mo's expression changed.

Fists clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched.

After ten seconds, Lin Mo got up and said seriously:

"Little brother really can't do the trick of killing people and stealing goods. I can only wish you all a smooth operation! Of course, I promise to keep my mouth shut about today's matter, so please rest assured."

He Qi looked relieved:

"Of course we can trust Brother Lin!"

He Qi also didn't want Lin Mo to participate, because his strength was not as good as Lin Mo's, and he didn't want to give up the dominance.

After watching Lin Mo leave with the troops, He Qi sarcastically said:

"What 'can't do the business of killing people and stealing goods' is nothing but cowardice!!"

Another lord sighed:

"There is no way, a million spirit stones are not harmful to the prince of the Lin family of Shenhe, so he can't afford to risk himself!"

He Qi nodded and said loudly:

"Brothers, follow me to the gold mine, it will save a lot of time, that boy Jiang Chen is suspicious!"

A team of more than 1,000 people set off in a mighty way.

After two full hours.

"It's finally here!"

It was dark now.

After He Qi arranged for a group of lords to ambush, he took a photo of the gold mine from a distance.

Then came the most important part of the plan: getting Jiang Chen out.

In order to win Jiang Chen's trust, He Qi boldly dialed the video.

The video hooks up almost immediately.

On the opposite side, Jiang Chen said displeasedly, "Why is it taking so long?"

He Qi bowed his head and said, "Because the distance is too far, I was delayed for two hours, please forgive me!"

"That's all!" Jiang Chen waved his hand and said calmly, "Have you found the gold mine?"

He Qi immediately sent the photo over: "Please take a look!"

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "I can't see clearly from such a distance!"

He Qi explained according to the pre-prepared speech: "The sky is a little dark, and the guardian monster of the gold mine is a level 12 [Ghost Shooter], so I can only take a few photos from a distance!"

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "In that case, I will inspect the goods myself, and then I will pay for your Lingshi!"

He Qi was so excited that he almost jumped up.

He Qi: "This is my coordinates (click to view), you can open any door here, and I'm waiting for Jiang Chen to come here."

What surprised him was that the opposite Jiang Chen also seemed to be very happy.

But he didn't think much about it, he just thought that the gold mine was very important to Jiang Chen.

After hanging up the communication, He Qi waved his fist:

"It's done!"


A random door opened beside He Qi, and Cynthia and Giselle walked out first.

After the two goddess warrior leaders confirmed that there was no danger, they waved their hands behind any door.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen stepped out of any door under the escort of the empress and ten goddess warriors.

After that, there were more than a dozen farmers including Nong Yi.

Looking at the magnificent empress and the twelve beautiful female Warriors with perfect figures, He Qi subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Feeling jealous and happy at the same time.

Jealous of Jiang Chen having such a beautiful fortune.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't send the leader of the team of excellent centaurs to protect him.

"Welcome Boss Jiang Chen, boss, please look, the gold mine is in that valley!"

He Qi pointed:

"It's about a few hundred meters away from here!"

Jiang Chen patted He Qi on the shoulder and praised:

"You did a good job, let's go, accompany me to inspect the goods!"

He Qi quickly squeezed out a smile:

"Boss, I'm just joking. I'm not as strong as you. It's too risky to enter the level 12 monster area!"


The magnificent woman in palace attire beside Jiang Chen should be the "Empress" at the top of the hero power list.

If you follow in, once the war breaks out, what will you do if you are killed in seconds?

Jiang Chen didn't force himself either.

"I just want to confirm that there is no problem with the gold mine, and transfer the money to you in person! Since you don't want to, forget it!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen took the empress and goddess Warrior into the valley.

He Qi trembled and said:

"It went so smoothly, as expected, God wanted Jiang Chen to be a stepping stone on my way to rise!

It went smoothly as if Jiang Chen actively cooperated.


"My lord, there are probably thousands of low-level troops hundreds of meters away, and most of them are at 10-30 stars!"

The empress walked side by side with Jiang Chen, her lips moved slightly:

"Aren't you going to do it?"

Jiang Chen kept smiling:

"Don't worry, they are too scattered now, and the distance is too far, it will be troublesome to clear them up."

There is another reason Jiang Chen didn't say.

Although in the battlefield of all races, the fist is the truth.

But human beings are intelligent creatures after all, with the most basic concepts of good and evil.

Next, he will kill dozens of lords. Jiang Chen doesn't want to ruin his reputation and become the public enemy of All People without any benefit.

He thought of something, and said to Cynthia:

"He Qi probably wanted us to fight the gold mine guardian before attacking us."

"So Cynthia, before He Qi makes a move, the battle with this [Earth Ghost Archer] should be more intense!"

"Anxious?" Cynthia was taken aback, and frowned, "My lord, this is too embarrassing for the sisters!"

Jiang Chen also knew that this was really difficult for the goddess Warrior who was not good at disguising.

"Then be as anxious as possible!"

The empress smiled lightly: "Lord Lord, you call it fishing law enforcement!"

Jiang Chen glared at Nv Di: "Nonsense, this lord is a victim, forced to fight back in self-defense!"

The empress looked condensed, and said softly:

"My lord, the falcon above my head is controlled by someone."


Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly thought of something:

"Hehe, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind!"

"Then let's see, who is Spring Autumn Cicada and who is that oriole?"


A dense forest three kilometers away.

Lin Mo said to his hero:

"Garcia, what's going on?"

Garcia is a hero of excellent quality, and his occupation is [Forest Guardian].

At this moment, Garcia's eyes are empty, and he is observing the movement around the gold mine through the [shared vision] of his pet falcon.

"My lord, Lord Jiang Chen has entered an ambush! However, what Lord Jiang Chen brought this time is not a centaur, but a team of female troops that his subordinates have never seen before!"

"Female soldiers?"

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said:

"It seems that I think highly of Jiang Chen!"

"One of Jiang Chen's trump cards, the leader of that team of excellent centaurs didn't bring it this time?"

"Did he really think that no one in this town would dare to fight against him if he won the top spot in the hero combat power list? You self-righteous guy!"

Garcia expressed doubts:

"In this way, Jiang Chen can be killed smoothly, isn't it better?"

Lin Mo shook his head:

"But what I want is that they can both lose!"

"With the pair of Centaur Warriors, even if Jiang Chen dies, he can still severely injure this group of lords. At that time, I will come forward to clean up the mess, and the fisherman will benefit!"

"But who knew, Jiang Chen is so arrogant and conceited, I am so disappointed!"


Garcia spoke quickly:

"My lord, the battle for the gold mine has begun!"

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