Now his villa is just a low-level villa.

Upgrading to Premium requires a lot of bronze.

And now there are only two third-class bronze mining areas, which is obviously not enough.

Most of the other lords could not fight the third-level land at all, and the probability of having a bronze mine was pitiful.

So this fourth-level land is the key to upgrading his villa!

“Go, follow me to capture this Grade 4 Bronze Mining Area!”

“Yes, my Lord!”



Ling Feng took the angel and the dragon and came to the territory of the goblin.

I saw that in front of me, there was a huge valley.

In the valley, a group of goblins are constantly busy.

A lot of bronze was mined and transported outward.

Seeing the intrusion of strangers, all the goblins looked over and grinned.

In Ling Feng’s field of vision.

He had already seen a ninth-order goblin Grand Commander, below the valley, directing all the goblins’ actions.

The other two ninth-order goblins were nowhere to be seen.

The goblin leader was holding a strange wand in his hand, and he also saw the invasion, and his face was very bad.

“Who are you? Dare to invade my territory? ”

“Dragons and angels… Hmph, for the sake of you being a crowned soldier, I will allow you to leave! ”

“However, if you don’t go in ten seconds… Just die here! ”

The tone of the Goblin Grand Commander was very confident.


“Believe in the Lord and submit to the Lord.”

“Die otherwise!”

Hiko came to the front, blonde hair flying, and said with a grim look on his holy face.

“Hmph… You angels are always believers, which is really annoying. ”

“We are the envoys of the Ruen Kingdom, and if you dare to invade this mine, it is the greatest disrespect to the Ruen Kingdom!”

“Do you want to incur the hostility of a kingdom?”

Goblin rulers have no fear.

“Then, no nonsense, go die.”

Ling Feng didn’t want to talk more nonsense with this group of goblins.

While removing the Xuan weight ruler behind him.

“Let’s go up, kill them without leaving a piece of armor!”

“Yes, my Lord!”


Angels and dragons followed behind Ling Feng, and the battle was about to break out!


Two streamers flew from a distance and landed in the goblin swarm.

It’s another two ninth-order goblin masters!

“Blue, Uki, you join me and kill these intruders here!”

The goblin leader in the middle was very confident.

There are three ninth-order powerhouses on their side, while the other side has only one.

And they also have six eighth-order elites and a dozen seventh-order elites.

The elite sixth-order and fifth-order ones reached one or two hundred.

This is the crushing of strength!

He doesn’t believe he will lose!

“Solve that weak human first!”

Goblin rulers are also intelligent.

They could see at first glance that the human being was the core of this invader.

And Ling Feng, who was only a sixth-order, was just a fat sheep in their eyes.

“Protect our Lord!”

Yan immediately came to Ling Feng’s side and stood side by side with him.

And Ling Feng had already held the Xuan Zhong Ruler behind him in his hand.

A large amount of spiritual power in the body was quickly transformed into fighting qi!

“Ground Level Fighting Technique: Flame Splitting Wave Ruler!”

The huge fighting qi was injected into the Xuan Zhong Ruler by Ling Feng’s brain.

The occult pattern on it was instantly lit up.

Turn into endless flames and soar into the sky!

Then the flame was like a pillar of fire.

Smash into the goblin horde!

Seeing this, the three ninth-order goblins immediately retreated towards the sides.

The rest of the goblins also want to escape the range of the skill.

However, the speed of the flame waves was extremely fast, and it did not give them a chance at all!

There were dozens of goblins, directly hit.

In the power of fighting skills, the heavy is turned into powder, and the light is roasted into char!

“Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!”

“In the light of the Lord, we cannot back down! Let’s go! ”

Hiko led the two angels to rush forward!

“Abominable intruder!”

One of the ninth-order commanders screamed.

Wave your wand wildly.

“Soul – return!”


Many small black holes appeared around him.

In those holes, thin and pale hands stretched out from them.

This goblin leader turned out to be an abyss mage!

“Go! Pull them all into the abyss! ”

Those hands that stretched out from the abyss grabbed towards Ling Feng.

“Holy Light Shield!”

Yan was not afraid in the slightest, and together with the other two angels, he guarded in front of Ling Feng.

In a triangular shape, a shield of holy light composed of the power of faith is supported!

Angels are divine attribute creatures.

Originally restrained the abyss department, the dark system, and the evil department.

Those hands from the abyss burned one after another when they touched the shield of holy light.

He actually let out a scream and retracted into the black hole.

“Nope! You are the abyss monsters I summoned, drag them into the abyss!” ”

“It’s useless.”

Ling Feng snorted.

Insert the Xuan weight ruler into the ground, and as soon as you hold it in your hand, a bow and arrow composed of wind vortexes appear!

An arrow made of black flames appeared above the bow and arrow.

“Scorching Light Wheel Swift Black Arrow Zero Style!”

That pitch-black flame arrow, under the bonus of the Wind Bow Arrow.

Constantly condensing, but actually has a huge explosive power!

Then, Ling Feng bent the bow and shot arrows!

The pitch-black arrows rushed towards the three goblin leaders!

See Ling Feng’s attack.

Another goblin leader also waved his wand.

“Wall of Frost Sighs!”

Suddenly, in the middle of the goblin group and Ling Feng, a wall of ice several meters thick was constructed!


This ice wall was not able to stop the pitch-black arrows at all.

Just listen to the boom.

The ice wall was shattered by the huge explosive force of the arrow, and then the arrow rushed into the goblin group without hindrance!


The power of wind and fire, scorched, and blasted many goblins into slag!

“The power of the master, like the shining light of holy light, is as powerful as a sword!”

Venus, the angel of love, looked at the mighty master with love in his eyes.


The two young dragons also attacked!

The green-eyed white dragon spread its wings and had reached a diameter of two meters.

Come to the sky.

“Burst Blaster (Dragon Language)!”

I saw that in his mouth, an energy light bullet condensed.

The powerful energy makes the surrounding space slightly distorted!

The Star-Casting Dragon also refused to show weakness.

It also rose into the air, and countless starlight burst out around his body, gradually becoming extremely dazzling!

“Starlight Fall!”

The two dragons attacked at almost the same time!

The gazes of all the goblins finally began to become very frightened at this time.

The power of a ninth-order dragon clan, plus an eighth-order dragon clan, attacked together.

Even if the ninth-order goblin ruler, he can’t withstand it!

I saw a white energy light bullet, and countless starry rays, bombarding towards the ground.

All goblins, there is no escape, there is no escape!

“Boom ——!”

A violent explosion echoed throughout the valley!

All the goblins, including the three rulers, are all killed!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………. (Thanks to Yanzu for the shimmering reminder ticket!!) Thanks to Hikozu Tenyu Jindo for the monthly pass!! (Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!) )

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