Chapter 153, if you commit my Huaxia, you will be punished even if you are far away!

A minute ago.

The supporters of the alliance of all countries, the spectators of various countries, still have exciting smiles on their faces.

Right now...

Everyone, the smile on their faces stiffened.

What physical exhaustion?

What's not going to work?


It's just a job change!


Or a first-class general!

A powerhouse of the seventh order!!

Everyone knows what that means.

When Ember was only the sixth order.

They have already caused such heavy casualties to the coalition forces of all countries!


There is not even any hope of victory in sight.

And now...

The other party has become a seventh-order powerhouse!!

How is this good?

Feelings of despair.

Around the world, spread.

I thought it was a blackmail from the world against Huaguo.

It's like it was more than a hundred years ago.

But I didn't expect it.

It was directly relegated by people (艹艹艹).

I thought that Ember was exhausted and victory was in sight.

As a result, people are advanced!!

The gap in reality.

It made all the supporters of the coalition begin to fear in their hearts.


Pretty country.

The beautiful commander of the National Congress, who was calm and light-hearted, and had the chance to win, also showed a look of horror on his face at this moment.

"This... This can't be!!"

"Damn! these damn flower people!!"

Despair, which leads to an impotent rage.

The beautiful Commander of the National Congress looked angry, and at the same time... There is also panic.

He knows too well the impact of this defeat in the national war on the beautiful country.

This national war.

In fact, it is the Being who gives the world benefits.

Other words.

Players from various countries will gain exercises and kill enemies in the National War Continent.

This is a process of progression of players' strength.

As for allocating player slots for the next stage in the real world.

That's just...

By the way, that's it.

But now.

If.... If the player of the beautiful country loses the opportunity to exist in the national war continent.

What was lost was more than just 300 million new player allocations.

They will also lose... A very profitable opportunity for growth.

If, Huaguo wins the player allocation of 300 million, plus the resources of the national war continent...


The whole world can only accept the situation of the flower country being strong. 、

Such a situation.

No solution!

A trace of deep regret flashed in the eyes of the great commander of the beautiful country.

He regretted it.

Before a thorough understanding of the strength of the flower country.

Just rashly.. The war was waged.

This is the logic of the beautiful country.

in their concept.

It's just strength.

If this war, it is they who win.

They will not hesitate to knock Huaguo down to the eighteenth layer of hell.

For such a country of tigers and wolves.

Only strength.

to make them sober.


"Huh... Hahahaha!!"

"Exhausted? It's so funny!"

"Do you see the faces of these foreigners? I really want to see what the faces of these Gou Bi, who were still clamoring just now, are like!"

"Will the Ember boss run out of stamina? It's impossible!"

"The ember boss will not fall with a golden gun!"

"Seven Jiro in one night!"


The audience in the flower country was excited.

Until then, they were undoubtedly worried.

But now.

throughout the live space.

are full of the joyful atmosphere of the audience in the flower country.

This war, up to now.

Huaguo, undoubtedly won!!


The national war of the continent.

The players of the flower country are completely boiling!!

"Long live!!Long live the Ember Commander!!"


"The national war continent belongs to the flower country alone!!"

"The Coalition of Nations?"

"Kill it with one hand!"

On the walls of the Dragon City.

Cheers came and went.


Lin Wanqing, who had already led the army and surrounded the resurrection point of the allied forces of the nations, was also greatly relieved, and a smile appeared on her face.

It's a win!

Even if..

Players of the Alliance now break up and flee.

It didn't work.


Once they are killed, they have to be resurrected at the resurrection point.

And their resurrection point is completely controlled by the flower country.


A player of the Coalition of Nations.

loses the biggest advantage of being a player - unlimited resurrections.

Even if.

They fled.

They survived on the national war continent.

Even if you can get some leftovers.

It's impossible to compete with the flower country players anymore.

Players in the country of flowers can unscrupulously hunt down players of the alliance of various countries.

Because, flower country players can be resurrected an unlimited number of times.

And the coalition of nations.

Just hang once.

Don't want to enter the National War Continent again!!


Won them all!!

The country of flowers, completely occupying the national war continent, is no longer a fantasy, but something that is happening.


The Blade of Judgment was completely numb. 、

Originally, there was some excitement on his face, but at this time there was only stiffness left.

A first-class general.

Seventh order.

How does this work?

I can't hit 1 at all

The strength of the other party.

It's beyond everyone's expectations.

"I heard that Ember is the general under the command of King Yan in the Three Kingdoms Region... If you say, King Yan's exclusive class has such a powerful skill..... This ember is also possessed nine times out of ten. "

A staff officer, in front of the Blade of Judgment, said in a low voice.

The Blade of Judgment did not answer.

The reality is in front of us.

Coalition of Nations.


He no longer knew what orders to give.


Where are you going to escape?


The Blade of Judgment doesn't have to worry about being helpless.


Ye Chen helped him make a choice.

"The First Army of the Flower Country, the Flank Corps, the First Support Corps Assault Regiment... The Twelfth Support Corps Assault Regiment listens to orders!!"

Ye Chenwu shook his vitality.


Spread the word all over the battlefield!

All the Huaguo players who were cheering immediately held their breath.

Leaf dust.

Although there is not much contact with any player.

However, again and again the system was announced.


In this big war, he showed combat effectiveness.

It has long been impressed and admired by Huaguo players.

Even if they don't have the identity of the commander of the army of the flower country, these players will obey Ye Chen's orders.

What's more:

The players ordered by Ye Chen were all players who had changed classes to become his exclusive troops.


These players can't break his orders either—of course, in the capacity of the Yan King.

"Attack on all fronts!!Kill all enemies!!"

"If the enemy wants to attack, kill them all in the way of the attack!"

"If the enemy wants to flee, let them die on the way to escape!"

"All the enemies that appear in front of you... There's only one ending!!"


"Go, bring death to all enemies who dare to provoke our people!"

"If you offend me in Huaxia, you will be punished even if you are far away!!"

[Supplement to the fifth update]

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