Behind the Celestial Lord, dozens of Celestial Archers floated.

Hundreds of meteorites are falling towards the city of Beamon!

However, that golden yellow sacred tree shone brightly, enveloping the entire city!


The terrifying attack landed on the light curtain.

Completely canceled out by the light curtain.

It just stirred up a wave of waves.

“What defense? So sturdy? ”

In the distance, however, the world of Beamon.

Pieces of earth fell.

Collapse, crack.

The curtain of light created by this sacred tree did not really resist the attack.

Instead, the damage of these attacks was transferred to the land of Beamon.

The terrifying Holy Order damage exploded in the world of Beamon!

【Meteor Lord】

It is the Most Holy Grade and the Myth Grade.

It is the second most powerful lord among the eight lords.

He controlled one-third of the territory to the north.

The strength was far greater than that of several other Saint Order Lords combined.

He could dispatch dozens of Saint Rank troops at the same time, and only he could shoot.

Below, Nabi Fury’s heart was also shocked.

This is the sacred tree of the Beamons.

However, under the attack of this lord, there was almost no defense.

The intensity of this attack almost exceeded the upper limit of a single protection.

Is the Holy Order Lord in the human world so powerful?

However…… What Binulu didn’t know was.

In the east of the Terran world, there is also a non-Holy Order Lord, but he is hanging the so-called “powerful” Holy Order Lord.



Middle Humanity, Alliance Headquarters.

The Allies watched the war reports that kept coming.

Eyebrows furrowed together.

A Sichuan character was formed.

ThisTM, this group of Holy Order Lords.

What kind of jb stuff is playing?

This strange battle-to-loss ratio.

Let the alliance masters all numb.

Three mythical level Holy Order Lords, two of which are the Most Holy Level.

Can’t beat a mortal saint?

And the group of lords who fought Lu Cang in the east was even more outrageous.

Went to the lords of the full four holy steps.

There is one more than the west.

Although there is a lack of quality.

But the question was that Lu Cang only had six orders, and did it take four holy orders to fight a sixth-order lord?

Usually, this is something you don’t have to think about.

The Holy Order hit the sixth order, it was a fart!

It’s ridiculous.

But the fact before this lord is that the lords of the four holy ranks have passed.

One is completely missing.

There was no trace, no whereabouts.

One is to defect in public and go directly to the camp of the cursed.

One was the one who had killed his strongest giant and lost his will to fight.

One is that he does not dare to shoot, the battlefield shopping, openly open, after a circle directly teleported in situ to run.

Allied masters of the Alliance, see these war reports coming back.

The first feeling is.

These four Holy Order Lords are here to play their own, right?

What did they play?

When fighting bosses, backstabbing, paddling, blowing.

When it comes to the outside world, send heads on the spot, go shopping, and mutiny.

Fuck, can’t do something serious?

“Can’t stand it, this group of stupid holy ranks, I must promote the taboo.”

“I don’t enter the emergency realm, I’m afraid I will never be able to stop them.”

“However, this Lu Cang is also really weird.”

Although it felt as if these Holy Order Lords were playing themselves.

But these lords were beaten away by a sixth-order Lu Cang.

Indeed, it can also be explained that there is something wrong with this Lu Cang.

It is very likely that this Lu Cang already has the combat effectiveness of the Holy Rank level.

Moreover, the Echo Lord, should not be a fool either.

She must have her own considerations for making such a rebellious move.

So …

It seems that this time the action has also become mysterious.

Does this Lu Cang really have the strength to compete with the alliance?

“Forget it, in fifteen days, I’m about to be promoted to taboo.”

“As long as the day of the red moon comes, I can complete the ritual, the Forbidden Lord, presumably able to directly crush all the Holy Steps.”

Although huge problems have erupted everywhere.

But at this time, the mood of the alliance lord, said to be irritable, was not very irritable.

Mainly he has an absolute hole card.

That is the taboo that he is about to promote.

Fifteen days is not a long time.

He had lived so long.

He has lived for three hundred years.

Among them, the Tenth Order Lords stopped for a hundred years.

At one point, it was even believed that the Tenth Order was the peak of this world.

But now, later, I saw the hope of being promoted to the Holy Order.

And when he thinks that the Holy Order is the end of the road.

But it gave him hope for a forbidden promotion.

Long years, hundreds of years of waiting.

Compared to hundreds of years of waiting.

This short period of fifteen days.

It should be fleeting.

So, he’s not in a hurry.

When you live long enough, the concept of time will become less and less.

These leaders star, let them act.

Only in the west there was a Beamon invasion, which was something he was more worried about.

He didn’t know if there would be a taboo-level lord coming in the west.


【World Channel】

“The cursed, has it really risen?”

“I rely on it, and even the Holy Order Lords have been defeated.”

This period of time can only be said to be a continuous shock, one explosive news after another, impacting the hearts of ordinary lords.

Lu Cang’s robbery of the boss was the information not long ago.

That’s about ten minutes ago.

Ten minutes later, it was the Holy Order Lord heading towards Cangcheng.

The ending is such an amazing result.

The lords felt that their brains were no longer enough.

The previous piece of information has not yet been digested.

The last period of hot news immediately followed.

Frequent stimulation.

The lords felt that even if this Lu Cang ascended to the Holy Order at the next moment, they would be able to understand.

This guy is also too perverted.


【Cursed Guild Channel】

“Our big dad is also too fierce.”

“Is there any mistake, he really won the Holy Order?”

“I know he’s strong, not a little bit strong, but he can always refresh my cognition.”

“Where is the upper limit of his strength?”

“How do I feel he doesn’t have an upper limit? Infinitely powerful? ”

“Did Teacher Electrolux give him some kind of strong medicine?”

“Did the teacher hide a hand?”

“Is it too late for me to ask Lu Cang for a group photo now?”

“I’m afraid that when he reaches the holy rank, he will ignore us.”

“Not long ago, the newcomers gradually became what we couldn’t afford to climb.”

“How do I suddenly feel now that it’s not bad to be a cursed person?”

“Originally, I always lamented my tragic fate, but now it seems that it is not another village with willows and dark flowers.”

“Now we who are cursed are awesome!”

[Hengyuan]: “Be serious.” ”

“If others win the battle, don’t put a light on your face.”

“If you have the ability, go to the Holy Order alone, and when you say that we are cursed, I will only applaud you.”

“But no one else Lu Cang spoke, what fart do you put?”

“It is not that I have struck you, but that we who have been cursed have survived until now by being vigilant, careful, and not complacent.”

“I don’t want the situation of our cursed people to change and then suffer a lot of damage.”

“We don’t want to be hit hard by pride when we’re about to rise.”

“They all hid their territories from me.”

“Obey the order, vice president.”

“All right, vice president.”

Although he was trained by the vice president.

But the people who were cursed were still in a very happy mood.

Cool, raise your eyebrows.

Although it wasn’t his own anger, Lu Cang really helped them give out their grievances.



“So, you’re going to surrender to me?”

Yin Luan had entered Cangcheng.

The sky, completely covered with a curtain of blood.

And in the city, it is also a mixture of flesh and blood.

The Soundbird had been to the eastern city of Beyer several times.

The sight of Beyer City, she still remembers.

But Bayer, once prosperous, has now become a city covered in flesh and blood.

It’s hard to imagine that this is a change in half a day.

“It’s not surrender, it’s alliances.”

“I think you have a lot of potential to be the enemy of the alliance.”

“So, I want to ally with you.”

Lu Cang looked at Yin Luan.

Yin Luan is a female lord and is also a female lord of the Holy Order.

Of the eight Holy Order Lords, only one was a woman.

“Actually, I don’t really need allies.”

“But you have the courage to enter my city.”

The other party came more or less with determination.

Lu Cang could see it in his intentions.

She had absolutely no intention of attacking herself.

And there is no search for its own territorial core.

At the very least, this suggests that he was not looking for an opportunity to assassinate him.

Lu Cang’s hand waved slightly.

Yin Luan felt something.

He looked in one direction.

But I saw the Qingfeng Lord, running wildly in the blood river, like a madman, in the blood river, a circle of continuous circle.

But no matter what, it could not leave the scope of the Blood River.


The Qingfeng Lord had decided to go straight in one direction.

As long as you keep going in one direction, there will always be a day to go out.

Cangcheng is only that big.

For the foot power of the Holy Order Lord, don’t say one day, even half a day can be completed.

However, the more he walked, the more it felt wrong.

He had pinpointed a direction.

But no matter how you go, what is in front of you will always be a blood curtain, a blood curtain, a blood curtain.

River of Blood, River of Blood, River of Blood.

One blood curtain was left, and the next one was still a blood curtain.

Under the feet is always the same, a pool of dead blood.

It doesn’t flow at all.

Only keep falling and sinking.

He didn’t even know that his feelings had been confused.

Being watched by the evil pupil had disturbed his ability to discern direction.

In addition, the screams of the screamers were constantly having an impact on his spirit.

This very slight effect only interfered with his normal walking in a straight line.

It won’t make him notice anything unusual.

This Qingfeng Lord had been trapped in the River of Blood.


He sometimes uses spatial abilities to teleport.

But it could not leave the scope of the blood curtain.

The blood curtain isolates the inside and out.

All the teleportation capabilities cannot leave this confined space.

And he did not dare to use too strong displacement ability.

This would make him lose sight of the undead bird.

If separated from the undead bird, it will no longer be able to contact.

The Qingfeng Lord is running fast, he is going around in circles, and walking slowly is also going around in circles.

Coupled with the squeals around him, constantly disturbing him with low-frequency noise.

In a short time, he was going crazy.

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