And in the distance, the lords, looking at the Okuyama Territory, were also stunned one by one.

What exactly is going on here?

How come there are so many wonders in the territory of Okuyama?

A billowing mushroom cloud demonstrates the power of a terrifying explosion.

Mushroom clouds are originally very shocking and eye-catching things.

But this has been strongly contrasted by other landscapes.

The large plates that plunge horizontally into the earth and stand high above the sky are even more shocking.

The “little explosions” next to it have become something that can be ignored.

But now, what kind of ghost is that huge mountain that suddenly appears and obscures half of the sky?

【World Channel】

“What kind of attack is this?”

This attack method is too shocking.

Each time, it was a super-giant attack.

“No… This mountain seems to be a bit strange. ”

Terraria’s true form also appears in front of the player.

Terraria was originally mimetic.

At this point, after entering the combat state, the mimicry gradually disappears.

Flesh and blood, too, gradually appeared.

The lords found this huge mountain.

It’s Lu Cang’s class!

It’s Lu Cang’s meat mountain!


This name seems to have seen before!

“I leaned in, when I was in the western part of Cangcheng, it was this thing that sucked me in and killed me.” =”

“Sleeper, that’s the meat mountain?” What about the 10,000-meter-high horror class? ”

“Looking at this situation, this mountain of meat is not just 10,000 meters…”

“It’s all about entering the sky.”

If it is a plane distance, normal people may be several kilometers away and cannot see clearly.

But if it is a height.

At a height of several thousand meters, even if it is tens of kilometers away, you can see it clearly.

Not to mention the height of a million meters.

Moreover, these people are not ordinary people, but all lords, with extremely strong visual ability.

Ordinary people only refer to people who have not yet entered the world of lords in the real world and do not have the ability to be lords.

However, the Lord’s World, where the ordinary people come from.

In their eyes, they can clearly judge what kind of volume this huge mountain is.

ThisTM, 10,000 meters?

Are you kidding?

Can 10,000 meters have such a height?

They could see this spectacular scene, and it also foreshadowed that other lords could see it too.

And in several other areas.

The lords of the Holy Order also had a somewhat ugly look.

They had just been in the community and had seen the messages uploaded by the lords.

A terrifying mushroom cloud, a huge continental plate, and a mountain of flesh.

Volume, one more exaggerated than the other.

Okuyama: “When are you coming?” ”

“If I don’t come, I’m going to die!”

Okuyama also gave his vision to several Saint Order Lords at the same time.

But, when he looked toward Roshan Mountain.

What he saw was Lu Cang standing in front of him.


【Seven Rings of Absolute Defense】

This time, Okuyama finally reacted!

The first three deaths were too abrupt!

This time, he finally activated his defenses.

Seven, one-time Sacred Order defensive items.

The effect of disposable props is much stronger than that of props that can be used continuously and can be used repeatedly.

Moreover, it is seven at a time.

These seven-fold rings are the seven-fold magic shield that Okuyama has built with the Tenkodai during his long years!

The years, brought to Okuyama, naturally also have a strong accumulation.

This shield has the strength to defend against multiple attacks by mythical creatures of the same level.

The seven-fold ring, unfolding in front of him, Okuyama, was also to protect the fourth core behind him!

However, it was also when he unfolded the ring defense.

Lu Cang also punched up!

【Absolute Fiber】

[Ten Thousand Flesh Comes from Me – Thai Form: Fighting Skill: Rapid Strike Collapse Fist]


One punch!

Burst with bear light

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Seven crackling explosions erupted in an instant.

There is no intermittent sound at all.

These shields are as if they have no defensive effect at all.

Rumble! A terrifying stream of air spread out!

Wind pressure oppresses most of the space.

These wind pressures have extremely strong cutting properties.

Some of the walls touched by the wind were instantly divided into fine pieces.

After a punch.

The earth, leaving a fan-shaped trace.

And the whole city, there is a series of circular voids.

This ordinary punch, just the wind pressure, actually pierced through the hard walls.

The fourth territorial core of Okuyama was also destroyed.


Resurrect again.

Okuyama had fallen into despair.

It’s only two minutes.

From the appearance of Lu Cang to the present.

In just two minutes, he had already destroyed four territorial cores.

If he continues like this, he will really die!

“How long until your support comes?”

“Can you hurry up?”

“My TM teleportation array is already open! Teleport straight in! ”

“What are you calling a ghost!” Can’t hold on? ”

“Don’t we TM need to chant back to town?”

“Where can I find you a teleportation array?”

At this time, several Holy Order Lords were expanding their territory outside.

And on the outside world, where there are any public teleportation arrays.

They could only teleport through the teleportation array of their own territory and the docking of Okuyama.

Halfway through the expansion, it was called to support.

In their hearts, they are also irritable.

There is Beamon on the outside and Lu Cang on the inside.

What does this TM hit?

Is the Holy Order playing like this?

“, don’t play me.”

“If I go over and let me find out you’re ambushing me, you’ll die.”

However, the lords of the Holy Order were not afraid of being ambushed themselves.

Death, however, is also resurrection.

They said so, but for Lu Cang, there was also a shadow in his heart.

It is certainly not easy to get Okuyama to ask for help.

“Wait three more minutes, it’s already teleporting, chanting, don’t urge.”

However, Okuyama passes through the Lord’s perspective.

Looking at Lu Cang, who was chasing after him with great speed.

Three minutes?


【Echo territory】

At this time, Yinluan has also completed the recycling and packaging of all the territorial cores.

None of these territorial cores can remain here.

During this time, she actually saw the news of Lu Cang’s promotion.

In my heart, there was also some excitement.

This time, I gambled correctly.

Lu Cang really had infinite potential.

In fact, this bet is also a big gamble.

No one knows exactly what a lord’s growth curve is.

Some lords, probably at the sixth order, were bursting periods.

One-time strength increase of a lot.

But the seventh order is unremarkable.

The lift is not very high.

Although overall there has been an improvement.

But that’s it.

This is also related to territorial characteristics.

If it was after Lu Cang, the ascension would only be ordinary.

Or, if you haven’t improved for a long time, you’re already at your peak in the sixth order.

After that, it will be really difficult.

However, the situation at this stage is also relatively special.

The arrival of Beamon has complicated the world situation.

Nor is it the original bipolar relationship.

And it became a three-country situation.

Of course, the situation in these three countries is too uneven.

Beamon looked like the most powerful side.

Second, there are alliances.

These lords in good form in the alliance will definitely devour other territories and complete a wave of promotions for themselves.

Several other people will certainly be able to rise to the Most Holy Level.

On the side of the cursed person, Yin Luan’s judgment of Lu Cang was not very clear.

But I know that Lu Cang’s growth force must be very strong.

However, it was impossible to accurately locate Lu Cang’s true combat strength.

Which level is it?

After all, Lu Cang’s strength and rank were obviously inconsistent.

Yin Luan left the territory and teleported directly towards Cangcheng.

The sound has received the news.

Mutsu was already attacking Qingfeng’s territory.

He wanted to shoot down Qingfeng before Qingfeng had returned.

After all, Qingfeng was an indefinite number, and if he returned, he would certainly not allow himself to attack the territory.

It is difficult to improve your own strength.

But Yin Luan is different, Yin Luan is a traitor.

Crusade against her righteously.

And there is no need to fight on their own, and the sound luan will also escape.

In this way, the territory of the Yin Luan also belongs to him.

He Mutsu, from the sandwich between sandwiches, was directly able to leap to the hegemony.

But of course…

You also have to be able to fight Beamon.



“Lu Cang, I have completed the preparation for the transfer of territory.”

“I’m inside your city right now.”

“Where are you?”

“I want to build territory nearby, I don’t know what specific ideas you have.”

Yin Luan probably already had thought of it in his heart.

Where to build.

However, Lu Cang was the master of this area, and he still had to get his consent.

Otherwise, if you accidentally provoke Lu Cang, it will make Lu Cang unhappy.

That’s trouble.

However, when the news was sent, Lu Cang did not hear from him.

Yin Luan came to the high place and observed the whole city.

With the vision of the Holy Order Lord, it was not difficult to see through the entire city.

But Yin Luan noticed some special details.

That is, in this vast city, the huge mountain of flesh that was originally seen seemed to have disappeared.

Thinking about it…

Combined with Lu Cang there was no echo.

In an instant, Yin Luan thought of something.

Click on the community now.

The time when Lu Cang did not receive the message, it was very likely that he could not see the message.

Only in the combat state, there will be no message prompts.

Sure enough, however, it didn’t.

The first news in the community to be topped to the top.

It is “Lu Cang Shot! Okuyama asks for help! 》

What the?

This man, who had just finished his seventh rank, went to fight Okusan?

Generally speaking, after just being promoted, it should be necessary to consolidate combat effectiveness.

After all, the promotion of lords is their own physique, followed by the unlocking of various buildings.

Then there was a wave of enhancement of the classes.

Some of the main classes will be directly upgraded.

And with the unlock of new classes.

During this time, new classes of troops, new buildings, should be developed.


Lu Cang had just been promoted to the seventh rank, and he had actually gone directly to Okuyama’s territory?

And, how did he get there?

In what way did this Lu Cang move and run directly to someone else’s house?

What the hell?

Isn’t this breath breathless?


Some explanations of combat strength, in the context of the work, the text will not say nonsense.

If you have doubts, you can go and see.

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