“According to the perspective you share, there are also descriptions of those lords.”

“I’m a little worried.”

“Worried? What to worry about! Hurry up! ”

“Lao Tzu can’t hold on!”

“I’m a little worried, I can’t beat this Lu Cang…”

“I have only seen this combat strength in the arms of the Allied Lords.”

This combat power is also too fierce.

Lu Cang was completely pressed against Okusanda.

Among the seven lords except the allies.

Who else would dare to say that they can suppress Okushan in Okusan’s territory.

“Okuyama, we can only say, do your duty to obey the destiny.”

Hear this answer.

Okuyama’s heart also cooled down for an instant.

How can meteorites say the same thing?

This was the strongest of the seven of them.

“This fighting power of Lu Cang…”

“It comes to a description that comes to mind.”

“Recorded in the most highly classified archives of the Alliance.”

“Beyond mythology, like a dream, feet cracking the earth.” Pick the star by hand. ”

“Above the super-myth, there should be other grades.”

“Lu Cang’s current performance is very similar to the description of history.”

“Dream grade.”

Okuyama looked at the meteorite replying with words.

The face is getting more and more ugly.


Dream still a fart?

He and Meteorite have nearly the same level of authority.

The meteorite said that the literature, he had also seen.

Dream, is a description of the divine grade.

Above the super-myth.

Completely hang all the grades under the super myth.

It’s a watershed.

The gap between fantasy and super mythical.

Its span is not even inferior to the gap between the super-mythical level and the ordinary level.

It is a terrifying grade to the extreme.

“If Lu Cang is really a super mythical level combat strength.”

“Even we can’t save you.”

“Maybe we should go over and think about something else.”

Speaking of which.

The Meteor Lord hung up his connection with Okuyama.


“YouTM, you’re coming!”

“If you don’t save me, who else can save me?”

“YouTM’s, what’s going on?”

“Grass, he’s going to call again!”

“Did I make a mistake? Aren’t we friends? ”

“When you were promoted to the Holy Rank, I helped you!” You can’t help but recognize this human feeling! ”

Lord Okuyama, completely panicked.

He had thought that as long as he persevered, he waited for rescue.

With more to fight less, there is still hope.

But now, a passage from the Meteor Lord.

Let him lose hope step by step.

It seems, waiting for the rescue, is the same result.

Lu Cang had already sprinted quickly towards his side!

What a terrifying speed.

Walk wild in the air.

Even if it is a distance away from a large area, sprint in his direction on foot.

It is still at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is constantly approaching.

Really, monster physique.

And just when Okuyama was completely desperate.

In the sky, there were flashes of light.

Soon, countless arrows like raindrops fell rapidly in the direction where the landing sky was located!

It’s like an endless meteor falling!

Hum —

These points of light fall to the ground!

A moment later.

The earth roared, exploding out a spherical explosion of impact.

Okuyama looked up and looked to his side.

The Meteor Lord actually appeared next to him.

“, see if I can save you.”

“If you can’t save it, you’ll die.”

Boom boom!

Several arrows exploded on Lu Cang’s body!

Lu Cang flipped several times from the air to stabilize his body.

In the sky, a famous star shooter also fell from the sky.

Seriously injured.

[Anti-seismic] plays a role.

Lu Cang was only shocked, but his body was unscathed.

The impact of this arrow was a solid feedback to the archer.


Lords around the world.

It felt ridiculous for a while.

When Lu Cang attacked Okuyama’s territory.

The lords of the Holy Order also began to come to their aid.

As a result, these Holy Order Lords no longer invaded their territories.

The slaughter of them was briefly stopped.

【World Channel】

“Depend, I didn’t expect that one day, we would actually have to rely on the cursed person to save our lives?”

“We survived because the support of the cursed was really outrageous.”

“By … My feelings are very mixed now. ”

“I don’t know how to face such a situation.”

“Just now, the hurricane element of the Weather Lord has already come to my territory.”

“But it was at this moment that the Heavenly Lord teleported away.”

“Damn, I was just blocked at the door by the Heavenly Fire Element.”

“The flames are right in front of my territory.”

“I don’t dare to move at all.”

“Do you really have time to chat, don’t you want to run now?”

“Run, where can I run?” Are we going to flee like cursed people and make the world home? ”

“In this battle, I don’t know who to expect.”

“But think about it.”

“It doesn’t matter who wins.”

“Also… We are so weak that life is completely out of our own hands. ”

If the Lords of the Alliance win.

That would still devour their territory.

Wipe them out.

Used to expand itself.

And if the Cursed One wins.

It is also difficult to ensure that the cursed person will not retaliate against the actions of the alliance before.

But no matter what, as long as Beamon invades this world, there is not enough combat effectiveness.

Humanity is still the fate of extinction.

In either case, ordinary lords like them could not escape a tragic fate.

In this world, there is no fairness and the rule of law.

Fairness and the rule of law are based on peace and equality.

Mercy for the weak is based on the kindness of the strong.

And this world, weak and small, is the original sin.



The hurricane element appears above the earth.

Carry the rolling wind.

Roll up large patches of trees and leaves.

This wind flow can reach the sky.


If it seems ordinary, it must be extremely spectacular.

But in Lu Cang’s eyes now, it had become a little ridiculous.

This hurricane element is connected to the earth below and to the clouds above.

The form of a cloud and rain tornado is very magnificent.

But its height is actually only a few thousand meters high.

Compare that in front of the huge Terraria.

It is a small wind mass at the foot of the mountain.

It’s like a person looking at an ant.

In this world, everything originally seemed behemoth, an incomparably huge object.

In contrast to Terraria, they all become so small and miniature.

It can even be described as cute.


“Okuyama, that’s why you want us to support… The target you want to fight? ”

“You call this an eighth-order creature?”

Previously, Okuyama had been busy escaping and hiding.

The perspective that Okuyama conveyed to these lords was also intermittent and shook a lot.

It’s completely impossible to see what’s going on.

Looking at the community, these holy steps can see the appearance of a mountain of meat.

But that’s from a distance.

And, from the perspective of other lords.

Through the perspective in the live broadcast, you cannot use the data function of your own perspective.

Accurate and intuitive judgment is not possible.

This behemoth, seen from a distance, and seen from a close distance, are two completely different concepts.

On the same day, the lord came to Okuyama’s domain.

Unleash your own super-giant hurricane element.

When preparing for a wave of support for Okuyama.

But I found that my own elements were so ridiculous.


In the face of this behemoth, claiming to be super giant?

The Meteor Lord felt his archers fall from the sky.

Go and check on the injuries immediately.

However, it was found that this was actually a detonation wound from an arrow.

“This is the ability to counter injury.”

In the previous battle with the Earth Gentome.

He had already won such a move.

Nature knows the troubles.

Lu Cang really snatched their boss.

And got the anti-damage item of the Earth Genkai.

The Meteor Lord immediately unleashed his healing class to heal the injured Celestial Shooter.

Each of these shooters is invaluable.

“It’s interesting.”

Lu Cang saw that at Okuyama’s side, one lord after another appeared.

This time, it’s still a familiar face.

Lu Cang couldn’t help but think back.

Not long ago.

To rob the Earth Turtle himself, he also had to sneak under the siege of many Saint Order Lords.

In the aftermath of countless attacks, it was difficult to crawl to the BOSS’s body.

Then, steal the boss.

If you are not careful, you will hit an attack.

It is very likely that you will be killed directly.

But now, just a day has passed.

He actually already possessed the ability to fight the Holy Order Lords head-on.

There is no longer a need to hide, and there is no longer a need to hide.

Instead, it is directly facing the Holy Order Lord.

Even, fight in other people’s territory.

“Lu Cang’s friend.”

“I don’t know how Okuyama annoyed you.”

“Everyone is a Saint Rank level fighting force.”

“Now that the racial enemy is present, do you still want to let go of your preconceptions?”

“Consistent with the outside world.”

The Meteor Lord’s brow furrowed.

He knew that it was impossible to forcibly beat Lu Cang away and defeat Lu Cang by force.

The only way now was to try negotiations with Lu Cang.

Let Lu Cang go on his own.

Otherwise, there is no way to save Okuyama.


“At this time, I was treated as a friend.”

“When I was a cursed person, why didn’t you consider me a friend?”

“I remember that not long ago, some lords were still asking me for trouble?”

Lu Cang looked at Okuyama.

Okuyama’s face was slightly pale.

He did not dare to speak.

He had already been frightened by Lu Cang.

For the first time, there was anger in my heart.

The second time, there was still anger.

The third time, timid.

The fourth time, full of fear…

Repeated deaths have long since caused his mentality to collapse.

Ever since he met Lu Cang, he had been confused by Lu Cang.

Now, Lu Cang beat him again.

His mentality had been completely collapsed by Lu Cang.

Then, Lu Cang looked at Mutsu on the side.

Mutsu looked to the other side, not daring to look at Lu Cang, for fear of setting himself on fire.

At the same time, he responded.

“Oh, this, Lu Cang, I didn’t shoot.”

“I’ve always been a comparison to the cursed… Compare…”

“More open-minded.”

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