Lu Cang also put these arms into manufacturing one by one.

At the same time, in the folded space of this world.

Lu Cang’s classes also have new explorations.

【Folding space】

“Alien species detected.”

“Unknown species, looking for a corresponding strategy.”

“Strategy: Annihilation.”

In this folding space.

After Lu Cang entered, he saw a group of bright white robots.

At the same time, the earth was potholed, as if it had experienced the baptism of artillery fire.

“Mechanical type?”

“It’s okay, it can be parsed.”

Lu Cang now had no way to hold his face against elemental creatures.

But for scientific and technological creatures, it is possible to hold.

The face-hugging worm has analyzed so many genes.

It has long been on top of a species called “machine brain”.

Acquired the ability of [chip parsing].

Since then, the face-hugging insect has also gained the ability to analyze scientific and technological creations.

But elemental creatures…

Elemental creatures simply have no place to resolve.

Elemental beings above the eighth order already have no core.

It is completely the embodiment of the elements.

After killing, it will directly and completely collapse.

It’s like the water element, after being killed.

It’s completely natural water.

Nothing fancy.

After the Flame Element was killed, it also turned into a fire and dissipated.

The wind element even melted into air and disappeared.

Lu Cang synchronized his perspective with these flesh-and-blood creatures.

“A technological creation of the Ninth Order and the Tenth Order?”

“Just take it apart and see what their memories are in.”


【Beamon City】

Construction, nearing completion.

The army of Beamon is also fully prepared and ready to go.

They were all waiting, the beginning of this holy war.

After the feedback of Binulu back the information.

Holy Order Lords of this world.

It should not be promoted by starvation.

This means that the world has another route to promotion.

At least one.

It is even possible to article two, third and fourth.

Anyway, more than one.

What King Beamon wanted most was to find his own promotion route.

King Beamon and Bee Nuru.

They are all promoted in a special way.

This way, they don’t know which type it is.

However, this also doomed them not to be promoted to taboo.

Because, at all, I don’t know how to perform the ritual.

As for the ritual of hunger promotion taboo.

They do.

But this ritual is also too difficult.

Very, very generous resources are required.

But the barren world of Beamon had no resources for them to consume.

Therefore, in the whole world, there is not a single taboo.

“If you get the human world, then promote it to a taboo.”

“My position will be more secure.”

“Maybe you can explore the world outside the sky.”

Beamon didn’t know what was out of the sky.

But in the Lord’s World, becoming powerful is the yearning of every creature.

As long as you are in this world, you are tending to become stronger and survive.

But suddenly, a report came back.

The reconnaissance class of [Binulu] is also constantly reconnoitring the entire world.

When these Holy Order Lords left.

The pressure suddenly decreases than the anger of Lu.

A few more scouts were released.

This time, Hinulu found a strange place.

In the west, there is an area completely shrouded in fog.

“The lord of mankind is so lazy.”

“Even the fog zone doesn’t explore the cleanup?”

In the vast expanse of land, a mist-obscured area suddenly appeared.

Anyone will be curious.

A world like Beamon’s would not have such an area.

Everywhere they were explored.

Not to mention.

The Misty Zone, which is born every year, is the best way for these Beamons to obtain resources.

It was during this period.

A bunch of Beamons can go on a wild robbery.

Each Beamon can get some oil and water benefits.

After that, he was starved for an entire year.

They had been hungry for too long.

The lords are hungry, the soldiers are hungry, the earth is hungry.

Even the apples are dry and without water.

Hinulu came to the human world and lived for two short days.

It felt like I had come to heaven.

Everything is fresh, vibrant, full of life.

He didn’t know how long he hadn’t tasted it.

Even one’s own territory is not a hunger attribute.

But in such a big environment, it is still difficult to eat and wear warm.

For balance.

The richer central region.

It was left to the hungry lords.

He is the most remote and barren west, with almost no resources.

“The fog zone, just right, go explore it too.”

The reconnaissance class of Binulu is a few insects.

These insects have a lot of compound eyes.

And the body size is very small, difficult to detect.

It is a reconnaissance class of the ninth order.

Soon, these classes entered the Mist Zone to explore.

But the moment they entered the fog zone.

They lost contact with Binulu.

“No, it shouldn’t.”

“Obviously I didn’t leave my range.”

“Even if you go into the fog, there should be a connection.”

“Is this a special rule of the human world?”

Bi Nulu felt confused inside.

Why do these insects disappear as soon as they enter the fog?

So strange?

But what he didn’t know was.

These reconnaissance troops themselves entered a forbidden area of life.

The forbidden zone of life is a concept that does not exist at all in the world of Beamon.

On their side, there was none at all.

“So be it.”

“Forget it, mark it first.”

“When the Beamon army arrives, explore this place again.”

Usually, in the fog area, there will be many unknown treasures.

This happens to be the joy of the Beamons’ treasure hunt.


“Alliance Lord, the territory is actually a flesh and blood type.”

“It’s really a thief shouting to catch a thief.”

Lu Cang looked at the information that Yin Luan had sent to himself.

Combine it with the information obtained from other Holy Order Lords.

Lu Cang finally knew exactly what the Alliance Lord’s lord type was.

【Flesh and Blood Demon Fetus】

A flesh-and-blood type of territorial ability.

At the same time, I also learned about it.

Originally, when the alliance was established.

A total of three people started together.

Electrolux, the Alliance Leader – Monte, and a Terman who disappeared after completing his founding.

These three people, in fact, are all cursed people.

“I didn’t expect that.”

“The founders of the alliance are all cursed people.”

“But as a result, the Alliance also ordered the round-up of the cursed.”

This is indeed a ridiculous farce.

However, the alliance leader is now missing.

It is indeed very likely that a method of promotion taboo has also been discovered.

Waiting for a promotion in the sneak.

And the evil pupil had swept the whole world before and didn’t see him.

I’m afraid I’ve gone into hiding.

A place where even the evil pupil could not detect it.

Either a life exclusion zone or a folding space.


Time passes gradually.

Lu Cang’s arms are also constantly growing and developing.

Now Lu Cang’s arms had finally expanded to a full capacity of 100 million.

One hundred million is a watershed number.

One hundred million troops is the ultimate strength of the Tenth Order Lord.

Different types of territory.

There are different troop caps.

For the vast majority of Tenth Order Lords, the maximum class capacity is 30 or 40 million.

The limit is one hundred million.

So far, I have not heard of higher.

And Lu Cang had already reached this level in the seventh order now.

With the passage of time.

Jean Bi Nulu, all a little confused.

It was too smooth.

Don’t those humans know what’s going on?

Why didn’t anyone stop them?

Or is it that humans are actually dismissive of Beamon?

But soon, Binulu shook his head.

The idea was denied.

How can it be?

Human beings are so weak, how can they be dismissive of the Mongolian race.

Could it be that humanity has given up resistance?

That’s not right.

Even before the fish dies, it has to flutter a few times.

How to reach human beings, it becomes quiet.

There was no movement at all.

This teleportation array is about to be built.

Are they really not coming to stop themselves?

What he didn’t know, however, was that.

On a tower in the distance.

There was an eyeball, staring at the city of Beamon.

Although now, the evil pupil does not have dream-level abilities.

But with the super mythical level.

You can still see through everything in the city.

Lu Cang was not particularly worried about this race.

As long as he can be promoted to the ninth order, the tenth order.

Beamon should have no one to threaten him.

It is also more dangerous when the seventh order is now.

Therefore, Lu Cang was not in a hurry.

Developing strength is the most important thing.

Binulu was waiting for time.

Lu Cang was not waiting for time.

Better yet, see who is afraid of whom.

The upper limit of Beamon, and that’s it, is the holiest at best.

But Lu Cang, as long as he is given enough time, the world can be turned upside down for you.


【Folding space】

More than a day passed.

Lu Cang also finally explored the folding space of the small half.

In one of the folding spaces.

A peculiar drawing was found.

Description of this building.

Very peculiar.

【Sound of the Universe】

[Effect: Build a huge signal tower where you can listen to sounds from the universe]

This was the first time that Lu Cang had seen the concept of cosmic space in this world.

Moreover, this drawing was found in a treasure chest in the folding space.

Obviously, it’s not like an object of this world.

Lu Cang knew the universe outside.

Other races also exist.

However, after exploring the folding space many times, I did not find that one could be played.

All very dish.

Some races even have the strength of the fifth order.

Don’t say what kind of army to use.

Even a creeper, without the possession of the shaper , can kill them all.

And even if it was strong, it was only a few hundred creatures of the tenth order.

Far from being a legion of the Holy Order.

Lu Cang explored the folding space so many times.

Not even a single Holy Order was seen.

“This signal tower can be used directly, and I don’t need to build it.”

Lu Cang found that this is a [building capsule]

This is a particularly precious item.

Once used, buildings can be generated immediately.

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