Shaper functions are ever-changing.

However, Lu Cang’s favorite is still the [self-detonating type]

The power of the self-detonating type is too great.

Ten self-detonating types can blow up three or four Cangcheng.

Beamon City, in fact, is about the same area as Cangcheng.

This time, he dispatched a million self-detonating types.

An explosion, above the world of Beamon.

An area, most of which collapsed completely.

The Divine Tree completely transferred the power of the explosion to the world of Beamon.

At the same time, the light of the Divine Tree also became much dimmer.

Leaves fall off in large areas.

Compared to before the explosion, only about one-tenth of the leaves remained.

“It can’t be blown up.”

This sacred tree is the most troublesome.

It can also be known through the evil pupil Lu Cang.

This shield, even if broken, is free from all damage for a period of time.

It’s like, there’s ten million injuries hitting it.

Even this shield can only withstand 100,000 damage.

But I will still be able to eat all the damage this time.

Therefore, a single attack is definitely unable to hurt Beamon.

And after this over-explosion.

This area is within a radius of 10 million kilometers.

It was already a completely dark smoke.

Self-detonating worms are indeed very powerful.

But there are drawbacks.

That is to explode on its own, regardless of whether it is enemy or self.

The intensity of this explosion was already beyond the ability of all classes except Terraria.

In fact, Lu Cang’s self-exploding worm after becoming a self-exploding type.

The mechanism of the explosion has also changed.

What was originally an explosion split into multiple small explosions

But after becoming a self-detonating type.

It becomes a pure explosion, but greatly increases the power of the explosion.

And as for the dispersion explosion…

There is also such a pattern.

But it is not suitable for use at such times.

Because even if the explosion is dispersed, it will actually be directly detonated because of the big explosion.

It’s like a chain reaction.

As long as one of them blows up, the others have to follow suit.

But in the end, the overall power is still not as good as the one-time explosion type.

As for the second life.

All classes can be revived again.

In fact, in a short period of time, they have been resurrected and have died again.

Double-bomb instantly.

This is the operating mechanism of the self-detonating type.

This also leads.

This radius is within 10 million kilometers.

Nothing can survive.

It was also impossible for Lu Cang to put the troops within the explosion range.

Only Terraria can survive this range.

Even [Ty] has to die.

“What a situation!”

“There is an enemy attack!”


“Everybody scatter and escape! By the way, how could humans make such a terrible attack! ”

“Spread out!”

The shield of the sacred tree was broken.

These Beamons were also terrified.

Directly began to flee towards the outside of the city.

Lu Cang did not stop him.

I didn’t intend to stop it.

The radius is 10 million kilometers.

How can this be stopped.

And at the end of the day, a lord is a lord.

Kill them.

Nor was it.

Lu Cang just, on the edge of the explosion, placed some parasitic eyes.

Prepare to possess these lords.

If you have the chance, jump to the world on Beamon’s side.

Go and tear down their territorial core.

Invasion, right?

I went straight to change hands.

Beamon invaded the human world.

There was actually no conflict of interest with Lu Cang.

After all, Lu Cang hadn’t occupied the place yet.

It’s none of his business.

As for the occupied places.

Lu Cang thought that Beamon should not have been able to run from the west to the east so quickly.

If only it could be that fast.

They don’t need to build any teleportation arrays anymore.

But when he ran to Beamon’s world, he was a real thief.

In the human world, wanting to occupy a piece of territory is very troublesome and very tiring for Lu Cang.

But in the world of Beamon, he wanted to occupy a piece of territory.

It’s a whole piece.

Beamon had already occupied them.

Equivalent to having already packaged.

Just wait for yourself to pass and get the ready-made ones.

But those bimon have to be packaged from scratch.

In the end, he worked hard for Lu Cang.

After part-time work, he would help Lu Cang get those lords away.

Complete the packing of the human world.

In the end, it was found that the bamboo basket was empty.

Stealing home is such a thing.

Lu Cang did it no matter what he did, he was also particularly good at it.


After fleeing the blast zone.

At first, Beamon was trembling.

But it was found, as if except for that explosion.

There is no follow-up.

Until they killed a few human lords.

It went berserk again.

“Haha! The lord of mankind is indeed weak! ”

Beamon is in this world and begins to kill human lords.

At the same time, greed devours the food of this world.

“Watermelon, and red watermelon?”

“In our world of Beamon, it’s all white with red dots.”

“What? Banana? Thick arm? ”

“Our world of Beamon is the thickness of a little thumb.”

Beamon’s arms, extremely stout.

Their little thumbs are as thick as the arms of real-world humans.

They are inherently much larger than humans.

And in the Lord’s World, resources are abundant.

Some fruits, ingredients, are growing very gratifyingly.

In fact, the human world is indeed rich in resources.

At the very least, humans rarely complain about the truly barren nature of the world’s resources.

Although I feel that the development is somewhat unsatisfactory, I can actually find resources all the time.

It doesn’t end up in the mountains.

“This is a natural water source!”


“There are waterfalls in this world!”


“Lean, what are you doing?” Stop it! ”

“Don’t spoil these views!”

“, fly up!”

“These resources cannot be destroyed!”

The Beamons came into this world and rejoiced.

What kind of pure land is this.

This is Elysium, right?

Of course, they also know their own peculiarities.

Resources that are in direct contact with them will wither.

Stuck in a situation where it is difficult to regenerate.

The same is true of their classes.

To solve such a dilemma.

They looked for some Lords of Beamon who had not yet ascended to the Holy Order.

Use their classes to gather resources for themselves.

This will avoid polluting the world.

But even so.

The world of Beamon has been polluted little by little for a long time.

After all, pollution cannot be eliminated.

will last forever.

These Beamons, as long as the feet have taken a step in this world.

Just touch a little.

It will also let this piece be stained with such a curse.

So, for this whole new world.

These Holy Order Lords were unusually careful.

Don’t dare to touch it casually.

This is, so to speak, their future home.

That’s all there is to it.

Lu Cang blew up that large area.

That area reopened and began to grow savagely.

Recovery is almost visible to the naked eye.

Lord Beamon saw this growth rate from a distance, but he was also stunned.

This explosion.

It happened once, and it never happened again.

Neither did the Beamons.

How the hell did this happen.

Soon, they were immersed in the joy of the new world.

As for the previous explosion…

They saw it as humanity’s last counterattack.

After trying to catch them all.

But found the final struggle in vain.

After all, if humans really have a way to counter them.

It’s been a long time coming.

Not to mention, wait until they invade the world.

Just started to act.

War has begun.

Boom boom —

For Lords of the Holy Order.

Ordinary lords, with little resistance.

Under the absolute superiority of combat power.

The western region, the destruction of the decay began to fall.

Usually, a Saint Order Lord is enough to clear a patch of areas.

Holy Order, with such combat power.

Not to mention.

There are so many Holy Order Lords.

Launch an attack towards the resource-rich lord area.

With ease, you can destroy pieces of territory.

Turn them into rubble.

However, this is also only a part of the Holy Order’s lead.

In fact, the vast majority of those who really did it were some Beamon Tenth Order Lords.

Cooperate with a creature of the Holy Order.

Tenth Order Lord.

Not so extreme combat effectiveness.

Of course, what matters.

But there is no curse of hunger.

This is of great help in keeping the land intact.

The western region of mankind gradually fell.

【World Channel】

“Save me, save me,, these Beamons are too many to beat!”

“By the way, Holy Order?” Why did the Holy Order come to me? ”

“Why are there so many of these holy orders?” I’m dead. ”

The lords of the world are also gradually becoming desperate.

Lu Cang didn’t want to do much either.

His current strength is indeed strong.

Moreover, the account with the alliance can also be regarded as a calculation.

But Lu Cang didn’t think it was over.

The human beings of this world really need to repay the revenge for the actions of the cursed.

If you say that you have solved the alliance yourself, those accounts will be settled.

That’s impossible.

“Lu Cang, do we need to continue to fight with Beamon?”

“Well, if you want to try it, you can try it.”

“But, it doesn’t matter.”

Among Beamons, except for King Beamon.

The other Most Holy Ones have come here.

Lu Cang probably knew that in the direction of the north-west, there was already a Most Holy Being.

【Higher than the sky】

【Rank: Most Holy】


Mythical, the Most Holy Lord Beamon.

It is the same intensity as meteorites.

Compared with humans, Beamon does not know what is unique and special.

For the time being, Lu Cang maintained an attitude of not bothering to take care of it.

With six hours to go, he could advance to the Eighth Order Territory.

After completing the promotion.

The combat effectiveness should have been greatly improved again.




“Grass, fight with these Beamons!”

On the battlefield, artillery fire is intertwined.

A group of humans, armed with spears and crossbows, and a huge Beamon, attacked.

Too weak.

Holy Order Lord, go find the Ninth Order and Ten Order Lords.

And the lord of the tenth order of Beamony.

It is to find the lower lord to kill.

Form a situation of complete victory.

Most of Beamon, in the invasion of human territory.

But there is also a part of Beamon, who stops in front of a fog.

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