In this battle, Lu Cang also realized his weakness.

That is the spiritual defense.

Even if the Secret Steel Organization is ordered in the future, it will only be physically stronger.

But mentally, there is still no protection.

The biggest weakness of this nest is the fear of spiritual attacks.

Fortunately, in general, there are not many mental attacks.

The vast majority of lords would not possess the ability to mentally attack.

But when you realize this, you have to guard against it.

This creeper ran fast.

The king of the creepers themselves evolved from the swift creepers.

Moreover, there is a bonus of flesh and blood mucus.

Along the way, the movement speed has also been greatly increased.

Just a few minutes.

The King of Creepers returned to the lair with one hand holding up the body of the Eye Demon.

“Unfortunately, if this corpse is eaten by them, it is estimated that they can cultivate a few more Creeper Kings.”

“However, this corpse has a greater effect on me.”

Lu Cang put the eye demon into his backpack.

Subsequently, it is released into the analytical capsule.

The body of the Eye Demon appeared next to the analytical sac and gradually penetrated into the liquid.

【This analysis is expected to take 5 minutes】

[This creature is a heroic creature, Rank: Fourth Order].

[This biological classification tags: eye demon, spirit, floating, evil].

[Genetic analysis in progress].

[Chance of spawning a new class: 90%].

[Probability of obtaining new class genes: 10%].

Lu Cang looked at the newly appeared prompt.

The previous analysis did not give such a hint.

It is estimated that it is also the reason why the monster is too weak.

This time it is a fourth-order hero-level monster, so there is more analysis.

But…… Don’t give yourself any class genes.

Give yourself a new class.

Moreover, Lu Cang’s flesh and blood were still accumulating.

Soon a million flesh and blood will be satisfied, and the nest will evolve again.



“Sleeper, this time there is a great harvest in the mist area!”

“However, I heard that the remnants of the Curse Society have moved.”

“Curse the remnant party?”

“Most of the remnants of the Curse Society are in the Lord’s World.”

“After Electrolux died, they were still very sad.”

“Yeah, I heard that the members of the Cursed Society are all cursed people who are not allowed to enter the Lord’s World.”

“Electrolux gave them a chance to enter the Lord’s World.”

“If it weren’t for Electrolux, they would have died a long time ago.”

“Yes, after all, it is a lifesaver.”

“But speaking of which… So many cursed people entered the Lord’s World, and they didn’t see any storms and waves they stirred up. ”

“Why are these cursed people forbidden to enter this world?”

“Is it just because their classes are ugly?”

“As for evil… Isn’t the territory all under our control? What does it have to do with the territory itself? ”

Some of the new lords questioned.

Most of them are lords who have recently entered this world.

For these issues.

They also don’t know why.

However, these questions are asked after they come out.

In exchange, it was a large boo.

“Don’t ask!”

“Do you want to be caught?”

“Watch out for the league to check the water meter.”

See these answers.

The new lords immediately did not dare to speak again.

World Channel

“Meng Xin, open up the desert fog area, and only ask for a mouthful of soup!”

“The new lord asks for the guild!” Holy Light Territory, Epic Grade! Looking for a Bright Type Guild! ”

“Rookie Lord, please take the guild!” Mountain territory, legendary level, late can cultivate the blood of giants! Ask for a Giant’s Guild! ”

In the world channel, the new people have been shouting.

Two months had passed since Lu Cang had awakened.

Normal Lords, shortly after awakening, entered the Lord’s World directly.

Lu Cang, on the other hand, wandered outside for two months.

Only through the curse will enter the Lord’s World.

Compared to the same lord, it was two months behind.

The lords of this term have already passed the early stage and developed.

Start looking for guilds.

Also prepare to explore the Misty Zone for the first time.

The world is expanding every year.

Every year, new areas appear waiting for players to explore.

Other areas that have already been explored, though not at all, are completely devoid of resources.

But compared to the fog zone, the resources are much poorer.

Moreover, the Misty Zone is an adventure that excites newcomers as well.

The guild is also recruiting potential new lords.

Maybe one day, these lords will grow into the lords of the lord world.


And in Lu Cang’s lair.

Just five minutes, very quickly.

The evolutionary gene resolution capsule completes the analysis of the eye demon.

Lu Cang looked forward to the results of the analysis.

Resolution Completed

[You have obtained a new class].

[New Class: Facehug, Parasitic Eye].

Lu Cang looked at the pop-up prompt.

In my heart, I was slightly stunned.

This, really, is a new class.

And, not one.

This…… Actually got two new classes at a time?

Isn’t that cool?

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