One by one, the parasitic eyes are released to run the map.

Lu Cang didn’t know enough about this galaxy.

So, I’m still going to put my eyes out and run the map first.

These parasitic eyes are also much larger than at the beginning.

Its observation range also varies depending on the body size.

The Parasitic Eye of the Present.

The effect is also much more than before.

【Gazer (Parasitic Eye)】

[Abilities: Adsorption, parasitism, simulated environment, stealth, sensory cancellation, perspective, gaze, observation, hazard scanning, object detection, life detection…]

[Special ability – size change: The parasitic eye can change the size of the body, the larger the size, the greater the scope of its observation (equivalent to entering the state of concentrated observation)]

[Special ability – Aggregate scan: You can concentrate the line of sight in one direction, greatly increase the observation effect in this direction, and observe the distance farther. 】

[Special Ability – Cluster Gaze: If the parasitic eyes notice an anomaly, they will use the power of the cluster to observe in one direction in a unified way, get more observation feedback, and be farther away. 】

[Special ability – shared visual computing power: around the parasitic eye, the more the number of other parasitic eyes, the stronger the observation ability]

The parasitic eye is also a bit like a floater at this time.

With the ability to cluster.

It is no longer a single ability independent, ordinary flesh and blood creature.


One planet after another.

Yellow eyes opened one by one.

They are all parasitic eyes parasitizing on these planets.

Just one day passed.

In the interior of the galaxy of origin.

It’s like contagion, and one eyeball-like planet after another appears.

It’s not just the outside world observing the origin galaxy.

In the origin galaxy, it is also observing the outside world.

At the same time, the galaxy changes with the origin.

The great lords also gradually came into contact with the origin galaxy.


“Brother… You say, we weave the Yan King, explore this area, will not have a problem? ”

“What are you worried about?”

“We are brothers who have been in the universe for so long.”

“What is the strength of our regiment, do you still not know?”

“You must know that in this universe, our Weaving King Group can more or less be regarded as a famous force in the universe.”

“Although there is no so-called existence above the Holy Order.”

“But even if the major forces don’t get serious, they really can’t make us hurt our bones.”

In the universe, of course, there are also many lords who want to plunder territory.

Form a group.

In the universe, the vast majority of lords are promoted by hunger.

Their resources are very scarce.

As a result, survival must be maintained through constant plunder.

With more and more such lords.

The strength of a single person, or team, is no longer aggressive enough.

It will form larger and larger groups.

This Weaving King Regiment is one of them.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of saints, with tens of millions of lords, came to the gap in the origin galaxy.

This is one of the gaps that are surrounded by layers of spatial barriers.

Only through this gap can we enter the origin galaxy.

Otherwise, they will be surrounded by several other forces that cannot be provoked.

The Weaving King Regiment is less than the upper and more than the bottom.

And the major forces, in order to check the movement of the origin galaxy.

In fact, if these forces are willing.

There simply could not be any gaps that could enter the origin galaxy.

But under the consideration of the major forces.

It was believed that some scattered lords should be occasionally released and entered to investigate and investigate.

In this way, there is no need to lose their own people, let these wronged heads go in and die.

You can observe the mutation of the origin galaxy on your own.

Why not?

【Weaving King Group】

This group has dragons, starships, elements, creatures, everything.

Around their bodies, there are floating stars.

This is the way to get them moving quickly through the universe.

Moving through the universe, at ordinary speeds, will appear very slow.

It is necessary to use some means to increase the speed of movement and shorten the distance in space.

They will find ways to greatly increase the speed of navigation in the universe.

This [light band] is one of them.

【Light belt flight】

Before flying, make use of space-type instruments.

Lay a strip of light directly.

Navigate in the light zone and get a huge speed bonus.

And it can shorten the space required for action.

It’s the equivalent of a day’s walk to get there.

Now it’s a one-step walk.

However, the laying of this light band.

It takes time to charge up the launch.

Moreover, after laying, it cannot be changed casually.

This means that they can only march quickly on this light belt.

If it is disengaged.

Or the need to fight.

Nine times out of ten, they will leave this path.

It would be very difficult to maintain that high speed.

However, this is also no way to do it.

The universe is too big after all.

If you can always maintain the way of moving across galaxies and move, then the speed is already beyond the Most Holy Order.

“Let’s all act together and move towards the preset path.”


“Wuhu, you can finally explore.”

“Well, I’ve been trapped in the Most Holy Level for five hundred years.”

“Only five hundred years? I’ve been in the Most Holy Level for three thousand years! ”

“Finally something has changed.”

One by one, the lords were in a bit of a hurry.

That blood-colored fog was compared to the other fogs of the Origin Galaxy.

Obviously, it’s easier to mess with.

Compared to something completely unknown.

At least, know his formation process.

Since there is flesh and blood, there is substance.

That said, it’s not something that can’t be beaten.

A Most Holy One can sink an area.

These hundreds of Holy Legions.

Attack a planet.

At least they fought from the beginning of their establishment to the present.

I have never encountered a situation where I can’t hit a planet.

If you can’t hit a galaxy, it’s possible.

In general, one planet, two or three of the Most Holy can be taken down.

No matter how many there are, fifty of the Most Holy Ones can be crushed together.

The other side is huge.

And it’s a little weird.

But in any case, it is just a planet.

Thousands of them went out together.

Can this still be taken down?

At the same time, they are not just spying on the mutations of the origin galaxy.

Most importantly, on this planet, there is a remarkable existence.

“There’s a world tree in that world.”

“If the news is correct, we can still grab a world tree!”

“In this way, there is also a chance to save our barren territory.”

“I’ve heard that the World Tree can remove the curse of hunger, but I don’t know if it’s true.”

“I heard that the World Tree has the function of continuously purifying the territory of the planet, which should be true.”

“Anyway, I haven’t seen it, but the rumor is like this.”

What bothers them is a problem with resources.

If it is a resource problem, it can be solved.

Perhaps, there is no need for war at all.

All the great powers in the universe will turn to them.

When the time comes, you don’t have to fight.

I have directly become the most powerful group in this universe.

Think of it this way.

The corners of Man’s mouth couldn’t help but up gently.

This seems to be good.

Before the eight characters were skimmed, the dream directly became the overlord of the universe.

The whole legion also followed his orders.

Start moving forward to prepare for the walkthrough.

And in this instant!


His heart shook violently.

The next instant.

He felt as if he had been choked by his throat.

“Hair… What happened? ”

Soon, he felt that there were countless eyes staring at him in front of him.

That’s right, countless lights.

In front of him, a baby with yellow eyes appeared in front of him.

【Flesh and Blood Demon Baby】

“Oh? Is this the star belt? ”

“The most popular ‘path’ in the universe”

Monte, appears directly in the void.

He stepped out.

In the midst of nothingness, countless flesh and blood burst forth.

It was the same type of territory as Lu Cang, and of course he had abilities similar to Lu Cang.

At the very least, it’s the ability to direct flesh and blood.

Some major competency aspects.

It won’t make much of a difference.

At the same time, a piece of territory is directly unfolding in the universe.

As a taboo.

Where he is located is where the territory is.

At the same time, beside him, huge flesh and blood creatures also stepped directly out of the void.

These flesh-and-blood creatures are all the most holy level super mythical creatures.

Without even going through any manufacturing process, it was born out of thin air.

As a contraindication.

Crafts creatures of the Most Holy Level.

It’s as simple as the Holy Order Lords creating a first-order class.

It’s like drinking water.

“Thank you for the way you built for me.”

“It’s much more convenient.”

The entire Weaving Yan King Regiment had actually been frozen.

They were covered in flesh and blood, and they could not move.

Any part of them.

are difficult to offset.

There are only mechanical creations, and elements that have no flesh and blood.

to have some opportunities for action.

However, it is only an opportunity.

In fact, these beings have also been deterred.

From the void, vines of flesh and blood appeared, blocking all their actions.

Man’s throat wanted to make a sound.

The brain wants to convey thoughts.

Only to find that it could not be conveyed at all.

All your thoughts, all your thoughts, are all contained at the source.

As if something was in complete control of itself.

Don’t let yourself be heard.

At the same time, fear filled his heart.

This fear comes from the depths of the heart.

It is absolute fear, absolute repression.

In that instant he understood.

He couldn’t win.

Even if the entire Weaving King Regiment, taken together, faces this existence.

None of them have a chance to win.

This existence is definitely not the combat power that the Holy Order should have.

His throat grunted.

But suddenly, he found that he seemed to be a little more relaxed.


“You are a being above the Holy Order!”

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