Yourself, crossing is not crossing into another world.

But to travel to the distant future thousands of years later?

Lu Cang did not interrupt the other party’s story.

The other person refers to himself as an ancient.

It seems that something has been discovered.

Perhaps, the other party has a certain understanding of his own history.

Lu Cang was not afraid to expose himself as a person from another world.

By now, it makes no difference exposing this.

What matters now is not whether it is exposed or not.

The entire universe is under the condition of enemies.

The first thing to do.

Or rather, the only thing to do is to improve your strength.

Constantly devouring and expanding.

Nothing else matters.

“However, this situation does not last long.”

“Soon, these lords were raised to the upper limit of the power of the lords at that time.”

“That’s the tenth order.”

“At this time, the lord has been able to freely enter and exit the cosmic space.”

“It also has the ability to do some large-scale destruction.”

“However, after all, it is just a small fight.”

“Although there is a huge gap between you and the Ninth Order Lord, it has not reached the point of being completely crushed.”

“Challenges that cross levels happen from time to time.”

“And because of the small gap in strength.”

“So, it is simply impossible to have a single voice that rules over all the lords and unites them completely.”

“And at that time, for the development of the lord system, it was a complete reclamation stage.”

“No one gets too many hints at all.”

“But, after a while, this situation has changed.”

“I don’t know when, some lords found some information.”

“In that material, the way of promotion is deduced.”

“Finally, in the universe, the first lord promoted to the Holy Order was born.”

“It has also ushered in, a new ruling class.”

“This only Holy Rank Lord, directly swept across the Blue Star to fight the invincible hands all over the world, and pushed all enemies in the world.”

“Eventually, the blue star will rule.”

Lu Cang listened to the other party’s description.

It feels vaguely similar to my own experience.

Although he said that he was not promoted to the Holy Rank to fight the invincible hand all over the world.

But he did sweep away all the enemies on this planet.

And in the face of countless malice in the universe.

It can only be said who will fight whom.

There is no fear at all.

However, there are also reasons why these forces are too weak to fight.

The lord of the space forbidden zone is constantly described.

The scene at that time.

At that time, the blue star was indeed a chaos, and in the midst of chaos, order was established.

It was told for three hours.

The lord of the space forbidden area, the words turned sharply.


“One day, all the lords above the blue star disappeared.”

“And in this universe, there are many different races.”


【Cosmic Space】

“Are we still going?”

In a hidden space.

A group of undead beings are communicating through consciousness.

If they go.

It is estimated that it is the end of death.

That beam.

Growth has taken place visibly.

In fact, do not perish spirits.

The combat effectiveness in the universe can be called relatively weak.

Among the major forces, it can be regarded as the weakest one.

There is only their power, and there is no existence above the taboo.

Although there are many taboo level lords.

But none of them broke through this layer.

So, they are also hesitating.

Forbidden Lord.

It is indeed the existence of some of the top fighting forces in this universe.

But right now.

It seems to be facing the existence in that blood mist in the origin galaxy.

There is still a little bit that is not enough to see.


“Based on what I just observed.”

“That beam appeared for the second time in the universe.”

“Basically can be judged.”

“That beam of light is spraying at the mother nest of the endless insect plague.”

“He’s already had a vendetta against Mother Worm.”

“I don’t think we need to do it ourselves.”

Say so.

But in fact, it was he who instigated it.

, in the face of a being who doesn’t know how strong it can be.

You can kill taboos at any time and turn everything into nothingness.

Who can not provoke this.

In fact, it is common to face taboos.

The spirit that does not perish is probably the least afraid.

Other creatures, more or less, are afraid of death.

But they are almost as if there is no possibility of death.

Want to kill them.

Almost impossible.

From ancient times to the present, so long years.

Only by not dying can we accumulate the wealth of a whole race.

It can also be regarded as a small force from the original.

By now, a huge force that makes people feel frightened.

One of the natural disasters in the universe.

But now, they have met their nemesis.

The beam of light that didn’t know exactly what it was.

It is a weapon that can completely kill them.

“Okay, then we’ll just hide now.”

“Somebody will pick him up anyway.”

After making up your mind like this.

These immortal spirits hidden in the hidden space made up their minds.

Decide on an update schedule.

From offensive to slipping away.

And the moment they left the hidden space.

They found.

Outside the hidden space.

Covered with countless huge eyes.

These eyes seem to be embedded in the void.

In the cosmic space.

They are all covered with dense pupils.

Watching makes them feel bad.

“By …”

“We, this is not being targeted.”


“Was it discovered by Lu Cang?”

“I have a bad premonition!”

“Let’s disperse!”

And this leader’s voice has just fallen!

Hum —

A gray glow of nothingness.

It shrouded itself over to this side.

There was no sound.

All I know is that everything that is shrouded in this light seems to have turned into a piece of nothingness.

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