【Sunset Canyon】

“The Spider Queen, it should not have discovered our actions yet.”

“Wolf King, won’t he come?”

“The Wolf King seems to have hurt his vitality, isn’t there a world boss war in the Far East?”

“It is estimated that it will not come for a while and a half.”

“But it doesn’t matter, we’re in the dark, the enemy is in the light, and it should be easy to solve.”

“One less person to share the soup is also a good thing.”

“Oh, what else is said that one less person to share the soup, I see that you just want to drag others into the water to die.”

“Haha, the Spider Queen is also a seventh-order lord, and I certainly don’t expect a wolf king to do anything.”

“However, I care more about the new person than the Spider Queen.”

“Lu Cang seems to be in the Far East.”

“In this desolate little place in the Far East, a lot seems to have happened recently.”

“I don’t know if it’s an illusion.”

In the middle of the forest.

The lords led their troops and lay dormant in the shadows.

They have already learned the intelligence in advance.

The Spider Queen is rooted in this forest.

If you can successfully fight it, you can certainly make a fortune in blood.

They are also aware of the hidden value of the cursed.

Definitely not like a bounty.

Its value is far higher than several times or even dozens of times the alliance bounty.

In addition, the Cursed Man is completely out of print because of the Electrolux Crusade.

Hunt one less one.

Thinking of this, the major lords couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful.

If you succeed, you will get rich.


However, at this very moment.

In the middle of the forest, the rustle of branches was heard.

“Chris’s little boyfriend, the intelligence is indeed true.”

At this time, the Spider Queen transforms into a spider and hangs from the branches of a tree.

Look ahead at the lords who are ambushed in the woods.

Lords of the Seventh Order.

Already has a strong combat capability.

The greatest characteristic of the lords of this rank is that they have the ability to hide their powerful classes.

It can be a small space of its own.

Hide troops in space and release them directly when war breaks out.

On the battlefield, the lords of the seventh order often bring unexpected and devastating blows to the enemy.

However, once these classes are released, they cannot be reclaimed again in a short period of time.

After the Spider Queen received information from Lu Cang, she still hid the territory.

Hide each spider’s nest in an imperceptible place.

At the same time, put all spiders on alert.

For patrols.

No more gathering of resources for development.

And, during this time, the Spider Queen began to accelerate the production of combat classes.

As for the production type of troops, the proportion of troops is greatly reduced.

Ready to fully enter a state of war.

After waiting for a few days.

Sure enough….

Really met a human lord who wanted to hunt himself.

“My territory has been discovered.”


“Gotta change of place.”

The lord of the sixth order already has the ability to transfer territory.

However, it is not possible to transfer multiple times in a short period of time.

But with this ability.

Recipients of the sixth order and above have a much higher ability to survive in this world.

Fifth Order Cursed Recipients, although they leave the territory, will not die if they are killed.

But the question is.

As long as the territory location is exposed.

Waiting for the cursed will be a steady stream of lords from all over the world to carry out crusades.

Even the strongest of the cursed people could not resist such an attack.

You can only end up drinking hate.

However, if you can transfer territory.

It is a glimmer of life.

Of course, there are many disadvantages.

That is to give up this treasure of resources that he has found so hard.

The recipients of the curse, before being threatened, will also explore other alternate territories long ago.

Choose the best one out of multiple territories.

Therefore, often the territory where the cursed people are stationed is the best resource treasure for themselves.

And to relocate means to lose that.

It was like letting Lu Cang forcibly escape and leave the Secret Steel Stone Mountain Range

Lu Cang would not be willing.

“But that’s what these people say.”

“It’s not very difficult to kill them.”

“Fix them and move them out right away.”

“They should also be able to scrape out good materials.”

“Especially, that Celestial Lord.”

As a matter of fact.

Lords of the same rank.

There is still a big difference between a spelled person and an ordinary lord.

If the recipient develops, his or her strength is completely above that of other ordinary territories.

It’s just a pity, because of the environmental persecution.

The recipient of the curse cannot develop steadily.

At the same time, a trace of chill also flashed in the Spider Queen’s compound pupils.

The people of the alliance, again and again, pressed hard.

They cursed and were already very angry.

The Spider Queen, on the other hand, happens to be a very special kind of nest.

If someone else invades, the Spider Queen has no defense.

It is easy to be attacked and fallen.

But if so, the Spider Queen knew in advance that the enemy was coming.

And if you make arrangements in advance.

Its ability to fight back is the strongest among those of the same rank.

Spiders are supposed to wait for prey to enter the web and then hunt.

Where these lords did not notice.

Silk threads have been intertwined in the forest.

When they were not paying attention, they were already caught in a big net.

Taken as prey by the Spider Queen.


Far East

Lu Cang lay on a flesh-and-blood recliner.

Through the eyes of the “evil pupil”, look within 5,000 kilometers.

At the same time, also look at the community.

The community is already full of associations and speculations.

The spearhead of everything is all directed at the relationship between the creeper and Lu Cang.

As for the private messages of the Wolf King Lord, they had already been poked and exploded.

Most of these people had come to inquire about the Lords of Lu Cang’s news.

They all thought that the Wolf King Lord had encountered the Creeper with the Boar Lord before.

Now it seems that the creeper is the creature most associated with Lu Cang.

Most likely, no… It should be said that it must be Lu Cang’s troops.

However, for these private messages of inquiry.

Lu Cang didn’t reject them all.

Instead, through the news of these private messages, the counter-talk was carried out.

Since these lords all wanted to know the information about the creeper from the mouth of the Wolf King Lord.

Lu Cang was not stingy.

Tell them directly, the “intelligence” of the creeper

Moreover, in exchange for the private information of other lords.

Who stipulates that what you say must be true?

Use false news yourself in exchange for the true news of other lords, so that other lords will have misjudgments at the same time.

Also send yourself a hand of information, isn’t it fragrant?

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