Time will still pass.

Lu Cang opened his eyes.

I woke up in the middle of the day and half a day passed quickly.

The development of the territory to the present, there is no need for the lord to do anything personally.

It can even be said that Lu Cangguang has no problem sleeping heavily.

On the flat ground, a big mountain also rises from the ground.

That’s Lu Cang’s imperial rank, the sixth-order class.

【Roshan Mountain】

It has both architectural and biological characteristics.

Under the mimicry, this mountain of flesh is like an ordinary mountain.

But if you solve the mimesis.

This mountain of flesh is a huge mass of flesh intertwined with pieces of flesh and blood flowing.

In the middle of the meat mountain, there are also some dense meat tube passages.

To outsiders, these tubes may have been used to explore the internal structure of Roshan.

Or a special channel to find the weakness of Roshan Mountain.

Seems to be the only way to solve this huge monster.

Monsters, there must be a weakness isn’t it?

And the weakness of ordinary giant monsters is not to enter its body, find its core, and then destroy it?

But in fact, these meat tubes are simply used as a passage for transporting troops.

Moreover, the meat tube can be tightened at any time, squeezing people flat in an instant.

Roshan has no core and no weaknesses.

To destroy it, you can only evaporate it completely.

Otherwise, over time, Roshan will automatically recover.


Roshan is almost entirely muscular.

Hardness, equivalent to the secret steel stone.

This meat mountain of Lu Cang is almost equivalent to a secret steel stone mountain.

In this world, what can instantly destroy and evaporate a secret steel stone mountain?

Moreover, it is such a huge secret steel stone mountain?

Don’t say it’s a secret steel stone, even if it’s such a big lump of cotton, it will take a day to ignite the fire.

All, this class, can almost be called absolutely invincible.

Although the offensive ability is not strong.

But in terms of defensive ability.

Lu Cang could only say that at least his current level of knowledge.

It is not yet understood how this mountain of flesh can die.

It is estimated that only those five life forbidden areas can pose a huge threat to this meat mountain.

But whether you die or not is another matter.

Space forbidden area, time forbidden area, confusion forbidden area, death forbidden area, so-and-so forbidden area.

The space exclusion zone does not seem to be a particularly big threat.

Time Forbidden Zone….

This thing can indeed pose a huge threat to Roshan.

Confused in the forbidden area, Roshan also has a certain degree of spiritual awareness.

Surely it will also be controlled.

So it’s still dangerous.

Death Exclusion Zone….

After the forbidden zone will die, there have been no exceptions.

The defense of the flesh may not be able to defend against the mysterious mortal effect.

So, it’s still very dangerous.

As for the Crash Zone…


Lu Cang was thinking in his heart, but suddenly in his mind, a mysterious forbidden area popped out.

But soon, this memory changed repeatedly.

Well, yes, the four forbidden areas.

Space forbidden zone, time forbidden zone, confused forbidden zone, death forbidden zone.

“As long as I don’t enter those four forbidden areas, my meat mountain is invincible.”

This moment.

Lu Cang sensed something was wrong.

“No… What I just thought is, the five forbidden areas? ”

“No, there are only four forbidden areas in the world!”

“Four forbidden areas? Five forbidden areas? ”

“It’s four, not five.”

“Why do I think of five?”

“Speaking of the World Channel some time ago… Not true…”

“No, no, no… How could it be so chaotic. ”

“Obviously I didn’t have a few days to come into this world.”

“Memory shouldn’t be so chaotic.”

“I seem to have lost some memories? No, it’s not lost, it seems to be a mess. ”

“No, it’s very problematic.”


Lu Cang’s brow furrowed.

It felt as if I had been affected by something.

The next instant.

Lu Cang’s gaze instantly firmed.

Lu Cang no longer delayed.

A fleshy worm soaking in a pool of blood suddenly opened up!


Its flesh and blood instantly exploded, and Lu Cang appeared from it.

Stand in the midst of a pool of blood.

Soak in a pool of blood.

The moment of contact with the pool of blood.

Lu Cang felt that in his mind, there was a shackle broken.

The Curse of Cognition has been removed

For a moment, everything was clear.

What I learned in the textbook before entering the Lord’s World.

It also became very clear and clear.

Since a long time ago, it has been the five forbidden areas.

“Sure enough… It should be the five forbidden areas. ”

“Fifth forbidden zone, broken forbidden area.”

Lu Cang had just suddenly thought of what had been discussed in the World Channel some time ago.

At first, Lu Cang didn’t think so.

But now it seems a bit creepy.

The catastrophe of the world suddenly came, the fifth forbidden area changed, and the cognitive curse fell on the lords.

Changed the perception of all the lords of the whole world about the Fifth Forbidden Zone.

The fifth forbidden area disappeared in people’s cognition.

What a horrible situation?

“If it weren’t for the pool of blood that could lift all abnormalities, I really wouldn’t have been able to find out.”

“However, the blood pool can even break the curse of the forbidden area.”

“It really lives up to its name.”

All abnormal states can be lifted, not just talk.

“But worrying about this now doesn’t help.”

“You should be more careful in the future.”

This curse is obviously not directed at him alone, but at the whole world.

Collapse the forbidden area, it seems to be about to do something.


East – East of Beyer

[Earth Dragon Lord – Xing Yun].

“Brothers, we cannot participate in the battlefields of the world’s catastrophe.”

“But the crusade against Lu Cang is more than enough.”

“That’s all right.”

“Whoever killed Lu Cang, the head will belong to me, after all, I am the organizer, as for the bounty, everyone will share it together.”

“We, the Hundred Lords Group, can’t we not take a small fifth-order lord?”

“I play so much up and down, it shouldn’t be too much to take a head, right?”

“Boss… But the problem is, you’re the general who defends the city of Beyer in the east. ”

“Is it really appropriate to go on a crusade against Lu Cang?”

“Less nonsense, still don’t allow Lao Tzu to earn extra money?”

“A new human lord, do you think the curse will really go and save him?”

“No kidding, in my opinion, putting so many troops over there is a waste.”

“It is better to engage in a wave of land flies and earn a wave of extra money.”

“We are closest to Lu Cang, and I bought the Thunder Beast Lord in the Far East to let him open the teleportation array for us to pass.”

“Rush ahead of the other lords, slaughter Lu Cang, and someone from the province will share the soup with us.”


Lu Cang was in the nest.

Look at the message that some lord sent to you.

[Brother Thunder Beast, please use the teleportation array to fight against the cursed Lu Cang.] 】

After the matter is completed, a benefit will be distributed to the Thunder Beast Brothers. 】

[Of course, we will also provide tolls, but please don’t let other lords pass through for the time being.] 】

This information was naturally sent to Lu Cang’s email.

The Thunder Beast Lord had already been controlled by the “hugging”.

And the Thunder Beast Lord was the only powerful lord in this desolate Far East region.

It also controls the teleportation array in the Far East.

Other areas, if they want to teleport to the Far East, must obtain permission from the Thunder Beast Lord.

Otherwise, you can only walk on foot for hundreds of millions of miles.

This is also Lu Cang’s strength to deal with the crusade of the whole world.

Even if the other lords are cattle again.

You also have to obediently line up and send people heads one by one.

For this transfer negotiation application.

Of course, Lu Cang readily agreed.

After agreeing to this request.

Lu Cang had a thought, and came to the side of Roshan Mountain.

“Blessed by flesh and blood.”

The blessings of one’s own flesh and blood can be reserved for the mountain of meat.

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