【Cursed Guild Channel】

“Lu Cang, you want to attack the city of Beyer.”

“Isn’t this crazy?”

“Don’t be so in a hurry to make up your mind.”

“Lu Cang has accomplished a feat that we can’t do.”

“No… It should be said that throughout the ages, no lord has been able to achieve a feat. ”

“I ask you, in this world, what is the history of the Fifth Order Lords, a person who killed a hundred people, and the Seventh Order Eighth Order Lords Regiment?”


“I think Lu Cang is an opportunity for our curse to turn over.”

“It is also an opportunity for our cursed people to change their current situation.”

“Why don’t we try to believe him once?”

[Chris]: “Huh? What happened? ”

Chris, it’s only now that you’re waking up.

She ascended to the third order of territory and fell into a deep sleep.

And now, he had been promoted to the third order of territory.

In just nine days, he was promoted to the third order.

Already a great speed.

“Lu Cang? What happened to Lu Cang? ”

“Yes, the novice protection period has passed, is Lu Cangge all right?”

Chrissy thought of this and immediately looked through the chat history.

At the same time, I also inquire into the community to see what happened during the time I was asleep.

However, do not look do not know…

I was really shocked to see it.

“Brother Lu Cang, have you been crusaded?”

However, before she could worry about Lu Cang from chronological order.

But I saw more new reports.

“The cursed Lu Cang, single-handedly fighting the Hundred Lords Regiment, all destroyed!” 》

Seeing the title, Chrissy nervously clicked in.

“Brother Lu Cang, was killed?”

Chriss’s mood was extremely nervous.

This title looks very awkward.

But from the common sense.

It would be a group of hundred lords, completely destroying Lu Cang’s territory.

Click in with a nervous mood.

But after clicking in.

Chrissy was completely stunned.

What and what is this?

Lu Cang single-handedly defeated the Hundred Lords Regiment?

Chrissy scanned urgently for more information.

“The Scourge of the Cursed, the Rising Lu Cang!” 》

Kill? Or its own strength? Bluff, or really powerful? The mystery of Lu Cang! 》

Analyze the upper limit of the combat power of the Fifth Order Lord! 》

“Take stock of the strongest fifth-order lords in the past!” The rank of the cursed Lu Cang is…”

However, one message after another was pounding on his senses.

It made her a little incredulous.

“Is this true?”

“Is it really not an illusion?”

“Oh? Lu Cang’s younger girlfriend woke up. ”

“Little friend, when you sleep this time, the outside world is turned upside down.”

“You little boyfriend, you can really toss things.”

“In just a few days, this entire lord world has been turned upside down.”

“Sister, I like such a man, sister, how about you give your boyfriend to your sister?”

“Female Emperor, don’t flirt with other people’s newcomers, newcomers are not happy.”

“People are just joking, can they take it seriously?”

“But, sister, your little boyfriend is going to do something big again.”

“His intention to invade the city of Beyer has put us in a difficult situation.”

“Should we go crazy with him?” Or is it better to just rescue the new person who has been cursed? ”

“In the end, whether or not to save the new man now doesn’t seem to be a big problem.”

“The biggest problem now is your little boyfriend.”

The cursed person [Natsuki] with the prefix “Charm of the Female Emperor” speaks on the guild channel.

Chrissy looked at the guild channel, but for a moment she couldn’t get back to God.

She had just woken up.

Just got a good night’s sleep.

What the hell is going on in this world?

Own green plum bamboo horse.

The object of his crush, actually made such a big deal?

Or even become the enemy of the world?

Although, the recipient of the curse is himself a public enemy of the world.

But Lu Cang’s situation was obviously different.


“I don’t know what happened.”

“But if it is Lu Cangge’s decision, he must have his own reasoning.”

“Anyway, I have no brain to support Brother Lu Cang!”

Faced with these many problems.

Chrissy immediately expressed her opinion.

And she also knew that she couldn’t influence the decision of the Curse Society anyway.

When the other person says these words, he is just talking to himself, and he really wants to decide something.

It’s still up to them.


“Brainless support, really funny little girl.”

“I can see that you like your little boyfriend.”

“Although Lao Tzu is a man, he also appreciates your little boyfriend, who has flesh and blood!”

“Hahaha, we who have been cursed, have been suppressed by the alliance for so many years, have never been afraid of their hands and feet, have not raised their eyebrows, no brainless support, well said!”

“This wave, I have no brain to follow!”

“You followed, and I followed!” The fifth order can play seven or eight orders, so what is the difficulty of hitting a Bayer City? ”

“I can only say that Lu Cang’s old brother this wave is so open!” I teleport directly with it! ”

“You all follow? Then I also stud! Lao Tzu directly brought out forty thousand black devils! Give him a blood intake from the north! ”

“You brought fifty thousand black devils?” Then I will bring fifty thousand headless knights! You enter from the north, then I will enter from the south, you are in front of me, rounded up, I am the back in! ”

“Are you back in? Then you open the passage of Bayer City, I master the hyperspace jumping technology, I teleport directly from the middle, I will come out! ”

Chrissy never expected a statement of her own.

It was in the midst of the curse that a spark was set off.

One by one, the lords jumped out.

It means to be brainless with this wave.

These lords are all on top.

The main thing is to fight every day, to be beaten every day, to be hunted down every day, to offer bounties, to find the whereabouts, to round up.

You can only hide your head and tail, and steal your life.

Fuck, who can stand this?

In other words, who is not angry?

Who doesn’t have a little bit of fire.

This would have taken down the city of Bayer.

Don’t say down, even if it is not beaten, as long as it is hit.

It’s all fucking angry.

If it is hit, it will undoubtedly slap the alliance hard.

Whoever is happy.

In a certain territory, the vice president of the Curse Society looked at the news in the chat channel.

But it was lost in thought.

“Lu Cang…”

“Teacher Electrolux, this is not the same as your calculation.”


【You have completed the analysis – Mountain Giant】

【You have completed the analysis – Pegasus】

【You have completed the analysis – the nuclear fortress of war】

One by one, complete the analysis.

[The Creeper has acquired genes: Dark Spear Claw, Extra Arms, Bounce Enhancement…]

[Dark Spear Claw: A gene derived from the Shadow Spear, which extracts the sharp properties of the tip of the Shadow Spear, giving the creeper’s claws the same destructive power as the tip of the Shadow Spear.] 】

[Extra Arms: Extracting the gene of the four-armed King Kong, extracting the two additional arms growing behind the back, allowing the creeper to gain additional arms and be able to perform more and more brutal attacks. 】

[Bounce enhancement: The gene of the bungee rabbit is extracted, which greatly enhances the speed and height of the creepers. 】


One by one, the genes are intensified.

Now the creepers have become even more terrifying.

Although the King of Creepers only has a fifth-order strength.

But in fact, to win the Ninth Order Army, it is not a problem.

Even if you can’t kill it, you will never be killed.


[Blood giants have acquired genes: strong, fast-moving, fighting posture…]

[Strong: Extracted the Mountain Giant gene, the size of the body is once again improved. 】

[Swift Step: Extracted the fighting warrior genes and learned to move faster.] 】

[Fighting posture: Extracted from the martial arts gene, the shape of the body is more suitable for fighting, and the same amount of muscle can emit more powerful force than before. 】


[The screamer has acquired genes: echo cords, high resonance, nerve conduction…]

[Echo cords: The gene of the reflective robot is extracted, and each time it is screamed, it will be released repeatedly in the form of an echo. 】

[High resonance: When you release the same scream at the same time as other spikes, the resulting skill effect is increased additionally. 】

[Nerve conduction: Now not only the bones can conduct sound, even if the vibration is completely isolated, this scream will still pass into the other person’s brain in the form of nerve waves. 】


In addition to that, there are more enhancements.

The overall strength of Lu Cang’s arms had all leapt to a higher level.

Unfortunately, the meat worm is not a class of soldiers that are resolved by the evolutionary gene analysis sac.

Therefore, no reinforcement is obtained by resolving the capsule.

Enhancement can only be obtained through special genes.

But even so.

It is only a first-order cannon fodder class, and the [Meat Worm] is not a class that can be easily killed.

Because the fleshworm itself has two genes, “Secret Steel Tissue” and “Star Ring Nerve”.

Although there is no offensive power.

But the defense is absolutely full.

Lu Cang strolls through the city of Bayer.

At the same time, acquire a large number of resources.

Ever since becoming a cursed person, he hadn’t walked well in the city.

Lu Cang breathed in the fresh air of Bayer City.

On the one hand, the city of Beyer is secretly transformed into flesh and blood.

“Execution ticket, execution ticket!”

“Whether there is a collar or not depends on the execution!”

“Execution of the cursed [Bodo], on-site tickets!”

“5,000 gold coins in the field, 15,000 gold coins in the second class, 30,000 gold coins can be executed in the first class seat!”

“This is a good opportunity to befriend the big guy lord!”

“In the first class, you are surrounded by famous big men, if you climb the relationship with them, sigh…”

“That’s a superior lord from all over the world, not me blowing it, it’s from east to west, south to north.”

“I only have three tickets for First Class.”

A lord waving a wad of golden bills in his hand.

Shouting in the streets.

But few lords paid attention to him.

After all, these tickets are too expensive.

Five thousand gold coins, you can only buy an outfield.

The stall that Lu Cang visited before, all the resources of a stall were bought, but it only cost three thousand gold coins.

As for the first class seat of thirty thousand gold coins.

This is all the price at which the old man of the profiteer bought the secret steel stone.

With this money, wouldn’t it be fragrant to go and buy a unit of Sacred Order materials?

To be a spectator, there is really no place to burn the money.

However, Lu Cang was interested in this.

The reason is not him…

It is because of what he said. Lords from all over the East, West, South, and North regions.

Lu Cang smiled and stepped forward.

Pulled out three gold coin bags.

“Bring me a ticket for First Class.”

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