“Blew yourself up.”

“It’s very similar to the blood bearer.”

“But it’s more applicable.”

The Blood Bearer is also an air unit.

Almost a property with a bomber.

The limitations are significant.

Especially indoors, it is difficult to function.

And this self-exploding worm can explode anywhere.

Obviously, the range of use alone is already much stronger than that of the blood bearer.

“This can be used to destroy the teleportation array.”

After Lu Cang’s investigation.

The teleportation array inside the city of Beyer was very strong.

The hardness is also comparable to that of the Secret Steel.

After all, it is the hub teleportation array of the capital.

Nature cannot be easily destroyed.

The materials used are also very precious.

Therefore, it is still a bit difficult to destroy at the first time the battle starts.

But now it seems that as long as enough self-detonating worms are piled up.

It is completely possible to do direct destruction.

Moreover, this attack scores.

The power of the explosion does not seem to be generally high.

Lu Cang casually created a self-detonating worm.

A worm the size of a fingernail of a little thumb.

Crawl out of the blastocyst.


Lu Cang gave an order.

Little worms, explode in an instant!


Green liquid splashes around!

And after these green liquids come into contact with the substance.


Another explosion!

It’s like, some kind of explosive liquid from a past life.

However, the power is much more terrifying.

At the same time, wisps of white smoke spread from the contact surface.

This is a sign of strong corrosiveness.

And on the ground, section by section of worm corpse.

Re-coalesce into smaller worms.

These worms are much smaller than nail caps.

It’s like an aphid for fishing.

And these worms, can have a secondary explosion.


Lu Cang gave the order again.


The explosion erupted again.

The remaining worms completely exploded!

The horror of the power of the explosion.

The cave couldn’t help but shake a little, and there were some secret steel stone powder falling down.

This is a cave of secret steel stones.

The power of this explosion really hurt the Secret Steel Stone.

Although, it just made the secret steel stone drop a little powder.

But it also hurt the Secret Steel Stone.

“The power of the explosion is indeed terrifying.”

If it is converted into an impact force.

Probably it was already comparable to the Blood Giant’s punch.

Moreover, the current Blood Giant has also received additional enhancements.

Its combat effectiveness is not only a little higher than before.

“Make, self-exploding worms.”

Lu Cang began to mass-produce self-exploding worms.

In particular, in the embryo sac under the city of Bayer.

Massive builds.

Worms pass through underground waterways and come to the ground, lurking in buildings.

Time passes by minute by minute.

The passage of time made Lu Cang’s flesh and blood blessed and refreshed again.

Lu Cang chose to bless the creepers this time.

This veteran-level class has accompanied itself from the beginning.

This class itself is also very convenient.

His size allows him to fight in a small space.

Extremely flexible,

Regardless of the occasion, you can perform the task well.

Moreover, the creepers also have the most additional part-time positions.

A highest-level creeper can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of Lu Cang’s general occasions.

【Please give a new name】


The name.

It is a thought of a certain character in a previous life whose lower body was cut off and whose upper body crawled hard.

This role is quite unpopular.

But Lu Cang remembered it more deeply, so he decided to use this name as a memorial.

【Twister – Rami】


【Rank: 6th Order】

【Attack Rating:10,000】

[Defense Rating: 5,000,000]

[Abilities: Extreme Speed, Crazy Twisting, Twisting, Hyperplasia Limb]

[Exclusive ability – reptile gene: The living creature bitten by “Lamy” will inevitably be injected into the reptile gene, gradually and partially transformed into a creeper, and its degree of resistance varies according to its level. 】

[Exclusive Ability – Creeper Leader: When “Rami” exists on the battlefield, all Creeper receive additional battle enhancements and get two additional phantom limbs, enemies cannot physically touch the phantom limbs, phantom limbs can physically collide with enemies, and “Lami” gets four additional phantom limbs. 】

[Exclusive Ability – Creeper Cluster: “Rami” commands the creeper, and when the crawler collectively attacks a target, the damage to the target is enhanced, and the “Rami” can increase the strength of his attack according to the number of crawlers around. 】

[Exclusive ability – Ancestral Creeper: When Rami survives, each fleshworm will be able to divide into three crawlers. 】

Rami, compared to the other supreme beings of the individual powerful.

Instead, it improves the ability of clustering.

The additional reinforcement of the threat of the creeper swarm.

This is also in line with the characteristics of the creeper group.

This branch of the army is not originally a crack class, let alone a powerful branch that fights alone.

Its biggest advantage lies in its quantitative advantage and its flexibility.

Now Rami is enhanced, just in this direction.

In this period of waiting for the blessing of flesh and blood.

Lu Cang also communicated with Chrissy again.

Chrissy said that she would support Lu Cang unconditionally.

It’s just that I’m too weak now.

There was no chance to fight with Lu Cang.

Moreover, Chrissy herself did not know where she was.

In the world channel, no useful clues have been found.

It was as if his location was cut off from the rest of the world.

At the same time, Chrissy also said something to Lu Cang.

If you have your own territory, you can be promoted to the mythical level.

Maybe the resurrected undead can have memories of the past lives.

If you can continue to promote, you may be able to truly resurrect the dead.

Teacher Electrolux, maybe he can really be resurrected.

Lu Cang took what Chrissy said to heart.

Electrolux, gave him a second life.

But he couldn’t save it, which was also a regret for him.

Lu Cang had already promised in his heart that he would take revenge on the Alliance.

At the same time, if there is an opportunity in the future.

Find a way to resurrect Electrolux.

This idea was very absurd before.

After all, to be dead is to be dead.

Man cannot be resurrected from the dead.

If it is so easy to come back to life.

The lords of this world are still worried about what territory disappears.

Also worry about what is destroyed crystal nuclei.

Also worry about what to die.

But now, Lu Cang has the highest level of territory.

Lu Cang also saw hope.

This territory, as if it can do everything.

As the rank of the territory increases, the territory can also bring him more and more surprises.

And as for the curse will, for their hospitality.

Lu Cang did not refuse.

If others want to come, you can’t always drive them away, right?

Moreover, Lu Cang also planned to have a contact with these cursed people.

After all, I had only known them in the chat before.

It was only a few months ago, just met the Curse Society.

For this mysterious and time-honored guild.

Lu Cang also had some curiosity.

Most importantly, the curse will be closely related to the interests of the recipient.

Lu Cang also intended to get more useful information from it.

In this way, it is necessary to have real contact with the person who has been cursed.

“You’ll be able to move up to the sixth order soon.”

During this time.

Lu Cang had already ruled most of the Far East.

“Hug” has finally completely completed the control of the Thunder Beast Lord.

It had fallen off the face of the Thunder Beast Lord.

And the Thunder Beast Lord had completely lost himself.

“Far East, almost completely under my control.”

“Although barren, it is undeniably a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.”

If it is another place, it is necessary to worry about the ambush on ten sides.

And in this place.

Just worry about the enemy coming from the west.

Far East region, surrounded by the sea on three sides.

Only to the west, is the land that borders the world.

Only to the west, is the territory bordering humans

The location of Lu Cang’s nest is even more eastern.

Others want to attack here, just the distance, it takes a lot of time, they have to exhaust.

However, in the community.

Several posts also made Lu Cang’s brow wring.

These few posts are nothing else.

It was from the Holy Order Lord’s speech.


The Giant Sky Lord’s Speech: Crusade against Lu Cang? I’m enough alone. 》

“The Holy Order Lord threatens to take action and personally deal with the cursed Lu Cang”

What makes the Order so important? Step into the mysteries of the Fifth Order Lords. 》

“Demystifying the Fifth Order Cursed Recipients, the Fifth Order Cursed Recipients Who Have Appeared in History…”

After the news, Lu Cang didn’t bother to look.

At first glance, it is the marketing number.

But the previous news made Lu Cang very concerned.

Holy Order Lord, how did you set your sights on yourself?

That’s a hassle.

I really just have a little bit of arrogance.

Well, just a little.

However, Lu Cang brought into the thinking of the Holy Order Lord.

I don’t think the other person will put themselves in their eyes.

Lu Cang thought to himself.

His current strength would not take the ordinary Fifth Order Lords in his eyes.

The other party should have the same view.


“But they won’t be able to come over for a while and a half.”

“I can crush the eighth-order lord with the fifth order.”

“There should be no problem in confronting the lord of the Ninth Order and the Tenth Order.”

“When I get to the sixth order, I may not be able to defeat the lord of the Holy Order.”

Lu Cang estimated so in his heart.

After so many advances, the strength has leapt forward again and again.

Lu Cang had a very high confidence in the growth of the Root Flesh and Blood Mother’s Nest.

And at this time, inside the city of Bayer.

It was already full of self-detonating worms.

These worms, if detonated, would probably destroy most of the entire city of Bayer.

Just then…

A prompt pops up.

【Root Flesh and Blood Brood has completed evolution】

【Current Root Flesh and Blood Brood Level: Sixth Order】

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