Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 975: : The challenge is over, Jiang Yi is resurrected

Chapter 977 The challenge is over, Jiang Yi is resurrected 【Subscription】

Zong Shen didn't care about her attitude, he only cared about the answer to the question.

Restricted by power, Beta couldn't lie to him even if he felt dissatisfied.

After getting an accurate answer, he immediately chose to draw another 28 times.

What makes people speechless is that this lottery box is quite rigid, and you have to touch the ball individually every time.

He touched the prize 28 times in a daze, plus the moment of the trial before, he finally got 29 [high-level lottery **** (gold body)].

The current balance of challenge points has also changed from [1452699] points to [2699] points.

The huge balance is finally exhausted.

The remaining [2699] points he simply exchanged for a few boxes of [War Horse Special Military Food (Purple)], and in the end there were dozens of points left, and he was too lazy to exchange those trivial things, so he simply gave them all with a big wave of his hand beta.

This exchange is different from the Alpha exchange, and there is a lot more time.

After he finished all the exchanges, there was still more than an hour left for the exchange.

It's just that Zong Shen has already returned his heart at this time.

Not at all willing to delay here.

As for molesting Beta, it would be meaningless if it was revealed.

Although he didn't like Beta, he couldn't hold on to it over and over again.

"Open the door, let's go!"

He turned around and raised his hand to pat Beta's smooth shoulder.

It can be seen that Beta here seems to be relieved.

Almost immediately, the teleportation door to leave Beta's mysterious palace was opened.

Zong Shen didn't have any ink marks either, so he walked away.

There was no farewell, no pleasantries, and when he left, the mysterious businessman Beta also left here, ending his functional mission of assisting the exchange.

The two sides dislike each other, and no one cares about the other.

Returning to the exclusive space for defensive challenges, Zong exhaled cautiously.

The countdown on the sky is still high, and there are less than six hours before the challenge is completely over. Of course, he can also choose to kill the few dark orcs captured alive in the territory to end the defensive challenge early.

Zong Shen has no attachment to this place anymore, he just wants to end the challenge, return to the Endless Continent, and return to normal life.

For the next few months, he will live a comfortable life without any challenging activities.

Finally, I can arrange my schedule reasonably based on the information advantage I have.

Whether he wants to explore the ruins or command the infrastructure of the territory is up to him.

You can also go to other areas to wander around in the future, you can't just stay in one place.

Moreover, his covenant with the bard Ingram in the giant city has finally come to fruition, and he guessed that he would have to help that perverted old boy to pick up the youngest daughter of the Lancaster family.

The future is so vast, Zong Shen is looking forward to it.

It's better to go anywhere than to stay here and deal with endless dark orcs!

He directly activated [Wandering Walk] and returned to the territory.

After waiting for another half an hour, all the dark orcs were almost killed by the mixed combat squadron sent out.

Only the three dark orcs who were captured alive and trapped on the pillar in the territory remained.

Zong Shen directly raised the saber and killed it without hesitation.

Originally, he was still thinking about using the defensive challenge exclusive domain to reproduce the characteristics of the surrounding terrain environment and explore the mine, but then he gave up this idea.

With the strategy module close by, he can obtain detailed information by asking about the strategy at any time, and there is no need to do anything extra.

However, the strategy module is fully aware of all existing and existing information on the Endless Continent, so the situation in this regard is very clear.

After he killed the last three dark orcs with a knife in his hand.

The surrounding world suddenly changed, as if it had stopped in an instant.

[Challenge ends, enter the silent space]

This reminder appeared quickly, and then Zong Shen's eyes went dark and he completely lost the concept of time.

When he opened his eyes, he had already returned to the tower in his territory, the wind was still blowing gently,

Silent Space has no concept of time passing, and because of his reopening, there is a time difference of six or seven hours, which makes him the last person to complete the challenge in name.

In other words, the other lords are waiting in the silent space for him to finish.

The moment he completes it, it is automatically counted as complete.

[Time Speed ​​Recovery]

[Relevant challenge settlement and ranking will be announced after 12 hours]

[Because your challenge is special, there are supplementary clauses in the rules, so the settlement of the challenge will be delayed for an additional 12 hours, and the ranking will not be delayed]

[Compensation option II takes effect: Settlement rewards increase by 37%, please check the settlement announcement for details at that time]

[Compensation Option Ⅸ: Obtain the permission to open directional dimensional channels, which has been issued, and can be checked through the relevant permission list]

[Alternate option Ⅲ: Reopening is completed, the final basic reward will increase by 199%, and additional platinum treasure chest x 5, assignable free attribute points x 100 will be issued simultaneously at the time of settlement, please wait patiently]

[Complete the expansion content and successfully kill the evil energy body: the settlement points will increase by an additional 15%]

[The above supplementary terms will come into effect in order according to the priority, and the final reward settlement arrangement belongs to the senior management in the right of interpretation]

[Obtain additional rewards for domain space transformation: Dimensional Seed (Special)]

[The first batch of lord defense challenges are over]

[The corresponding rules will be updated after six hours]

The reminders one after another made Zong Shen dizzy.

Because of his re-opening, the rewards were obtained twelve hours later than other lords, but the rankings were updated synchronously.

Other lords can get settlement rewards at 0:00 tonight, but he has to wait until noon tomorrow.

However, Zong Shen was not in a hurry. The exchange of those two waves of mysterious merchants made his mouth full, and his strength increased greatly.

They have already become landlords and riches, so naturally they don't care about this little problem.

The announcement also emphasized the settlement gains and privileges he had obtained, including the [Dimensional Seed (Special)] that was redeemed in advance, and it was directly in his hand. Everything was sorted out clearly and clearly, without any prevarication and concealment.

As long as it complies with the rules, the lord system will never renege on its debts.

Another point is that the rules will be updated six hours later, at 6 pm.

Zong Shen is also looking forward to this!

As the notice in front of him dissipated, he took a breath of fresh air from the Endless Continent, feeling refreshed!

The next moment he disappeared in place, came to [Commander Jian Tower (orange)], and directly entered the command room.

Vereesa, Mariel, and Howie automatically returned to their original positions, and everyone had a dazed expression on their faces.

All fighters, where they are at the end of the challenge, whether they are injured or dead, return to the state one second before the start of the defensive challenge.

The same is true for those consumed items, all of which are restored as before.

Equipment and items don't require any adaptations, but that's not the case with the lords.

This instantaneous change requires them to adapt.

Following Zong Shen's arrival, Vereesa was the first to recover.

Then came Mariel and Howie.

The three stood up and saluted one after another, but were stopped by Zong Shen with a wave of his hand.

"we won!"

"Have a good rest today!"

"Tomorrow morning, all the leaders will be gathered, and the skills will be rewarded mainly on merit!"

"At the same time, we have to arrange the tasks of follow-up territory construction and development."

"The relevant defensive arrow towers and the three circles of city walls have to be moved to the designated positions."

“There are all kinds of new buildings waiting to be built.”

Zong Shen said with a smile.

The three of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

He nodded without daring to neglect.

Then Zong Shen used the privilege of the command tower to manipulate the voice transmission to announce the end of the challenge and the order for everyone to rest!

The territory surrounded by iron barrels instantly relaxed.

The farmers who went into the cellar to hide were led back to the ground by the logistical heroes.

The crossbow shooters on standby in the trenches lined up.

The wolves on the crotch of the wolf cavalry howled in victory.

All kinds of things are returning to the original mode of life.

Only in the mechanical workshop, Iron Hand Barenke was unwilling to rest.

"I have completely memorized the structure of the Eternal Night Flyer, as well as the production principle of the magic bottle!"

"Soon I will be able to reproduce the parallel magic bottle energy supply device that the lord needs. Now is not the time to rest!"

As a senior goblin engineer, its enthusiasm for scientific research has been fully awakened.

The aircraft technology mastered by the "distant relatives" from the dark fusion Draenor continent makes it very fascinating!

The uncle dwarf and the fifth princess tailor didn't have much insight.

They just feel tired and want to take a hot bath and sleep.

After Zong Shen finished his orders, he returned to the small building of the lord.

Open the [regional channel], the number of surviving lords in the current region is only 5428, and the death rate from the beginning of the advent to the present has exceeded 45%!

This is a rather terrifying number, meaning that only five or six of every ten of the first lords survived.

But no matter what, the remaining lords can be regarded as "five thousand out of ten thousand".

Basically, they are all able to fully adapt to life in another world, and their development progress, intelligence, and luck are not bad.

Because of the deviation of the survivors, those who died were naturally eliminated.

Then he checked the legion again!

The [Guide Legion], which originally absorbed 500 people because of the merger of the two legions, now only has 442 people left.

That is to say, in the defensive challenge, a total of 58 people failed to challenge and died completely.

This battle damage ratio is not very high in the whole region.

After all, his legion has its own threshold when recruiting people, and the quality of the legion members is generally higher than that of other lords in the area.

At this time, the 【Legion Channel】has already chatted enthusiastically.

Zong Shen saw that Medina, the second deputy head, was also among them, and they were talking to each other about how terrifying the attacker they had drawn was.

"Why didn't you see Deputy Head Jiang Yi?"

Suddenly, a chat record caught Zong Shen's attention.

Soon everyone discovered the fact that Jiang Yi was not bubbling.

Due to the strict authority level of the Legion, ordinary members cannot view the complete [Legion Member List], but Medina can.

When he saw this news, he was also puzzled, and immediately checked the [legion member list], and soon found that Jiang Yi's name was grayed out.

Concentrate a little, and the word [death] appears next to it.

At this moment, Medina was stunned in place.

"Jiang Yi is dead?"

"I have to report to the lord immediately!"

He took out the communication crystal, and while sending a message in the [Legion Channel] "Deputy Captain Jiang Yi is dead", he waited for the crystal to connect.

Zong Shen on the other side had already seen the news on the channel.

He hung up the crystal casually, and he knew that it was Medina who hung up without needing to connect.

"Zong Shen 1999512 (League Chief): Don't worry, Jiang Yi, the deputy head of the regiment, will be resurrected soon."

The appearance of this message brought the [Legion Channel], which was already boiling, to an instant stagnation.

"Master Legion Master has the resurrection authority?"

Everyone was amazed!

After sending this soothing message, Zong Shen closed the channel.

He stood there speechless.

In my mind, I recalled the words Jiang Yi said to herself before the start of the challenge.

"It seems that people do have a premonition."

"And I just happened to meet and redeem the resurrection permission!"

"Forget it, seeing that Jiang Yijin's professional management team has never had selfishness or negligence, the first bullet of this resurrection authority should be used on her!"

Zong Shen sighed in his heart for a while, but decided to use the [Leading Privileges Ⅲ: Limited Resurrection Permission] that he exchanged earlier!

With just a thought, a brand new permission list appeared.

[Limited Resurrection Permissions]

[Current remaining usable times: 10]

【(Click on the idea to enter the number of the deceased lord who needs to be resurrected)】

[Related taboos:…]

At the same time, Zong Shen called out the [Friends List] and found Jiang Yi.

Then input [Jiang Yi 19961015], the serial number of the current lord.

The permission prompt in front of you changes accordingly.

[The late lord: Jiang Yi 19961015]

[Meet the conditions for revival of authority]

【Whether to revive】


[The process is irreversible]

There is no reason to hesitate, Zong Shen directly chose [Yes] without blinking an eye.

[Lord: Jiang Yi successfully revived in 19961015]

[Backtrack to the relevant state 24 hours before death]

[Affected by challenge rules and death lord ban related rules]

[Two heroes, thirty-seven farmers, fifty-five warriors, and nineteen pieces of corresponding equipment have been permanently lost through other channels~www.wuxiaspot.com~become the private property of other lords]

In an instant, the gloomy name belonging to Jiang Yi on the list lit up.

But resurrection after death is not entirely free.

[Leading Privilege Ⅲ: Limited Resurrection Permission] Although she can be revived and her state can be recalled within a certain framework, it is also affected by the rules of the defensive challenge.

For the lords who died in the defense challenge, the relevant lords and equipment will be sealed and included in the random acquisition channels of the surviving lords.

In other words, when the lord dies, other lords may obtain the subjects and equipment items of the dead lord through treasure chests, lottery, etc.

Jiang Yi's loss stemmed from this.

Moreover, the resurrection only recalls the state, not the memory.

So at this moment, Jiang Yi is appearing in her lord's small building in a daze and has not recovered!

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