Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 948: : Super storm, buff potion

But now that the corresponding exchange options have appeared.

Then Zong Shen didn't mind making a proper selection.

The first is [Magic Scroll]. After opening this option, it is no surprise that it is a limited exchange.

[Sixth-Order Magic Scroll]

[One of three types of attack, defense, and auxiliary can be selected]

[After the category is selected, a scroll that meets the requirements and the same level will be randomly selected]

[Limited exchange: 2]

(Exchange points: 3500/piece)

[Fifth-Order Magic Scroll]

【Optional attack...】

【After selecting the category...】

[Limited exchange: 4]

(Exchange points: 2000/piece)

【Tier 4 Magic Scroll】

【Optional attack, defense…】

【After selecting the category will… 】

[Limited exchange: 6]

(Exchange points: 800/piece)

This is not only limited to purchase, but also only offers the exchange of magic scrolls of the fourth, fifth and sixth levels, and also has some blind box properties, but you can choose the type direction corresponding to the magic scroll.

For high-level magic scrolls, the most useful is of course the attack type.

Generally speaking, high-level magic is equivalent to large-scale magic in a certain way, which is why super-level magic is called "natural disaster level".

Compared with the large-scale support and defense blessing, it is naturally more pleasant to attack in a large area, and Zong Shen often does these tricks.

Relying on the mobility of the giant dragon Xiaosuozi, Feihu, and Eagle sauce, and using the ability of over-speed dives to defend, run to the top of the enemy to release high-level magic scrolls or throw explosives such as [Goblin Bomb].

Therefore, for the [Tier 6 Magic Scroll], Zong Shen naturally chose the attack type.

And I spent 7,000 points in one go to redeem all two limited copies!

When his challenge points were deducted, the two scrolls that shone with golden light were condensed.

The two [Magic Scrolls] as a whole are quite different from the Recruitment Scroll.

The first is that the runes on the surface are more complex and exquisite, and the second is that Zong Shen's magic perception can detect the magic fluctuations emanating from the two [Magic Scrolls].

Although the size of the [Magic Scroll] is the same, the magic runes drawn on the surface are not the same.

The edge of one of the scrolls is a wind pattern that connects end to end, and the other is a more heroic thunder pattern.

After this period of training and accumulation of experience, Zong Shen is no longer completely ignorant of magic runes, and has a little knowledge of some runes with more obvious characteristics.

The magic rune itself is a symbol and text that can contain the magic of the elements.

After matching with special drawing techniques and magic materials, it becomes the basic scroll of [Magic Scroll], and after that, it needs to be engraved with magic.

In a broad sense, [Magic Scroll] has two production processes.

They are spell banning and spell model engraving. The former directly seals the corresponding magic into the scroll, and releases it again when it is unsealed.

The latter uses the method of rune drawing to draw the spell model into it.

When the activation is activated, the spell model on the scroll will absorb the free elemental magic to complete the casting process.

The former is simpler than the latter, but the [Magic Scroll] made in this way will have a 10% to 20% discount on its power, and as time goes on, the effect of the internally banned spell will gradually decrease, resulting in irreversible loss of elements. .

If you want to keep it for a long time, you need another container. Daily storage for a few years at most will lose the magic power and cause the magic power to be greatly reduced.

The latter has no problems. It can be naturally stored until the scroll material decays, and the magic power will not be discounted. It only takes a certain amount of time to build spells and absorb elemental magic power when it is activated and released.

Most of the [Magic Magical Objects] have similar manufacturing principles, except that the production of strange objects involves a part of the knowledge of forging and mechanical engineering.

Most of the [Magic Scrolls] exchanged by the lord system are the latter.

That is, a scroll made by drawing the corresponding spell model.

From the perspective of craftsmanship and appearance, it can be described as exquisite.

Each [Magic Scroll] is like a closed picture scroll.

Zong Shen held a scroll in his left and right hands, and looked at it carefully.

Blind box exchange is so good, you will never know what it is if you don't check it carefully.

At present, Zong Shen can only confirm that these two scrolls are of the attack type. As for what the sixth-order magic is and how powerful it is, he has no idea at all!

He raised his hands and looked at the two scrolls at the same time.

The golden attribute information subtitle appears.

[Thunder and Rain Spell Scroll (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Tier 6 Lightning Attack Magic]

[Effect: After activating the scroll, the sixth-order thunder-based attack magic [Shocking Thunder and Rain] can be launched to attack the designated area]

[Sixth-order thunder-based attack magic: Thunderstorm and Rainfall (attack on a circular area with a radius of one kilometer, and drop 1200 thunderstorm raindrops from the air within the target range within ten seconds. Can cause a lightning flash, causing 1500 points of lightning magic damage within a 2-meter radius around the explosion point, and the damage caused by the thunder and raindrop flash explosion can be superimposed)]

[This magic scroll can only be used once]

(I didn't expect that thunder can turn into raindrops and fall

Of course, it's just that the shape is more like a raindrop, which is quite confusing.

Think of the scene where the dense thunderstorm hits the enemy's head

Trust me, it will definitely give those guys a lesson they will never forget)

[Super-State Storm Spell Scroll (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Sixth-order wind-type attack magic]

[Effect: After activating the scroll, the sixth-order wind attack magic [Super Storm] can be activated from the designated area]

[The sixth-order wind system attack magic: super-state storm (condensed super-state storm in a designated area, a storm with low-pressure airflow characteristics, a powerful cyclone can cause meteorological effects on a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and it is within 10 kilometers around the eye of the storm. The damage is particularly huge, it can cause strong winds, with 150 points of wind magic damage per second, and the impact within one kilometer of the eye of the storm is small, so please choose the placement location of the super-state storm as appropriate, the super-state storm can last Existing for 2 hours to 12 hours, depending on the environment of the placement location, mountainous areas can have a negative impact on the existence time of the storm, and sea areas may increase the power and duration of the storm, because the spell has a certain uncontrollable Sex, remember to release it away from the territory)]

[This magic scroll can only be used once]

(The super-state storm spell has vaguely touched the threshold of natural disaster-level magic

The storm created by this spell is obviously uncontrollable and destructive

Moreover, it will be affected by the environment, it will last for a long time, and the storm will move in the follow-up, and even eventually shift hundreds of kilometers from the activation location.

It is extremely easy to cause accidental injury. If it is used in a sea with suitable climate, it may be used as an introduction to sweep up a real natural storm)

"Be good..."

"Isn't this a man-made typhoon?"

Zong Shen thought in surprise.

Then [Thunderstorm Falling Spell Scroll (Gold)] he can understand.

Essentially, thunder strikes a designated area in the form of raindrops.

As for the [Super-State Storm Spell Scroll (Gold)] at the back, he was surprised. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a small artificial typhoon.

Before the arrival, tropical depression cyclones will always form in the waters of China's coastal areas in summer and autumn every year.

When the sustained wind speed in the center of the tropical cyclone reaches above 12, it will be called a typhoon, and there are strong typhoons and super typhoons further up.

Refer to the power system and magical destruction ability of the Endless Continent.

Zong Shen believes that the basic power of this [super storm] is probably typhoon-level.

There is only a slight difference in the scope of spread and athletic ability.

However, it was also mentioned in the detailed explanation of the skills of [Super Storm] that the final power and duration of the storm are floating, and it is related to the terrain where the storm exists.

If it is in the mountains where the leylines are one after another, the storm will be weakened, and if it is in the sea suitable for the expansion of low pressure cyclones, the power and duration of the storm will be enhanced!

No matter what, these two [Tier 6 Magic Scrolls] are in line with the power of the corresponding tier, and the 7000 challenge points both horizontally and vertically are not worth it.

Especially that [Super State Storm] seems to have the potential to dig deeper.

After checking the [Sixth-Order Magic Scroll], Zong Shen was not very interested in the fifth-order and fourth-order [Magic Scroll], but for the sake of reserve, he still chose to exchange all of them. Anyway, it is not too expensive and saves money Can't save a lot of points.

At present, there are more and more fighting hero-level talents in the territory, but there are not many consumable items available for them.

These fifth- and fourth-order [Magic Scrolls] can be distributed to other heroes under his command even if Zong Shen does not like them.

After the full set was exchanged, Zong Shen spent another 12,800 challenge points.

The current remaining balance of allocable challenge points is [3516872] points.

After redeeming the option of [Magic Scroll], Zong Shen clicked on the option of [Benefit Potion] non-stop.

Here, it is also divided into different sub-options according to the level of the potion.

【Primary gain potion】

[Limited exchange: ∞]

(Exchange Points: 8)

[Intermediate Buff Potion]

[Limited exchange: 400]

(Exchange points: 30)

【Advanced Buff Potion】

[Limited exchange: 80]

(Exchange Points: 120)

【Premium Buff Potion】

[Limited exchange: 15]

(Exchange points: 1000)

There are not many tiers to choose from for potions or potions.

It simply provides four levels of [Elementary], [Intermediate], [Advanced], and [Superior].

Zong Shen had previously obtained a batch of intermediate potions from the goblin merchant Boswell.

For now, I am afraid that the potions of [Elementary] and [Intermediate] are of little significance to him. Even the potions with the effects of deformation, floating, and breath-holding, the auxiliary effects that can be achieved are minimal.

He can achieve these abilities through existing props and equipment, and the effect is even better, there is no need to rely on potions to achieve.

As for the [Advanced] and [Superior] potions, it may only be useful.

According to the previous exchange experience, the exchange items that the mysterious businessman Alpha can bring out are mostly high-end limited, low-level enjoyment exchange modes.

There are not many options available for each exchange category.

Zong Shen now believes in Alpha's original statement.

which is:

60% are challenge-enhancing items, and 40% are general-purpose items that can bring out challenges.

The proportion of general items that can be challenged by mysterious businessman Beta has reached 70%.

This is also reflected in the type of exchange.

Zong Shen first opened the exchange option for [Primary Gain Potion].

There is no limit to the potions of this tier, and a single bottle only needs 8 challenge points to exchange and take away. If there is a suitable potion, it is worth buying in bulk.

[Primary Potion] Zong Shen can't use it himself, but the soldiers and people in the territory can use it.

Although there are [Moon Well], [Magic Well] and [Moon God Spring] and other spring buildings in the territory that are continuously supplying buff springs, but as the population of the territory increases, it is not practical to continuously distribute these springs in an all-round way. .

With the idea of ​​purchasing basic potions, Zong Shen opened this option.

Below the options of [Primary Gain Potion], there are a few names of potions, their exchange prices are the same, and the tiers are the same, but the categories are different.

Zong Shen just swiped it roughly, and the golden subtitles responded quickly and appeared, just like an AI picture translation, annotating next to the item name.

【Primary Recovery Potion (White)】

[Quality: Ordinary Grade]

[Effect: Primary recovery (60 seconds after drinking, recover 2 points of health per second, and have a slight healing effect on the injury)]

[The drinking interval of two bottles of primary recovery potion is 3 minutes, and the recovery effects cannot be superimposed. Only the first bottle is effective if multiple bottles are taken within 3 minutes]

【Primary Hardening Potion (White)】

[Quality: Ordinary Grade]

[Effect: Primary hardening (after drinking, you can get 5 points of armor value increase, lasting 3 minutes, the cooling period of taking the same potion of the same level is 15 minutes)]

[The drinking interval of two bottles of primary hardening potion is 15 minutes, and the hardening effect cannot be superimposed,…]

【Primary Strength Potion (White)】

[Quality: Ordinary Grade]

[Effect: Primary strength (after taking it, you can get 5 points of strength attribute enhancement, which lasts for 10 minutes, and the cooling period for taking the same potion of the same level is 1 hour)]

[The drinking interval of two bottles of primary strength potion is 1 hour...]

The three primary potions cover health recovery, defense gain and strength gain, but as primary potions, their effects are not obvious.

Whether it lasts for 60 seconds, 2 points of health regeneration per second, or 5 points of armor and strength, it is useless at present.

What's more, these potions have a clear cooling period for taking them, and two bottles of the same potion of the same rank and the same class are ineffective if they are taken continuously for a certain period of time!

However, Zong Shen still exchanged a part of the [Primary Restoration Potion], which was used to distribute to low-level warriors and subjects.

After spending 4,000 points, Zong Shen exchanged 500 bottles of [Primary Recovery Potion (white)] to be distributed to patrol troops to save the consumption of [Lunar Spring] and [Moon Spring].

In fact, even if this batch of potions is put up for sale in the [market], it will not lose money in the end.

[Market] The throughput of consumables such as potions is extremely large. Zong Shen has made a lot of money by selling [Moon God Spring] and [Moon Spring] before.

Recently, many lords have taught themselves the skills of pharmacy, potionology, herbal medicine, alchemy and pharmacy through various means, and earn profits by making potions and selling them.

There are even some lucky lords who have recruited relevant technical talents, and have also made great efforts in pharmaceuticals, closely following the pharmaceutical-related industry chain.

There are also some lords whose territories are located in mountains, hills, and river valleys with lush vegetation and lush vegetation, and can collect medicinal herbs for sale.

All in all, this exchange may not be profitable, but it is definitely not a loss.

Zong Shen also has a senior pharmacist under his command, that is Clarissa Theresa. During this time, in addition to researching "Magic Cola", she is also taking care of cultivating pharmacist apprentices and making some middle and low-level potions. Supply territory needs.

With the few pharmacist-related books that Zong Shen has on hand, it is not a problem to train some junior and intermediate pharmacists.

In addition, the [Superior Knowledge School (Gold)] and [Advanced Library (Purple)] in the territory can also contribute to the cultivation of talents in the territory.

Maybe it won't be long before the territory will have the first batch of talented people.

Elementary and intermediate potions will one day become common supplies in the territory.

After exchanging the [Primary Recovery Potion], Zong Shen withdrew from the [Primary Gain Potion] exchange option.

He has no interest in [Primary Hardening Potion (Strength)] and [Primary Strength Potion (White)], the 5-point bonus is just better than nothing, and he doesn't want to waste points on exchange.

Immediately after, Zong Shen opened the exchange option for [Intermediate Gain Potion].

There are four intermediate potions available for exchange here.

[Intermediate Recovery Potion (Blue)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Effect: Intermediate recovery (within 60 seconds after drinking, recover 6 points of health per second, and have a certain healing effect on the injury)]

[The drinking interval of two bottles of intermediate recovery potion is 2 minutes, and the recovery effects cannot be superimposed. Only the first bottle is effective if multiple bottles are taken within 2 minutes]

[Intermediate Magic Resist Potion (Blue)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Effect: Intermediate magic resistance (after taking it, you can get 25 points of magic resistance enhancement, which lasts for 5 minutes, and the cooling period for taking the same potion is 10 minutes)]

[Take multiple bottles of intermediate magic resistance potions in a short period of time, the effects cannot be stacked]

[Intermediate Eagle Eye Drops (Blue)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Effect: Intermediate Eagle Eye (Intermediate Eagle Vision can be obtained after taking it, depending on the user's original visual ability to increase the sight distance and observation vision by 10% to 20%, lasts 5 minutes for the cooling period of taking the same potion of the same level) 20 minutes)]

[…effects cannot be superimposed]

[Intermediate Satiety Potion (Blue)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Effect: Intermediate satiety (after taking it, it can replace the diet effect in a short time, restore 35 points of hunger and satiety, eliminate the negative effects caused by hunger to a certain extent, lasts for 2 hours, please add food before the expiration date, otherwise full The hunger and satiety provided by the ascites will be deducted at one time)]

[This medicine cannot completely replace the effect of dietary supplements, and cannot be superimposed to restore hunger and satiety]

The grading of potions is slightly different from that of conventional items and equipment.

[Elementary] corresponds to the white ordinary level.

[Intermediate] corresponds to the blue excellent level.

Among them, the green excellent grade is skipped. In fact, the effects of [Elementary] and [Intermediate] potions are indeed quite different.

At least Zong Shen can still see the effect of [Intermediate Potion].

Its Restoration Elixir can restore a total of 360 health in one minute.

It can play a life-saving role for the soldiers of the second and third orders.

You must know that Colby, who was just recruited, only had 265 health points.

Even if it is a Tier 3 [Dragon Transformation Gun and Shield Warrior] with a level of LV10, the HP in the standard state is only 585 points.

Zong Shen has seen a lot of high-level warriors and legendary powerhouses recently, but he is not fooled by the high health value of thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

In fact, most warriors below the fifth rank are not very high in HP.

Not to mention those spellcasters and crossbow shooters of the same tier.

On the contrary, the life value of those beasts and beasts in the same rank state is much higher.

In any case, the effect of [intermediate potion] can play a significant role in most warriors. Although the senior pharmacist Clarissa Theresa in the territory can make it, it takes time and purchases raw materials. Take this opportunity to buy a batch.

Among these four [intermediate potions], not every one of them can be favored by Zong Shen. The [intermediate satiety potion (blue)] is first ruled out. False satiety is meaningless. It is better to have this cost directly. Let the soldiers prepare emergency dry food.

The remaining three medicines are more practical.

Zong Shen made a plan in his mind, and after weighing the exchange price, he basically knew what he had in mind.

Don't look at these [intermediate potions], the exchange price for a single bottle is only 30 challenge points, but the exchange of potions cannot be carried out in batches.

If it is unrestrained and willful exchange, it is also a bottomless project.

Fortunately, the exchange of [Intermediate Gain Potion] is limited to 400 bottles. If you exchange it according to this standard, you don't have to worry about the expenditure exceeding the standard.

After a brief pause, Zong Shen chose to exchange:

[Intermediate Recovery Potion (Blue)] exchanged for 200 bottles, [Intermediate Eagle Eye Potion (Blue)] and [Intermediate Magic Resistance Potion (Blue)] were exchanged for 100 bottles respectively, costing a total of 12,000 Challenge Points, just used up 400 Bottles are limited.

After the exchange was completed and the points were deducted, four boxes of potions appeared in front of him.

There were 100 potions in each box, and Zong Shen pocketed them with a wave of his hand.

These potions can come in handy.

Of those [Intermediate Eagle Eye Drops (Blue)], some of them can be distributed to the bow and crossbow shooter troops under their command, and they can be taken at critical times to improve their vision, and the other part can be provided to patrol troops in small batches.

The total number of potions is not much, but it is enough for Zong Shen.

In the next period of time, his strategy is mainly to consolidate the capital. The projects to be developed outside are mainly to plunder the population, and at the same time to deal with the challenges from the surrounding lords. Although the possibility of such a thing is very low, it is necessary to prepare a few hands.

Moreover, Zongshen opened the outer city and established the lord's trade settlement and information exchange place.

[Market] Trade is an online transaction, and its convenience is self-evident, but it cannot completely replace the meaning of trade settlements.

Under the expectation of such a strategy and arrangement, [Intermediate Hawkeye Drops (Blue)] is still very obvious for the gain of the city defense shooter.

As for those [Intermediate Magic Resistance Potion (Blue)] that can be distributed to surprise troops, 25 points of magic resistance gain is naturally useless for high-level spells.

However, it has a lot of use when the surprise troops are interspersed with enemy spellcasters. When most spellcasters rush to meet the enemy, they mainly focus on low-level spells that can quickly build spell models.

Then the gain brought by this 25-point magic resistance increase is obvious.

After redeeming 400 bottles of [Intermediate Potion], a total of 12,000 Challenge Points were spent. After Zong Shen collected the batch of potions, he continued to look down.

Next is the exchange option of [Advanced Gain Potion], which is limited to 80 bottles, and the exchange price for each bottle is 120 challenge points. He wants to see what is in there.

As the option of [Advanced Buff Potion] is opened, a new interface appears.

The introductions of the [Advanced Potion] that can be exchanged are also refreshed simultaneously.

【Advanced Healing Potion (Purple)】

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Advanced Healing (Recovers 150 HP instantly after taking it, and within the next 180 seconds, recovers 5 HP per second, and at the same time can have a significant healing effect on injuries, except for broken limbs)]

[During the duration of the healing effect of the potion, up to three bottles of advanced healing potions can be taken in a stack]

[Advanced Swiftness Potion (Purple)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Advanced Swiftness (increase movement speed and nerve reaction speed by 50% after taking it, lasting 15 minutes, taking a cooling time of 4 hours)]

"Above the Sky"

[The effect of this potion cannot be superimposed, and may conflict with other speed-enhancing skills]

[Advanced Latent Shadow Potion (Purple)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Advanced stealth (after taking this potion, you can enter the advanced latent image state, which lasts for 15 minutes, and will not be penetrated by the detection magic and the eye of true vision of the fourth and lower levels, and the cooling time is 1 hour)]

[The level of the latent image effect is fixed, whether it is attacked or attacked during the period, it will cause early failure]

[Advanced Guardian Potion (Purple)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Advanced Guard (after taking it, you can get a shield with advanced guard effect, with 6000 points of firmness and 60 points of double resistance, the firmness of the shield will be lost by 2 points per second when you are out of combat, and the cooling time of potion taking 4 hours)】

[Potions with similar effects cannot be taken within the cooling time of this medicine]

【Advanced Madness Potion (Purple)】

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Advanced Madness (loses some sanity, gains 30% double-speed boost and 30 points of basic physical attack gain, temporarily blocks 50% of pain perception, lasts 10 minutes, takes 2 hours cooling time)]

[After the madness effect ends, it will bring a certain weakened state effect]

[The effects of similar medicines cannot be superimposed]

[Advanced Mana Tide Potion (Purple)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: Advanced Mana Tide (The maximum mana value increases by 300 points after taking it, restores 5 mana points per second, lasts for 10 minutes, and takes 2 hours of cooling time)]

[After the end of the mana tide, the user will be in a state of mana overdraft, which lasts for 2 minutes, during which the mana cannot be recovered]

[The effects of similar potions cannot be superimposed, but they will not conflict with the effects of mana recovery skills]

Among the exchange options of this [Advanced Gain Potion], six advanced potions are provided for Zongshen to exchange.

Needless to say, the effects of these advanced potions are naturally much better than the potions of the first two levels.

However, his exchange quantity is only 80 bottles, so he still needs to make a reasonable distribution.

As for the quality grade of these advanced potions, Zong Shen is not surprised. The potion grade system is similar to the magic energy core, and there is no too complicated classification, so the corresponding quality has no rules.

Sometimes it is normal for items of two levels above and below to cross one or two levels in quality.

The first thing he exchanged was [Advanced Healing Potion (Purple)], this thing can instantly replenish 150 HP, plus 5 points per second for 180 seconds of recovery healing effect, making it recover the total HP per bottle Reach 1050 points.

The most important thing is that [Advanced Healing Potion (Purple)] can stack up to three bottles to take effect at the same time. In other words, the total maximum HP recovery in three minutes can reach as much as 3150 points!

It is suitable for high-level warriors of the fifth and sixth orders, and even Zong Shen can use it.

In terms of recovery efficiency alone, this level of healing potion is no longer inferior to that of [Lunar Spring].

Of course, the biggest advantage of [Lunar Spring] is that its HP recovery speed is an instant replenishment in a complete state, and there is no limit to effect stacking.

As long as you drink enough in one breath, the upper limit of the recovery effect can reach a considerable level, which is suitable for life-saving in an emergency!

So Zong Shen is going to exchange 30 bottles of [Advanced Healing Potion (Purple)].

In the future, the [Advanced Swiftness Potion (Purple)] Zong Shen is not ready to exchange, its speed-up effect will conflict with the speed-up skill, and those agile warriors and shooters are not short of similar speed-up capabilities.

In the case of limited number of redemptions, there is no need to waste time here.

The remaining four advanced potions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zong Shen exchanged 10 bottles of [Advanced Latent Shadow Potion (Purple)], 30 bottles of [Advanced Guardian Potion (Purple)], and 10 bottles of [Advanced Mana Tide Potion ( Purple)】.

After spending 9600 challenge points, all 80 bottles of advanced potions were exchanged.

Among them, the exchange amount of [Advanced Guardian Potion (Purple)] is the same as [Advanced Healing Potion (Purple)], which shows how much Zong Shen attaches importance to.

Each bottle of [Advanced Guardian Potion (Purple)] is equivalent to a [Advanced Guardian] skill that you can carry with you, and can be distributed to those confidant heroes under them to save their lives in times of crisis.

80 bottles of different types of advanced potions floated in front of Zong Shen.

Their colors are slightly different. Most of the life-recovery medicines are red or reddish, like diluted blood. Other types of medicines have similar rules.

He stretched out his hand and put all the potions into his personal storage compartment.


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