Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 962: : Mountains and rivers are exotic, the sun and the moon are the same sky

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With this in mind, it doesn't matter whether a single lucky lottery ticket is a loss or a gain.

Zong Shen waved his hand and once again chose to exchange five lucky tickets.

499995 challenge points were directly deducted, and his point balance became [1971517] points.

After the points were deducted, five golden lottery tickets suddenly appeared, floating in front of Zong Shen.

Zong Shen, who has long been accustomed to the process, chose the unified scratch prize.

Then the radiance of the lottery tickets burst into flames, turning into five space singularities, followed by the rewards stored in the unknown space.

At the same time, a line of prompts were also refreshed in front of him.

【Successful scratch prize】

[Get: Tongue Candy (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Drift Bottle from the East China Sea (Special)]

[Obtain: The Dream Demon Warhorse Summoning Scroll of the Unringed (Yaoguang Level 3)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Get: Valyrian Split Dragon Steel Claw (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Ten Thousand Years Tree Spirit Flower Dew Wine (Yaoguang Grade 2)]

[Get: Avalon Tier 5 Elite Ranger Recruitment Scroll (Orange)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: The Monument of Great Harvest Production (Gold)]

[Get: Premium Weather Scroll (Orange)]

[Get: Dark Hearthstone of Stormwind City (damaged)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: High-energy Food Storage Box (Orange)]

[Acquisition: Building Advanced Stone (Gold)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: Construction blueprint of the sixth-order stone city wall (orange)]

[Get: Hurricane Crossbow Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing Blueprint (Gold)]

Zong Shen quickly swept over the scratch-off reminder that appeared in front of him.

After he finished reading, the five spatial singularities were also transformed into small portals.

This time, a total of thirteen items were issued from the five lucky tickets.

I saw **** of light emerging from the portal.

Without any delay, Zong Shen reached out and grabbed the first ball of light.

The moment his hand touched the ball of light, the light layer on the surface was punctured and dissipated like a bubble.

A pink candy fell into Zong Shen's palm.

"Good guy, it's an 'old acquaintance' again."

"The candy in his hand is the [Learning Tongue Candy (Purple)] that Zong Shen got before, but this time the quality is two levels higher, and he should be able to master a more advanced language."

Zong Shen looked at the candy in his hand and thought seriously.

The previous [Learning Tongue Candy (Purple)] was used by him when he was exploring the remains of the Knights of the Lions station, so as to master the "soul fluctuation" that the undead used to communicate.

So what level of language can this candy learn?

Among the high-level languages, he has mastered the sixth-order dragon language, and he can use it to perform dragon language magic that does not exceed the sixth-order, which is enough to meet his own needs.

Maybe this candy can be saved to learn other magical languages ​​in the future.

Since he was familiar with [Learn Tongue Candy], Zong Shen didn't check its properties, and after a cursory glance, he put it in the storage compartment.

Then he took the second light ball, and when the light curtain broke, Zong Shen was stunned.

Inside this ball of light is a so-called "drifting bottle", but it is not the kind of glass bottle + cork he imagined.

It is a white porcelain vase with a shape similar to a "Jade Bottle".

There is a peony flower glaze on the bottle, which looks antique and has the style of Earth China.

Combined with its name—[Drift Bottle from the East China Sea (Special)], Zong Shen couldn’t help but think of the mysterious Eastern Continent that was suspected to exist in the east of the Endless Continent.

Judging from the clues collected so far, there is a high possibility of the existence of the Eastern Continent.

It's just that there is a natural disaster area in the extreme distance of the East China Sea, which has become a natural isolation zone.

That sea area not only means that the difficulty of crossing has reached the natural disaster level. The area of ​​the sea area is not small. From entering to crossing, it has to bear the threat of natural disaster level. Simply sailing, even the fastest magic ships need to For a long time, it is almost impossible to withstand such a long natural disaster.

And that sea area is extremely special in the ancient books. There used to be demigods who were born in the mainland of the endless continent trying to forcibly cross it, but they were lost in it for decades and could not cross.

Therefore, the Eastern Continent is just a legend. At least in the Endless Continent, no one has advertised that they have traveled to the Eastern Continent. It is only occasionally that some wreckage and debris have drifted along the ocean for an unknown number of years, and finally washed up on the coastline of the Endless Continent.

Perhaps in the past years, there have been powerful adventurers who arrived in the Eastern Continent but could not return.

Zong Shen analyzed it himself and believed that the Eastern Continent should exist.

The customs there are definitely different from those of the Endless Continent, and they were even isolated by the natural disaster sea area imposed by the lord system, which can also explain why the dimensional world barrier strength level of the Endless Continent is so high.

It is far more than the arcane dimension world and the dark fusion of Draenor continent that Zong Shen has come into contact with.

Because Endless Continent is not only a "testing ground" for supreme existence, but also a super-dimensional world where multiple giant continents coexist.

There is another point, that is, the Eastern Continent is suspected to exist in the east of the Endless Continent.

So, are there still mysterious continental civilizations in the west, south, north, and other directions?

Zong Shen did not know this, and did not dare to jump to conclusions.

Anyway, there are almost natural disaster areas in the surrounding oceans of the Endless Continent.

Such as the stormy waters of the East China Sea, the foggy waters of the Southeast China Sea, the thunderstorm waters of the South China Sea, and so on.

Obviously, the lord system has implemented a comprehensive blockade on the endless continent, and there are natural disaster areas covered in all directions.

After all, every natural disaster area is an area of ​​natural magic chaos and spatial chaos.

The cross-region has reached a range of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of nautical miles.

The upper and lower are integrated into one, even the super-space magic cannot pass through the past.

But this blockade is not absolute, and theoretically there is still the possibility of crossing.

It's just that the difficulty is extremely high, and even a demigod-level powerhouse may not be able to do it.

However, Zong Shen has the [Chang'an Captain's Horn of Courage (Unknown)], and he is still certain that he will be able to cross the sea of ​​natural disasters.

If normal ships can't pass through, try a ghost ship instead.

Moreover, [Captain Chang'an's Horn of Courage (Unknown)] itself has an effect called [Ride the Wind and Waves], which can reduce the impact of natural disasters by 80% and increase the sailing speed by 35%.

Coupled with the effect of [Child of the Ocean], the attributes can be increased by 1.5 times when in the sea.

Based on this, launch [Let's Go, Flying Henan People], and summon the ship that is called by the Raiders module: "the strongest in exploring the mysterious sea".

Although Zong Shen has a certain degree of certainty that he can travel through the natural disaster sea area and go to another continent to explore, he still will not have an ocean travel plan in a short period of time.

At least it will be considered after conquering the Endless Continent or establishing a kingdom.

Because no one knows how long this trip will take and what will happen.

After thinking for a while, Zong Shen focused his attention again on the porcelain drifting bottle in his hand.

The surface of this drifting china bottle is actually not neat.

There are signs of wear and bumps on the porcelain surface, and two thumb-knuckle-sized pieces of white carapace are stuck to it, and it looks like shellfish once adhered to the bottle

However, the whole is still complete, the bottle mouth has no cork, but a wax seal.

Zong Shen also found the bottom model at the bottom of the bottle, which is in line with the Chinese porcelain culture.

It's just a pity that Zongshen doesn't know any of the square characters in the bottom line.

Be bold and think about it, if this porcelain vase really comes from the mysterious eastern continent.

Then it means that the Eastern Continent may have a civilization system similar to Earth China.

It's like the civilization style of the endless continent is completely the same as the style of the middle and the west of the earth.

The two continents represent the multiplication of two civilization carriers.

It's a pity that for some reason, their group of lords were all put here.

Zong Shen doesn't know about this either. Who can call the shots?

He sighed silently in his heart. He didn't rush to open the floating porcelain bottle to avoid sudden changes, but first narrowed his eyes and checked its information.

【Drift bottle from the East China Sea (special)】

【Quality: Special】

[A drifting bottle floating from the distant East China Sea, no one knows what is in it]

(Although it is a special item, it is more symbolic than practical. It is not a special equipment of the Eastern Continent. This guide does not know what is in the drift bottle.

But what is certain is that it should be harmless. In addition, there is no more information about the Eastern Continent, but according to the retrieval of this guide, relevant information should appear in the future)

"Symbolic more than practical..."

"All right…"

Zong Shen shrugged and readily accepted this fact.

After confirming the situation a little, he peeled off the thick sealing wax skin with his bare hands.


As the wax skin was uncovered, there was a sudden sound of gushes of air.

Zong Shen held his breath subconsciously, and saw that a long line of white smoke came out of the bottle.

This white smoke condensed and did not disperse, and soon gathered together to form a white smoke screen similar to a canvas.


After confirming that this thing was not poisonous smoke and that Alpha had no unnecessary reaction, Zong Shen resumed his breathing and looked at the smoke screen with some curiosity.

Soon, a new situation emerged. Ink-colored lines appeared on the smokescreen, depicting an elegant man sitting by a pine tree on a cliff.

The man in the smoke painting turned his head spiritually.

Zong Shen suddenly heard a passage, although he didn't understand it, he somehow knew the meaning of this passage.

"The mountains and rivers are exotic, the sun and the moon are the same sky!"

After the man in the smoke painting finished speaking, he stepped on the top of the mountain and left floating,

Then the entire smoke screen dissipated immediately, and the floating porcelain bottle in his hand suddenly turned into dust.

"What a miraculous method."

"It's not magic..."

"Looking at the man in the smoke painting, is it Dao Fa?"

Zong Shen was a little surprised. Now it seems that this Eastern Continent is really not a world of swords and magic.

In addition to the different cultural systems, the Eastern Continent should have other extraordinary powers.

Such discoveries and inferences further aroused Zong Shen's curiosity.

He didn't feel any pity for the damage to the drifting porcelain vase. If nothing else, the smoke painting and the mysterious passage that conveyed the meaning directly to the heart are worth the value of a special item.

"The mountains and rivers are exotic, the sun and the moon are the same sky..."

"Does this imply anything?"

"It seems that there is a vague speculation about the existence of the Eastern Continent in the Endless Continent."

"The real aborigines of the Eastern Continent are not unaware."

Zong Shen lowered his head and pondered, he still had many questions about this Eastern Continent.

For example, are the aborigines there also lords who have descended like the Endless Continent?

Is the Eastern Continent itself being monitored by the so-called supreme managers?

Are there any relevant challengers released?

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Alpha, only to find that Alpha stretched out a finger and made a silent gesture, saying that he had nothing to say.

Zong Shen didn't ask anything, and forcibly suppressed the desire to explore in his heart.

Regarding the Eastern Continent, he is imperative!

Of course, this should be a long time ago, and he will keep it in mind and prepare for it.

After clapping the porcelain powder in his hand, Zong Shen calmed down and reached out to take the third ball of light. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

This is a recruitment volume, the rank is not low, it has reached the third rank of the Yaoguang rank, but Zong Shen has no intention to explore this thing, so he hurriedly checked the information.

【Dream Demon Warhorse Summoning Scroll of the Ringless (Yaoguang Level 3)】

[Quality: Flare Grade 3]

[Effect: Summoning a Dream Demon Warhorse (use it to summon a Dream Demon War Horse, with legendary low-level strength, the initial loyalty is 60, and loyalty training is required)]

[(Unable to summon in the current environment)]

(Dream Demon Warhorse is the mount of the unringed in hell, and it has legendary strength in itself.

When running at full speed, you can enter the dream and demon shuttle state, and travel at a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour.

In the dream demon state, it can make itself and the rider ignore part of the terrain obstacles

At the same time, the dream demon warhorse also has a good fighting ability, it is definitely a wind-pulling mount

However, the initial 60 loyalty points is not high, you still need to spend a lot of thought to cultivate enough loyalty)

Speaking of the dream demon warhorse, Zong Shen suddenly thought of the majestic undead bone horse under the crotch of [Lion Skull Knight: Richardson].

It's just that the Dream Demon Warhorse is rarer than the Undead Bone Horse, and belongs to the high-end mounts of the undead strong.

It also possesses the strength of the legendary undead. Although it is a land mount, its speed is no slower than that of an air mount. Moreover, the dream demon warhorse is completely black, and its hooves are burning with pure white soul fire. It is like walking on snow and riding it. Very cool.

Zong Shen put away the recruitment roll and left it for later summoning.

Just to update his land mount.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to tame a legendary dream demon warhorse.


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