Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 967: : Beta's special service

(The countdown above is corrected at 12:00:00, which is 6:00:00, and no extra charge will be charged if the number of words is less than 200)

Zong Shen stood in the open space outside the lord's fortress.

At present, most of the mixed combat squadrons have returned, and there are less than 150 dark orcs left.

The clearing work has come to an end, and the three dark orcs captured alive in the territory will be the switch for Zong Shen to end the challenge. After the mysterious merchant Beta arrives, he completes the last wave of exchange and can choose to immediately kill these three heads. Dark Orcs, end this challenge.

He is now waiting for the arrival of Beta, which was impossible to locate until then.

With the passage of minutes and seconds, the countdown on the sky will soon become the positive period of [6:00:00].

A new prompt appeared in front of Zong Shen.

【The current challenge has been in progress for 18 hours】

[Has Mysterious Merchant II been launched, randomly disguised as an attacker]

[Note I: Mysterious Merchant II will only exist for 1 hour, and will disappear immediately if it is not found within the time limit]

[Note II: The camouflage of Mysterious Merchant II is a physical disguise. Conventional detection magic cannot be effectively detected, but its appearance features will be partially flawed. Please focus on comparing it with the corresponding offensive camouflage soldiers Abnormalities can be found]

Announcement subtitles come and go quickly.

The content is basically the same as when Alpha came.

Zong Shen looked at it roughly and knew what he knew.

After the announcement dissipated, he immediately inquired about the strategy module.

"Please mark the location of Mysterious Merchant II for me."

The golden circle mark appeared instantly, and the mark and distance indication appeared in his field of vision.

Mysterious Merchant Beta is located 79 kilometers south of the territory.

There are a few scattered dark orcs there, who are encountering the suppression of the mixed combat team. The two sides have already engaged in a contact battle. Zong Shen is not sure whether the mysterious businessman will be affected by the battle, so he immediately launched the [Wandering Walk] in succession.

In just a few breaths, he arrived at the periphery of the clearing scene.

The golden circle mark firmly locked a sixth-order troll of the Scarlet Bone Clan.

Wearing an exaggerated collar, this red-boned troll looks like a long-necked clan.

Obviously, this is where the flaw in the mysterious businessman's physical disguise lies.

There are also a few scattered dark orcs in its vicinity who are stubbornly resisting.

A mixed combat team from the territory is pouring long-range attacks here.

The wolf cavalry howled around the perimeter, waiting for an opportunity to throw their nets and short spears.

The caster bombed in turn, and the crossbow shooter continued to shoot.

The fifth- and sixth-order recruited soldiers in the team are ready to go, ready to strike a decisive blow at the right time.

The dark orcs are also constantly fighting back. From time to time, a wolf cavalryman and the steppe warg under his crotch are shot out and die on the spot.

These second-order light cavalrymen could not withstand even a single blow in the face of fifth- and sixth-order dark orcs.

Zong Shen observed a little and found that the pretender did not attack.

It just grabbed the troll and threw the spear, and threw it at the empty place a few times perfunctorily, but it was not noticed in the chaos.

Even Zong Shen found out that this guy wanted to try to escape and change his position.

The lord system seems to have restrictions on mysterious merchants. Alpha is like this, and Beta is also the same. Otherwise, with the means of these two guys, they don't need Zong Shen to come to the door to feel them.

When I contacted Alpha before, there was also a confirmation process, and then Alpha revealed his true body. Now it seems that if you want to trigger the mysterious businessman Beta, Zong Shen also needs to do the same.

After confirming the target, Zong took out the [Limo's Beheading Giant Axe (Red)] with one hand and grabbed the pestle with one hand, and the other hand took out the [Dark Limo War Blade (Dark Red)], with a full set of The power demon red outfit, Zong Shen at this moment is majestic.

The scarlet red armor and visor gave him a chilling temperament.

One-handed axe, one-handed blade, Zong Shen rushed forward without hesitation.

Move his arms in unison, slash left and right, and kill the rest of the dark orcs in a few back and forth.

Gained tens of thousands of experience points and some power extraction points.

When Zong Shen entered the battlefield, the mixed combat squadron tacitly stopped the attack, lest the chaotic attack would affect the Lord's performance.

Zong Shenli put away his weapon and came to the pretender of the mysterious businessman Beta.

"It's finally here, but it's not too slow."

"It seems that Alpha didn't lie, your Excellency does have some means."

The red-boned troll in front of him said with a proud expression.

Not as polite as Alpha.

It seems that the personalities of the two mysterious businessmen are also quite different.

I saw Zong Shen smiled and didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

"If you don't mind, I hope to enter the exchange process as soon as possible."

"Hmph, you're in a hurry..."

Hearing him say that, the Scarlet Bone Troll snorted coldly.

Then he stretched out his slender and sturdy arms and grabbed his head ruthlessly, pulling off the troll's head like taking off a doll's hood, revealing long shiny silver hair.

This is not the end, the body of the disguised troll also softened immediately, and disappeared into the ground. A woman with a very beautiful face appeared in front of Zong Shen.

She has silver hair that goes above her shoulders, eyebrows and nose, her lips are full and tight, and she has the ultimate temptation under her calmness.

The most wonderful thing is the pair of eyes, the silver pupils are infinitely deep, which can make those who watch them sink into it.

This is the mysterious businessman Beta, a woman who is so beautiful that she can be called bewitching.

In addition to her stunning appearance, her figure is not inferior, with bumps all over her body, wearing a black uniform like a tight leather jacket.

Zong Shen noticed that the uniform had a cube emblem on the left chest.

"Have you seen enough?"

Beta looked at Zong Shen who was staring at him and said coldly.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, turning into a huge luggage box.

"You should know how to do it?"

After she finally said this, she suddenly disappeared in place.

The box opened slowly, revealing a spiral space portal.

Zong Shen knew that this portal led to the Mysterious Hall of Beta.

But Beta's character made him a little speechless.

The lack of introduction, impoliteness, and cold attitude are in stark contrast to Alpha.

And it seems that Alpha should have informed her about Zong Shen's situation.

So she knew Zong Shen a little bit, but she omitted many useless courtesy.

"What an interesting guy!"

"I just don't know where this beta came from."

"Alpha said he was the first lord in the true sense, so he got the title of Alpha, so is Beta the second lord?"

Zong Shen stood there and thought for a while, but Beta was worried that he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, he spends points to exchange, it is impossible for Beta to dare to disobey the lord system and refuse to perform his duties, right?

Therefore, Zong Shen is completely fearless. Since this guy has a bad attitude, he is not going to be polite to Beta.

After thinking a little about it, he walked towards the big box, and jumped lightly into the portal.

The process of crossing was extremely short, and even Zong Shen did not feel the passage of time.

It was just that his eyes were dazed for a moment and he came to the empty hall hall.

This hall is quite large, and the periphery is also surrounded by white stone pillars, which looks no different from the Alpha Mysterious Hall.

As he descended, a beam of light was projected in the middle of the hall.

The corresponding countdown and number appear above.



The rest of this time is plenty.

Just when he was stunned, lights and shadows shone beside him, and the silver-haired beauty Beta appeared.

"Alpha said, you don't need assistant service, so let's make a quick decision and exchange it immediately."

She said indifferently, and then a light curtain of the exchange interface appeared in front of Zong Shen.

However, someone Zong did not rush to exchange, but turned his head, took off the battle helmet, and looked at Beta with interest.

"Can't you be nicer?"

"How many points do I need to buy a service with a good attitude?"

Zong Shen said with a half-smile, the colder the beta, the more excited he was.

From Alpha, he already knew that the mysterious merchants have various additional services in addition to directing the exchange, and as mysterious merchants, they can obtain certain benefits from the lord's consumption.

Such provocative words made Beta raise her eyebrows.


"Yes, please pay 50,000 points!"

Her refusal was interrupted by Supreme Power before she could say it.

The introduction to the formulation comes later.

"Humph, there is indeed such a service."

"A worker is a worker, so why be so arrogant?"

Zong Shen sneered in his heart, he never liked others being too arrogant to him.

Of course, this is the freedom of others, so he can also take countermeasures in a targeted manner for his own mood. This is domineering, and this is the benefit of strength!


He paid 50,000 points without hesitation.

I saw Beta stiffly hooked the corners of her mouth and squeezed out a forced smile.

It seems that this guy is usually a very cold guy.

After showing a smile, it's not over. After all, this is a service worth 50,000 points. Beta then bowed 90 degrees to salute.

Zong Shen could see the upturned porpoise (just understand) and the curves of her thighs along the back of her smooth leather jacket.

After the salute, Beta stood up stiffly and said with that smile.

"Do you need to start exchanging?"

Although his performance was blunt, this kind of reaction made Zong Shen feel a lot more comfortable.

The Lord has some numbers, that is, willful!

He shook his head decisively.

Said with a smile again.

"Don't worry, redeem the 120-minute extension first."

After deducting 18,000 points, his remaining redemption upgrades were extended to nearly three hours. He could choose calmly and provoke Beta by the way.

The ice-cold Beta has stimulated Zong Shen's rebellious mentality.

Beta frowned, and the corners of her mouth could only be raised, looking a little funny.

At the same time, it also satisfies Zong Shen's small evil taste and desire to conquer.

Originally, after he learned many secrets through Alpha, he also respected Beta, but now he thinks it is unnecessary.

Zongshen never thought that Alpha and Beta could reach the heights that he could not reach in the future. In fact, from the situation of Alpha and Beta, the two of them were not out of this circle and were still under the suppression of the lord system.

Seeing Beta who didn't speak, Zong Shen's eyes blinked, and suddenly a ghost idea came up.

"I need other services..."

"Like Beta's full **** service."

Zong Shen began to pinch nonsense.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Beta couldn't hold back any longer.

Her pretty face was frosty, and her silver teeth were clenched.

"Lord, are you provoking me?"

"Do you know the consequences of doing so?"

"Beep beep beep..."

She was silenced just after saying a few words, and Beta herself was sluggish in place like a lightning strike.

Seeing this scene, Zong Shen knew that she must have been warned.

"Don't worry, you'd better perform your duties faithfully and ask if this service is available."

"I want to choose service, it is also one of my rights."

Zong Shen still said with a smile.

It is true that he has not considered the result of offending Beta, maybe he will meet Alpha and Beta on a higher stage in the future.

But now he is definitely not used to this guy.

After all, Beta's attitude says it all!

Alpha wooed him and Beta was obviously grooming him.

This shows that Alpha and she should have some kind of competitive relationship of the same level.

She has already found the target to win over, so she doesn't need to win over herself. After all, Alpha also said that the group of lords who descended on the Endless Continent is just one of them.

Otherwise, with the identity and experience of Beta, it is absolutely impossible to show a face to himself for no reason.

Apparently Beta knew he had made a deal with Alpha.

That is, what Alpha said before, the dominion of theocracy.

It was after seeing this point that Zong Shen decided to give her a shot.

He is very confident in his future potential, and this is also the ambition in his heart to become a supreme lord that drives him to counter Beta.

Under the constraints of the lord system rules, all living beings are equal!

I saw that Beta was silent for a long time, and finally said through gritted teeth.

"Service works."

"Need you...you pay 99999 points!"

Silver-haired Beta said with difficulty.

Zong Shen grinned and snapped his fingers briskly.


"Pay 99999 points!"

When the points were deducted, without Beta's response, a subtitle prompt appeared in front of Zong Shen.

【Challenge points deduct 99999】

【Get: Beta Nude Service】

[Continues until the end of the exchange]

[Current available challenge points: 7244497]

I saw Beta clenched her fists and turned away silently.

Soon the black leather bodysuit was taken off.

As the leather jacket is gradually taken off, the smooth back with its wonderful ridges is fully revealed!

From the extended back to the rounded tun, it undulates like mountains. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Every inch of the skin is so clean and smooth, no pores and hair can be seen.

It is like a finely polished jade carving, full of delicacy and scenery.

"It's worth it!"

Zong Shen was dark in his heart.

The points are really worth it!

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