Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 978: : Global ranking, a new leaderboard appears

The other lords were also staying up all night waiting for the arrival of 0:00.

In fact, the benefits they obtained from the exchange of the two mysterious merchants, Alpha and Beta, were not too much.

After all, everyone's points are limited.

In addition, most of the lords will choose to exchange some items and permissions that are helpful for the challenge when the mysterious merchant Alpha appears.

As a result, the points used to exchange general items and props are extremely limited.

There are even some lords who, for various reasons, failed to discover the mysterious merchants disguised in the attacking party, such as those staunch defenders and lords who were mistaken due to limited detection capabilities.

The number of these lords is not large, and not all of them can perfectly find two mysterious merchants and exchange them.

Unlike the Mystery Merchant, the settlement of challenge rewards is something all surviving lords can have.

So at this moment, the lords scattered all over the endless continent are looking forward to it.

On the contrary, Zong Shen was relatively calm, he just wanted to see the challenge ranking.

Previously at the mysterious merchant, he used the [Encore Privilege Coupon (Special)] to earn double the challenge points and exchanged for many useful items, equipment and privileges.

Now his conventional strength is no less than that of the legendary mid-level Heijin clan leader, Mogroga Heijin. After various buffing status skills are activated, he can completely crush the legendary powerhouse. It can be said that this strength is enough. He has attacked the great city!

And he still has a lot of [Good Luck Tickets] and [Lottery Balls (Gold Body)] left to open, which are considered his reserves.

In addition, after the challenge is over, the [Encore Privilege Coupon (Special)] that was used up before will be fully restored.

At noon tomorrow, when it is his turn to settle the challenge reward, if the reward is beyond imagination, then he will not be stingy with the privilege coupon, directly activate the privilege, and then get a corresponding reward, which is also a beautiful thing.

He lay on the bedside and thought for a while, then opened the [World Channel] to have a look, and found that the daily speech limit per person has changed from one to twelve, but each post needs to be released at intervals of 60 minutes. Seconds, it can barely be used to chat.

Zong Shen looked around at random and found that in the [World Channel], lords often mentioned their names, and they seemed to be guessing who could get the first place in the challenge points.

Most of the lords are optimistic about him. After all, the comprehensive score at the start of the challenge has proved that Zong Shen has a super-level development level and potential.

The higher the score, the greater the difficulty of the corresponding challenge base.

Correspondingly, as long as you successfully overcome the challenge, you will get the most points.

Some lords share the news of the aborigines in the local giant cities and Bangcheng in the world.

Someone directly advertised on the [World Channel], saying that they knew the location of a relic in a certain region of a certain kingdom, and they were willing to tell the location of the relic only by trading certain resources or dinars through the [market].

Some lords used the sharing function of the channel to show off their newly acquired equipment and proudly show off.

Although the first batch of lords have been on the ground for more than a month and have gone through several challenges and two rule adjustments, there are still some lords who regard this world as a game, such as those who show equipment.

If there are strongmen near these lords, I am not sure when they will directly **** them!

Of course, there are also many people who use [World Channel] to do business.

Some of them advertise products for sale in the [Market], and some pay to collect intelligence.

Even Zong Shen discovered that many lords were already trying to find aboriginal villages and state cities, trying to find strong people in adjacent areas, pulling people from their respective legions to form a mixed army, and using force to capture the villages Or Bangcheng, and then divide the materials and population equally, and divide things into pieces and go back to each family, each looking for his own mother.

As long as there are enough lords in the team, even a small city can try to fight a dozen.

It can be seen that the lords who have expanded their strength will definitely attack the aborigines.

Because the population, resources, equipment and territory of the aboriginal people are readily available.

Many lords regarded the aborigines as fat pigs to be slaughtered.

It's just that they don't know whether they will experience the war power of the aborigines now that the cover of the lord system has been greatly reduced.

Of course, Zong Shen himself regards the aborigines as a special kind of "resource".

It's just that he is powerful, and he has a small assistant who can gain information advantages.

It is possible to harvest wool from the natives without having to form a team, and there is a certain degree of certainty that it will not lead to the attack of the giant city crusade and the local knights.

If other lords want to touch his current realm, it will take at least another five, six, seven or eight years.

This is the true manifestation of the "Matthew Effect".

The advantages of the strong will snowball into more and more benefits over time, making the strong stronger.

Zong Shen's own experience perfectly implements this!

It's just that each of his actions cannot escape the law of high returns accompanied by high risks, and there is also the possibility of falling and dying.

Correspondingly, there are a lot of life-saving means in his hands. Anyway, they are not on the same level as ordinary lords.

Water channel time always flies fast.

He didn't scroll through the [World Channel] for a long time, and the time came to 0:00 midnight.

The white awn representing the time-stop state filled the field of vision again, and then quickly dissipated.

A form appeared in front of him.

This form is similar to the previous interface of the Territory Comprehensive Score.

The blank data above is being pushed in real time.

[Comprehensive score evaluation for defensive challenges is open]

[Separate settlement is being performed for you, the list results will be displayed in real time]

[Each point evaluation is independent of each other, and the upper limit depends on each individual's situation]

[Estimated evaluation time is 1 to 2 minutes]

[Basic defense score of the territory: (113278×199%)×(115%37%)=342643.29…]

[Basic kill points: (9234995×199%)×(115%37%)=27934012.88…]

[Comprehensive performance score: (99999×199%)×(115%37%)=302476.98…]

[Additional points: (99999×199%)×(115%37%)=302476.98…]

[Comprehensive loss assessment score: (998726×199%)×(115%37%)=3020946.41…]

[Additional points for challenge difficulty: (1000000×199%)×(115%37%)=3024800]

[Review: 10 (MAX) 20 (Additional)]

【Complete the evaluation】

[Comprehensive points for defensive challenges: 34927345.54…]

【Final Star Rating: 30】

[Comprehensive points ranking of all-domain lord defense challenge: (click to view)]

Zong Shen was too lazy to look at the large list of values.

You don't have to think about it to know that this is definitely synonymous with Niubi.

Not to mention that he also has a 199% base bonus and a 52% settlement bonus.

The tabular subtitles changed in real time, and his evaluation points were all completed.

It seems that his points evaluation should be the task with the most workload.

Because after he finished the evaluation, the ranking of all-domain lords had already come out.

Thinking of this, he directly opened the ranking.

[Comprehensive points ranking of all-domain lord defense challenge: 1]

[Congratulations, you have beaten the lord of 99.999% of the world...]

[Congratulations on winning the top three in the comprehensive score record of the defense challenge of all the lords of the past dynasties]

[(Click to expand the leaderboard and view the ranking of the top ten lords before and after the ranking range)]

Zong Shen was not at all surprised that he was able to achieve the first place in the world.

On the contrary, the hint of "getting the top three in the comprehensive points record of the defense challenge of the past lords of the whole domain" made him a little surprised.

He already knew that this generation of lords of the Endless Continent was just a generation in the long years and many "testing ground" worlds.

In fact, countless generations, or other intelligent beings, have accepted the challenge of the lords, and the number of lords is comparable to the sand of the Ganges.

Even so, his current performance can be in the top three!

As for the first, he didn't even want to think about it. With such a huge base, a small probability event is no longer a small probability.

Among them, there will be an endless stream of arrogant sons and real overlords.

This can be seen by looking at Alpha and Beta.

The two of them are the best proof. Now they should have reached a higher level, and they can even choose to "work" for the lord system to gain some permissions.

With such a lord base and event probability, being able to get the top three is enough for him to be proud of.

This result should be better than the original Alpha and Beta.

However, the defensive challenge is only a monthly test. Even if he achieves superhuman results, it does not mean that he will not fall and die in the future.

Zong Shen can't be too proud and complacent, he has to keep working hard in a down-to-earth way!

After evaluating himself for a while, he chose to check out the leaderboard.

As the first place, he is lonely, because there is no one in front of him, so he can only look back at the ten places.

The list expands slowly, and the data line by line is very clear.

[First place: Zong Shen 1999514 (challenge points: 34927343.54…)]

[Second place: Chen Rui 1994613 (challenge points: 3924751.64…)]

[Third place: George Brandon 19891123 (challenge points: 3127924.27…)]

[Fourth place: Sophos Darkni Jeff 1991311 (challenge points: 3094214.36…)]

[Seventh place: Zong Ze 2000612 (challenge points: 2923485.82…)]

Zong Shen took a cursory glance and found that Chen Rui was ranked second, and Aze also entered the top ten.

You must know that Chen Rui's comprehensive territorial ranking is only ninth, and Aze was originally outside the top ten, but now he has all come in.

On the contrary, [Caesar Piero], [Zhang Bowen], and [Yamaguchi Jiefu] were ranked in the top ten in the overall ranking, but they failed to enter the top ten in the challenge points ranking.

This also shows that the territory score cannot fully represent the actual combat capability.

Talent, resourcefulness, reasonable combination of props and luck are all important indicators that determine the final challenge result.

At this point, the time-stop effect ends.

A new reminder appeared in front of him.

[Due to the special nature of your challenge settlement, the reward for points ranking will also be postponed for 12 hours to be issued simultaneously with the challenge settlement reward]


【Global Notice】

[The territorial ranking rewards have been distributed]

[Dear Lord: Zong Shen 1999514]

[You won the first place in the territory level ranking first]

[Acquisition: Orange Legendary Hero Recruitment Ticket × 1, Golden Treasure Chest × 2]

【The reward has been distributed to your storage space】

There is also a reward for the point ranking of the defensive challenge.

However, Zong Shen's reward will be delayed by 12 hours.

In addition, the [Territory Level Ranking] that lasted for thirty days has finally completed the first phase of the ranking reward settlement.

Judging from his current vision, the golden treasure chest is not very attractive, but it is still of great value to be able to open golden epic items.

As for the [Orange Legendary Hero Recruitment Scroll], there must be something unique.

With a thought, he dismissed the subtitles in front of him.

Open the system's own [Ranking] option to view.

The original greetings were uniform, but two new leaderboards appeared.

The rankings that have been unlocked now include: [Territory Ranking Ranking], [Lord Ranking Ranking], and [Legion Comprehensive Index Ranking].

There is no announcement for the opening of the new leaderboard, as it was at the beginning.

Zong Shen first clicked on the [Territory Ranking Ranking], and the rankings need not be mentioned.

The above information has been updated.

【Reward calculation in the second stage】

【149 days 11 hours 57 minutes】

This line of information means that the second ranking settlement will be performed after the countdown is over.

During this period, let's see if anyone makes a later effort and catches up.

At the same time, ranking rewards also changed. Zong Shen mainly looked at the top three rewards.

[Third Place: Golden Epic Random Hero Recruitment Scroll x1, Golden Treasure Chest x6, Platinum Treasure Chest x2]

[Second place: Golden Epic Heroes Recruitment Scroll x 1, Golden Treasure Chest x 8, Platinum Treasure Chest x 3]

[First place: Yaoguang Legendary Random Hero Recruitment Scroll × 1, Golden Treasure Box × 10, Platinum Treasure Box × 4, Diamond Treasure Box × 1]

As the stage goes on, the ranking reward has also increased a lot.

There is no rush to improve the ranking at the moment, anyway, there are still plenty of opportunities for territorial expansion in the future.

He has absolute confidence to hold on to this first place.

Chen Rui reckoned that he should be the second child for ten thousand years.

Now Zong Shen only hopes that his old brother Zong Ze can catch up.

The two brothers eat delicious food together and become the supreme overlord among the lords!

That's a good story!

Speaking of which, Zongze's development potential is not much worse than his own.

Zong Shen only mentioned a few words to him occasionally~www.wuxiaspot.com~ plus some dinars and supplies in the early days.

The rest depended on his own development, and he did not expect to become the leader among the first batch of lords, which made Zong Shen admire.

But thinking about it is normal.

A Ze's good luck against the sky is the most real initial golden finger.

As long as the foundation is consolidated, the follow-up development depends on water grinding.

The further back you go, the lesser the harvest effects of opportunities and relics will be.

It's hard to get rich with **** like that in the early days.

Unless you are lucky enough to go directly to receive a giant city.

Zong Shen did not rule out that there are lords who can do this by blind cats and dead mice.

The indigenous forces of the Endless Continent are essentially the wealth that the lords can tap!

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