Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 980: : the beginning of the future

Most of the lords had trouble sleeping tonight.

They will reap the fruits of their own victory.

The past month has also been a long month for them.

In any case, those who can survive the defensive challenge can be regarded as the best among the lords. After all, the death rate of the first batch of lords that is close to 45% is here.

The lord system has been implementing the principle of survival of the fittest from beginning to end.

The purpose of each challenge and rule challenge is to allow the lords to adapt to this world and at the same time try their best to become stronger.

The surviving lords have all passed the test initially and have been recognized by the lord system.

For the first lords, the era of survival has temporarily passed.

Next is the real era of great development!

The next morning, Zong Shen woke up early.

He first spent a while with Luna, then put on a decent loose silk robe, and Shi Shiran went downstairs.

Now his strength has grown to an astonishing level.

Usually when he is in the territory, he no longer needs to be nervous and fully armed, and he can walk around in casual clothes. After all, his super high basic attributes are there.

After a simple wash, Zong Shen ate some breakfast casually, and at the same time gathered key members such as Mariel, Howie, Sanpang, Vereesa, Colby, and Faved.

Today at noon, he plans to assemble the soldiers and citizens of the whole territory again to commend and reward them, which can be regarded as a summary of the difficulties and gains encountered in the past month.

Before that, he was going to hold an internal meeting to vent with the backbone heroes.

At the same time, explain the future construction plans of the territory!

Now he only needs to provide the general direction, and the specific details will be taken care of.

After all, there are currently more than 100 logistical heroes in the territory, and it is much more efficient to work together than one person to cover all the problems.

Everyone gathered in the lord's fortress, and they all bowed and saluted before taking their seats.

After everyone had arrived, Zong Shen nodded lightly.

He first looked at Mariel and Howie, and said in a solemn tone.

"New buildings are on the to-be-built list."

"Given the larger footprint of higher-end buildings, the size of the original inner city must be expanded in advance."

"At the beginning, our vision was too small."

Zong Shen's words made the two nod.

Especially Mariel, who is often in charge of the construction of the territory, takes this very seriously.

"Lord Lord!"

"According to the original plan, the inner city will focus on the lord's fortress, with major buildings such as barracks, schools, libraries, training rooms, various workshops, and wonders set up nearby."

"If you want to accommodate a giant city-scale workshop, then at least an area spanning a dozen kilometers should be reserved in the inner city."

"As for the outer city, you can build multiple main streets."

"There is no need for further subdivision, and it is directly divided into several urban areas."

"Each district has its own commercial, residential, private workshops, markets, warehouses, etc., so that it fits with the freedmen plan you said earlier."

"Finally, there is the issue of farmland, which can only be reclaimed on the periphery."

"In other words, as long as the directly controlled workshops are included in the inner city, the outer city can allow free people to build and play according to their actual needs, and even allow other state cities, giant city forces or other gods The chosen son lord pays a certain price to build land in the city."

"Of course, before that, the town hall has to be established."

"The freedmen want to build any building, they can pay for it in dinars."

"In the initial stage, the territory treasury will give some basic means of production according to the head, and in the future, they will be rewarded through labor."

"In addition, it is necessary to open stores directly operated by the territory in the city to sell daily necessities such as food, clothing, tools, etc., which can not only complete the initial transition, but also initially realize the system of circulation within the territory."


Mariel was obviously ready for a long time, and she started talking at this time.

She builds on the freemen plan that Zong Shen often emphasizes as the basis for future urban development.

Zong Shen listened attentively and pointed out a few inappropriate points with his previous experience in humanistic construction. Others also spoke freely and expressed their thoughts.

After discussing for more than an hour, Zong Shen finalized several guidelines for future territorial construction and development.

First of all, in terms of territory planning, the inner city will do so as suggested by Mariel, and include various buildings, main workshops and barracks that require direct control of the territory into the protection of the inner city.

As for the outer urban area, it is initially divided into four districts. For the time being, the east, south, west, and north orientations are used as the names of the city districts, and the names will be collected when the territory is prosperous in the future.

The Municipal Department was established today, with Mariel serving as mayor.

San Pang served as her deputy, and the establishment of other positions and subordinate departments was decided by Mariel.

In addition, the Financial and Commercial Department will be established, which will be headed by the director of Howie. Zong Shen will later hand over the [Greed Lord's Money Bag (Orange)] and 70% of the dinar to him for safekeeping.

The current and future recruited farmers in the territory are the basic population. After the reform of the freedmen, each person can be allocated 120 square meters of land. The land can be merged by signing a contract on a voluntary basis. The territory ensures the land area. However, the corresponding planning needs to follow the urban construction, and it cannot be arbitrarily built.

The housing is unified by the territory to build [double-storey stone houses], [stone houses], the residents can move in first, and a part of the dinar needs to be repaid to the Ministry of Finance and Commerce every month, which is regarded as a mortgage.

Residents who choose to settle in urban areas only have housing land, not agricultural land.

If you choose to settle down outside the city, each person can apply for the reclamation of three acres of arable land, and the seed money also needs to be paid monthly.

This part of the purchased grain is then put into the market, and the people use the money from selling grain to buy food, clothes, and daily necessities, forming a basic internal circulation.

The same is true for animal husbandry. As long as those who choose to settle down outside the city will distribute the corresponding number of livestock for breeding, they will also repay the money on a monthly basis to compensate for these means of production.

Citizens in the city can choose to take a loan from the Ministry of Finance and Commerce, regardless of credit and ant points, but only by loyalty, divided into several loan amounts. After obtaining a loan, they can do business in the city, open a workshop, and decide what they want to do. .

In addition, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, as a coordinator of the overall situation, will also use the cash-for-work model to create public jobs.

Such as building construction, mining minerals, caravan handymen, etc., receive corresponding remuneration according to the position.

Not to mention, the Azshara mine alone will require at least tens of thousands of miners once Zongshen completely clears it and fully mines it, plus the jobs of transportation, finishing, sorting, etc., enough to create two mines. Thirty thousand jobs.

There are also gem mines in the mountains and forests.

In this way, as long as you get through the initial transition phase, you can fully operate after you get on the right track.

This plan is a little rough, but with the basic guarantee of loyalty, it can almost start the era of free people.

The meal has to be eaten in one bite, and the road has to be taken step by step. In the future, problems can be rectified immediately. As long as the territory is formed, there should be many aborigines coming, and those traveling merchants will also use the territory as a business node.

This is just a rough plan, you can start planning in this direction.

In terms of defense, first ensure the inner city, and build a circle of the highest-level city wall that can be built as the inner city protection.

The overall defense tower of the territory is planned in a unified manner.

Divided into small, medium and large, three defense matrix levels.

Arrange the defense nodes according to the maximum range and shooting height of the defense tower to ensure that any corner of the territory can be protected by at least one defense matrix.

Each Great Defense Matrix is ​​stationed with a certain number of warriors, including wolf cavalry, spellcasters, and crossbow archers.

I just mentioned the issue of salary. The salary of soldiers is determined by two standards.

They are rank and position. The former determines the starting base salary, and the latter will be determined by merit. For example, Colby can appoint a squad leader and a squadron leader by himself.

The base salary is multiplied by a certain multiple according to the position as the final salary.

The salary is still paid monthly, and the soldiers can decide how to use it.

It's just that the soldiers who were in charge of patrolling and vigilance at that time were not allowed to eat out.

Moreover, the housing conditions of the warriors can be favored, and they are built by the territory without paying additional fees.

The relevant regulations were formulated by Mariel with the assistance of Colby, Faved and other fighting heroes.

Finally, there is the issue of territory expansion. The current territory level is LV19. Counting the [Lord Expansion Privilege] he exchanged, the legal territory has reached a circular area with a radius of 38 kilometers.

For a territory to fully develop, it has to occupy a large area of ​​land.

Previously, the [Guide Legion] had obtained the opportunity of [Territory Relocation] after the Legion Rules were updated, and they all relocated to locations far away from Zongshen's territory.

However, there is still a lord in Zongshen's territory.

In this regard, he plans to send a special person to negotiate, first to persuade him to leave, and if he encounters a stubborn person, he will directly smash the other party's territory.

Expansion is to be domineering!

So this problem is easy to solve. He believes that the current lords who can survive should not be the kind of stunned blue-headed ones.

Speaking of the endless continent, most of the lords do not feel that the land is not enough. Only a super lord like Zong who is ready to work hard in the direction of the official city construction will feel that the land in the area is stretched.

Afterwards, everyone also discussed the issues of marriage, love and childbirth among the people.

Howie also mentioned caravan formation, which he has been obsessed with.

Zong Shen has made arrangements separately.

In the days to come, the territory will flourish on its own.

He himself will gradually withdraw and pursue the continuous improvement of personal force.

At the same time, it contributes its own strength in high-end force and overall planning.

Help the territory conquer the aborigines and collect more wonders and powerful buildings.

All in all, today's territory has the potential for independent development. He no longer needs to work hard, just like the accumulation of resources for ants to move.

Zong Shen can do his own thing and pursue his own realm.

There is no longer an absolute dependency between the two, but a juxtaposition.

Most of the fighters he will also stay in the territory.

In the future, only some henchmen and high-level warriors who can keep up with the strength will be brought in for action.

It is also a stage that the lord's strength is tyrannical to a certain extent and must pass through.

The territory is still the most powerful backing and home for the lords, but the lords themselves also have higher pursuits.

Whose serious lord stays in the territory every day without going out?

What's more, after having a hero, the lord does not need to be a model worker.

If everything is handled by the lord, it doesn't take three days to drive people crazy.

Qualified lords only need to coordinate the overall situation, and most of the details are left to their subordinates. If they do not do well, they can criticize and correct them. After all, they will not hurt the territory.

This discussion and negotiation took more than four hours.

If it weren't for only half an hour left until 12 noon, everyone would continue to discuss.

"Okay, let's disband first."

"Anyway, the general direction and strategy have been determined."

"Maryll work hard tonight and make a table of the plans we discussed."

"So is Howie. Financial business is very important. I will give you the dinar and the big bag in the afternoon."

"Now, go and tell everyone to gather."

Zong Shen waved his hand, everyone bowed and saluted, and Yuguan left the lord's fortress.

He rubbed his temples, took out a bottle of red wine with his backhand, uncorked it and took a sip.

"Brain pain!"

"After the reform of the freedmen, the work related to internal affairs will inevitably increase."

"Fortunately, the number of hero-level talents is relatively loose, and currently it is more than enough as a processing node."

"Speaking of which, the original cauldron system is the most worry-free."

"But save your heart and save your heart. If you continue like this, you can't see the future."

"It's almost no different from slavery and primitive society."

"If you want to give vitality to the territory, you must take this step."

"After all, long pain is worse than short pain."

He pondered in his heart, and left the fort after resting for a few minutes.

In the open space outside the lord's fortress, a large number of soldiers and farmers are gathering in an orderly manner. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Even the always lazy little sunspot did not snooze, and was hovering in the air.

Just because Zong Shen promised to give it the [Tiamat's Five-Colored Flower (Orange)], which is the treasure that every five-colored dragon longs for.

Wild Boar King Chacha, Dragon Veined Griffin Eagle Sauce, and Dragon Veined Manticore Tiger Flying Tiger also gathered together with "drag family and mouth".

It is no exaggeration to say that Zong Shen already felt like a big parent at this time.

Unknowingly, the subordinates, warriors, and tamed raptors and beasts all reached an astonishing number.

If there are more people in the territory, even if Zong Shen says this is a state city, other lords will believe it.

Of course, in the face of the great goal of conquering the kingdom or even the continent, this little bit of people can only be regarded as a small beginning.

But in the future, today must be a day to remember!

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