Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 984: : Arrangements for the construction transition period

Heizi also seemed to understand that he had undergone a reborn change.

Can't help but excitedly want to raise his head and growl.

Zong Shen was well prepared and activated the [Pillar of Red Gold Barrier] using the lord's quick permission. The huge shield could isolate the dragon's roar from spreading to a certain extent.


"Roar rumbling!"

The gigantic dragon's roar lingered and breathed for a long time, rolling and reverberating like a dull thunder.

The residents at the scene couldn't help covering their ears, and the farmers almost made a mess.

The loud roar of Longyin vented all the depression in Little Blackie's heart, and even made his loyalty to Zong Shen increased by 3 points again, reaching 98 points, which is close to the full value!

After it recognized Zong Shen's strength and gained real benefits, Xiao Heizi was completely tamed.

Griffin, Manticore, Bloodfang Boar, and Chimera soaring in the sky all shivered under this dragon roar.

Without a doubt, Kuroko is definitely one of the strongest mounts in the territory today.

Of course, Zong Shen still has a copy of [The Nightmare Warhorse Summoning Scroll of the Unringed (Yaoguang Grade III)] which has not been used yet. The legendary Nightmare Warhorse should not be much inferior to the current Xiaosuozi.

After completing the dragon roar ceremony, Heizi squatted down again facing Zong Shen.

"Okay, little sunspot, go back to your original position!"

Zong Shen waved his hand, motioning for it to fly into the sky.

"Your will will always guide my life!"

It said again in a loud voice in the common language of the mainland, and then spread its larger black wings, a gust of wind on the ground, and the dust fluttered around, accompanied by a huge thumping sound, and the little sunspot flew into the sky.

Zong Shen only felt that the open space in front of him suddenly opened up, as if a hill had been removed.

Next, the reward activities continue.

He rewarded some of the equipment that was eliminated.

Such as [Guarding Axe (Orange)], [Dispelling Gloves (Blue)], [Noble Ring (Blue)], [Shield of Storm, Thunder, Bear and Roaring (Orange)], [Beared Hank's Burst Hammer (orange)].

There are also a large number of Tier 5 and Tier 6 equipment and weapons previously obtained from the remains of the Knights of the Lion, as well as bows, longswords, and supporting equipment from the Night series that were recently obtained from the warehouse of Azshara's sewer fortress.

Colby and other hero-level talents in the back-up have been rewarded in part.

It is a round of universal action.

In addition, Zong Shen also distributed a part of the basic potions exchanged at the mysterious merchant Alpha to the main heroes, who will make secondary distribution.

Finally, from the [First-Order Spotted Hyena Summoning Teeth (White)] to [Sixth-Order Crimson Dragon Turtle Summoning Scales (Gold)], all of them are distributed to the main heroes as auxiliary props.

The higher the status of the hero-level talents, the better the resources they have, thus forming a hierarchical distribution mechanism of the pyramid structure.

As for the other soldiers and citizens, they received some food, so it can be regarded as not letting them go home empty-handed!

This is the end of the rally, and he still has some things such as [Hero Crest] in his hand, but he is not going to use it now.

He left behind Mariel and Howie, and started the final order of the full-scale construction phase. Other aspects, including the reform of the freedmen, can be delayed for a while.

"I have already deposited all the rare materials that I exchanged before in the storage box of the territory, which is completely sufficient for the construction of the [Thousand-Kilometer Level Teleportation Array (Orange)] main array, as well as the complete building [Thousand-Kilometer Level Teleportation Array (Orange)] that I obtained before. The kilometer-level directional teleportation tower (orange)] can also be built.”

"In addition, [fourth-order rock towers] such as defensive fortresses that were not enough to build before, should be able to be built now, and three or four can be built as appropriate to cover the periphery of the territory."

Zong Shen stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

Previously, he had spent millions of challenge points to exchange for many precious materials that were difficult to obtain from the outside world.

You must know that there is no shortage of conventional materials in the territory. What is usually lacking are all kinds of advanced runes and advanced forging building materials, and now they can basically be filled.

Moreover, the exchange volume of Zongshen is extremely large, which can meet the construction needs for a period of time in the future.

Hearing the Lord Lord's order, Howie and Mariel did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed and nodded in agreement.

These days belong to the construction transition period, which aims to restore the territory from the previous state of contraction and defense to the state of urban expansion.

It is not too late to form a city hall and carry out a freemen plan after the initial results of the construction.

And in the previous exchange, there are indeed many things of construction and territorial development that need to be digested.

The expansion of the territory is easy to solve, and there is no need to send someone to negotiate with the lords who have not migrated within the territory, because he has obtained a corresponding privilege through the previous banner, which can come in handy.

That is—【Territory Expulsion Privilege (Special)】!

This is a very domineering privilege, which is quite suitable for Zong Shen's current needs.

【Territory Expulsion Privilege (Special)】

【Quality: Special】

[Active effect: Territory expulsion (this privilege can expel other lords existing in the territory, so that the entire territory is moved to a random open space outside the territory, the cooling time is 2 hours)]

[This privilege can be granted by the lord to the hero-level talents under his command, and there shall be no more than three at the same time]

(Wow, such domineering privileges are exactly in line with your expansion intentions and can avoid some minor troubles

From then on, wherever the territory expands, everyone avoids

The establishment of a vast giant city-level territory is just around the corner)

Yes, the effect of this privilege is as overbearing as its name.

As we all know, when the lords first came, they were distributed according to the region.

Each area is a fixed "square" of 200 km x 200 km, covering a total area of ​​40,000 square kilometers, not big, but definitely not small.

Over time, the number of lords in the area will decrease due to the screening mechanisms such as challenge elimination, natural elimination, and combat elimination.

Because the territory level of each lord is the same at first, when the lords raise the territory level, the compliant territory will naturally expand.

Under such circumstances, many lords will encounter the situation of the intersection of territories, and even like Zong Shen, the situation of large territories encircling small territories occurs.

Therefore, after the previous [Legion] rules were upgraded, each member of the legion had an opportunity to migrate independently, which was considered to eliminate some of the contradictions in this aspect in advance.

At that time, the scope of everyone's development was not expanded. This contradiction is not too sharp, but it will be different in the future. It is not only Zong Shen who ushered in great development, other lords will also be in the next few months. Usher in a true golden age.

Of course, it is also a golden development period. Other lords and standard lines are far from Zongshen. It is probably the difference between a small state city and a giant city!

It's just that territorial conflicts will inevitably break out at that stage.

Although most of the lords are afraid of Zong Shen's strength and prestige, it is not ruled out that there will be a few guys with hard brains.

Zong Shen didn't want to waste his precious development time on the lord's internal friction and disputes, and he didn't bother to pick up the lord's little wool.

Because compared with the aborigines, the wool of the lord is sesame, and the wool of the aborigines is the big watermelon. How to choose is clear at a glance.

Back then, Zong Shen had inherited the legacy of hundreds of lords, and that was just three melons and two dates.

To put it bluntly, it is not worth two or three aboriginal villages.

If you really want to harvest the lord, it is not at this time, at least you have to fatten it up.

This is a bit cruel, but it fits the lord's development principle of "big fish eat small fish". Even if he doesn't do this, the hegemons in other regions will do the same in the future.

It's just that it's not yet a period of war between the lords.

Zong Shen already knew what to do at what stage.

"I open the [territorial expulsion privilege (special)] to you."

Zong Shen thought for a moment in silence, and then said slowly.

Then he opened the relevant interface and distributed the rights of this privilege.

"In addition to the above buildings, there are also those territorial mineral buildings."

Zong Shen added again that he remembered the previous exchange

【Construction blueprint of territory quarry VI (gold) × 2】

【Construction blueprint of Territory Lumberyard VI (Gold) × 2】

[Territory Ramie Bush VI Construction Drawing (Gold) × 2]

[Construction Blueprint of Territorial Concentrated Iron Ore VI (Gold) × 2]

[Construction blueprint (golden) × 1 of Territory Magic Crystal Mine VI]

[Territory Gem Mine VI Construction Drawing (Gold) × 2]

[Territory Mithril/Adamantium/Mixed Mineral VI Construction Blueprint (Gold) × 1]

There will be banner rewards [Mini Mine (Special)] soon.

"We understand, my lord, we will reasonably place the output buildings of these direct territories within the inner city area, so that a suitable inner city area can be planned."

Mariel bowed and nodded, but Zong Shen had already taken out a strange ball with his backhand.

This is the so-called [Mini Mine (Special)].

Just by looking at the name, he knew that this thing had something to do with mines and minerals, and it was time to figure out its function when he explained it now.

I saw his eyes narrowed, and he called the strategy module on the spot to check.

【Mini Mine (Special)】

【Quality: Special】

[Effect: Mini mine cave (after activation, an adjustable entrance with a diameter of 5 meters to 80 meters can be opened, and then it matches an unmined small mixed mine hole in the endless continent. Subsequent mining needs to be solved by itself, the entrance It will exist permanently after being fixed, unless it is attacked by Space Destruction)]

(If you directly open a mine portal to you, you will give priority to the unexplored mines that are closer to your territory. However, there are certain technical difficulties in mining directly from the ground. Fortunately, you have exchanged a lot of high-level magic drilling before. machine

In addition to mining, the entrance of this mini mine is also equivalent to a special portal, which can establish a secret base in the mining area of ​​the mini mine)

"I see!"

Zong Shen suddenly knew what to do, raised his hand and threw it lightly, and threw the ball that could open up a mini mine to Mariel.

Then he explained the construction of [Giant City-level Central Management Crystal Pillar Construction Drawing (Yaoguang Grade VII)], [Special War Stable Construction Drawing (Yaoguang Grade II)], [Sixth-Order Stone City Wall Construction Drawings (Orange)], [Blessed Healing Center (Special)], [Random Dungeon Open Door (Special)], [Food Refining Workshop Construction Diagram (Gold)], [Advanced Pharmaceutical Workshop Construction Diagram (Orange)] Afterwards, the two of them left.

He also used [Wandering Wander] to leave the place and came to the hall of the lord's fortress. He didn't need to worry about the transition period of the territory construction.

All he has to do now is to further digest the gains from the defensive challenge!

This takes your strength to the next level.

Regardless of his tyrannical attributes, he has not actually reached the limit.

There are also time-consuming things such as [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)] and [Superior Potential Activation Potion (Gold)] that have not been used.

Moreover, Zong Shen still has a batch of talents, heroes and other-dimensional recruitment tickets that are not used. These are the talent reserves of the territory.

Now it is not too late to wait for the construction transition period to complete before recruiting.

In addition to his personal need to improve again, he also needs to check the harvest of those banners. As for those messy treasure chests, there is no hurry.

Regarding the issue of luck, he already has a plan, and it is not too late to wait for the subsequent opening of the batch of treasure chests and lucky draw items!

Thinking of this, he began to focus on sorting out those banner rewards.

The first is a recruitment ticket from [Defense Challenge Reward Settlement].

[Legendary prosperous hero optional recruitment coupon (special)]

【Quality: Special】

[Effect: Legendary Heroes in Healing State (after activating the Recruitment Scroll to get a choice of six Legendary Hesitant Heroes at random, choose one of them for recruitment)]

【This recruitment volume can only be used once】

(The recruitment volume of legendary heroes can be summoned, which is equivalent to a legendary combat power in a prosperous state. It should be noted that legendary heroes are more rebellious

The stronger your personal strength at the time of recruitment and the higher the level of territory development, the higher the initial loyalty of the legendary hero)

Zong Shen looked at it and knew it.

Put it aside for now, it's not too late to deal with it later.

The next item is also a scroll-like thing, similar to a privilege coupon, but its function is more specific, and it is aimed at territorial buildings.

【Territory Building Appearance Beautification Coupon (Special)】

【Quality: Special】

[Effect: Beautify the appearance of the building in the territory (after use, you can designate a main territory with a lord's courtyard to obtain the effect of beautifying the appearance of the building. There are various styles to choose from for specific beautification. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Determine the style immediately Effective, does not affect the original function and construction consumption of the building)]

[The original shape is completely changed after the building is beautiful]

(A privilege coupon that can make your territory buildings more beautiful

Say goodbye to the original rustic style and embrace the supreme territory in your mind

Of course, this privilege is only valid for one territory

When you open up other lord courtyards in the future, the related buildings will have no beautification effect.)

Zong Shen was silent, isn't this thing a "building skin"!

(End of this chapter)

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