Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1026: : The Importance of Talent, The Starving Dead

Every time he thinks about this matter, Zong Shen feels a sense of urgency in his heart.

This is the greedy nature of people at work.

And greed will become the driving force for him to keep improving.

Zong Shen appraised the value of this batch of [Seven Flower Silver Coins] and [Five-Headed Bird Gold Coins], and decided to exchange only a part of them for fine gold and mithril materials for the time being.

At present, the most urgent needs for territory construction and expansion are wood, stone, hemp, iron, copper, and all kinds of elementary and intermediate elemental runes. The daily consumption is extremely large, and the consumption of millions of units is easy.

In comparison, the consumption of materials such as mithril, fine gold, gem powder, advanced/special elemental runes, and magic gems is not much.

He considered that the trading market of fine gold and mithril hadn't really started to boom, so he decided to save this batch of resources for future use.

As for the consumption required for the construction of the territory, the original inventory can be used first.

In addition, the biggest hidden danger of the Azshara Mine has been ruled out by Zong Shen, and additional manpower must be deployed in the future to increase the daily output of ore resources and try to be self-sufficient.

Not to mention that there are thousands of resources in unclaimed territories waiting for Zong Shen.

So he didn't worry about the construction consumption of the territory at all.

Just keep the original arrangement.

Another point that is very important is that it is affected by the [Quick Inheritance] privilege.

The population of the territory he inherited will remain in its current state and be converted into a recruitment roll.

In other words, the territory does not need to bear population pressure in a short period of time, and can flexibly decide how many people to recruit according to the development progress, which is quite convenient.

In order to prevent the territory from increasing too much population at one go, causing excessive load in all aspects.

Among other things, the daily food consumption of hundreds of thousands of people is not a small amount.

At present, the farming in the territory has just started for a few days, and it simply cannot support such a large population.

In addition, it is necessary to build a sufficient number of folk houses and stone houses. In the absence of high-rise residential buildings in the Endless Continent, it will take a long time and a lot of resources to build stone houses that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Population is not only productivity, but also means resource burden and consumption.

The accumulation of resources required for food, clothing, housing and transportation will be a staggering amount.

If the population is compared to the "food" for the development of the territory, then Zongshen must ensure that the territory has a certain scale of production and construction capacity, so that everyone can create value.

The above-mentioned problems do not exist in the recruitment roll population.

It is entirely possible to recruit appropriate population according to the development level of the territory.

In this way, the territory can maintain high-speed development without adding additional burdens.

Moreover, having a population reserve is equivalent to solving a worry for the future. At the same time, it does not prevent Zongshen from attacking the aboriginal villages and state cities, plundering a large number of people and various craftsmen.

The aboriginal towns basically developed step by step from settlements and experienced a relatively long period of time.

If the territories of the lords belong to "instant growth", then the aborigines' towns are "natural growth".

There are huge differences between the two in terms of structural system, economic cycle, and agricultural and animal husbandry production.

The lord's territory can take several months to complete the decades of construction and development of the aborigines.

The price is that the talents in the territory are extremely unbalanced, and a few months cannot satisfy the talent training cycle.

Not to mention, even training an apprentice blacksmith is not easy.

Moreover, all the ways for the lords to obtain the initial population come from the lord system. The lords themselves cannot decide what kind of talents they have, and not all lords can fool a senior blacksmith shortly after their arrival like Zong Shen.

As for buildings such as [Special Knowledge School] and [Advanced Library], they are even more rare.

Therefore, most of the artisan talents in the current territories of the lords are almost empty.

At best, there are a few apprentices or craftsmen with junior professional titles who forge some arrows, crossbows, and whiteboard equipment on a daily basis. Some lords have talents in medicine, rune forging, and magic technology. Not high, not to mention high-level and special-level craftsmen, even intermediate-level craftsmen are quite rare.

In contrast, in the towns of the aboriginal people, there are quite a variety of technical talents.

Junior artisans can be found in villages.

There are intermediate and senior craftsmen in Bangcheng.

If you want to find higher-level technical craftsmen, then you have to go to the giant city.

There are large-scale workshops in regular giant cities, and there are some famous workshops in a few giant cities.

Any workshop that can leave a name in the mainland must have master craftsmen sitting in it.

Therefore, if Zong Shen wanted to find talents in various fields as quickly as possible, he had to use his brains from the aborigines.

Including the archaeologists and rune interpreters mentioned by Zoe, they must find a way from the giant city of Lentax.

In addition to violently plundering the population, he can also choose to go to Bangcheng or Jucheng to openly recruit people. As long as he is willing to provide enough remuneration, he will definitely attract many craftsmen.

In addition, the taverns in each city are also good places to recruit talents.

If a city is compared to a giant, then every street is a blood vessel in the giant's body.

The taverns in the street are small hearts, continuously pumping new blood into the city.

There's no better place to recruit than a tavern.

However, no matter which city it is, any tavern that can occupy a place in the city must be surrounded by forces behind it.

Either it is a black street force, or it is an aristocratic layout.

For Zong Shen, it was not a big problem, he had enough dinars to clear all obstacles.

When the order of the aborigines had not collapsed, those heavy coins still possessed unparalleled power.

Zong Shen did not intend to let go of the two methods of violent plunder and public solicitation.

He is going to do it at the same time, so that he can replenish the extremely lacking craftsman talents for the territory as soon as possible.

Zong Shen lowered his head and thought, Zooey and Colby didn't bother, they just drank silently, thinking about their own things.

When he finished thinking and raised his head, Colby, who had been silent all this time, took the opportunity to speak.

The sturdy Da Kao sat on a chair like an iron tower, and he took out the ciphered parchment scroll from the storage compartment.

This thing was also found from the undead behind the bar in the ruins hall of the Shadow Poison Assassin League.

"My lord, this parchment was found from the body of the undead."

"It seems to be related to the Shadow Poison Assassin League back then."

"It's just that the content has been encrypted, and the subordinates cannot interpret it."

Colby rose to his feet and bowed to offer it when he had finished speaking.

Zong Shen raised his hand to take the parchment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and scanned it intently.

[An ancient encrypted message parchment scroll]

[There is an encrypted message recorded above]

[(Urgent information from the dimensional secret meeting, the betrayer Karl Agas has already caused damage to the barrier nodes, and the high-level officials of all ethnic groups have gone to the Abyss of Immortality, and it is suspected that there are demons from outside the territory fleeing here

The Great Elder Falsi asked all branches to evacuate immediately, keep a small number of manpower, seal the vault, go to XXXXXXX to meet up, and wait for further instructions from the elders)]

(XXXXXXX land has been permanently destroyed, the information in this chapter is incomplete, so it cannot be displayed

This is a secret report issued by the top level of the Shadow Poison Assassin League

In fact, shortly before the blood-burning demon invaded, the branch of the Shadow Poison Assassins in the giant city of Azshara had already evacuated, leaving only a small number of people)

Zong Shen stared at the sheepskin scroll, and the content on it reminded him.

Judging from the information in the secret report, before the burning blood demon launched a full-scale attack on the endless continent, there were already signs, such as the "betrayer Karl Agas" who destroyed the dimensional barrier.

This also explains why the large dimensional transmission channel of the burning blood demon can be opened so easily.

In addition, there is also the content of "The high-ranking officials of all ethnic groups have gone to the Abyss of Immortality, and it seems that there are demons from outside the territory fleeing here", which also faintly reveals a hint of conspiracy.


"It seems that the fetters of the last era are more complicated than I imagined."

He put down the parchment and nodded slightly to Colby.

At this time, Colby then took out a few other items.

It includes a pitch-black soul core, several extremely hard bone materials, and a white bone skull the size of a melon.

These things all come from the hungry "Jack" undead in the cellar of the ruins.

After the high-level undead are killed, if it is a skeleton, it will be turned into powder, and if it is a ghost, it will disappear.

Anything that can be left behind is basically a precious material.

And because "Jack" was killed by Colby himself, he naturally presented these trophies to Zong Shen himself.

Colby put the items on the table before sitting back down.

Zong Shen took a look and knew it.

In his mind, lines of golden subtitles clearly emerged.

[The Hungry Dead Little Jack's Soul Core (Golden)]

【Essence Ribs (Orange)】

【Pure Tibia (Orange)】

【Spine Sucked by Resentment (Golden)】

[Skull of the Hungry Dead (Glory Level I)]

Not much to say about the soul core, its purpose is to provide pure soul power, and it can also "charge" the [Soul Absorption Bottle], which can be used to exchange for a complete soul below the gold level.

The later bones are relatively rare skeletal material.

For various reasons, along with the birth and demise of the undead, these bones absorbed various complex energies, and eventually became precious materials that could be used to make necromancer staff, armor, or necromancer tools.

For example, the [Vertebrae Sucked by Resentment (Golden)] can be used as the main body of the staff.

It can send out ghost fire, and can also absorb the death energy and shadow power of undead traveling around autonomously.

Just a little bit of processing can create a dazzling staff, which increases the material level.

However, this kind of staff has distinct characteristics and is suitable for use by necromancers.

Casters of other elemental systems are not only useless, but will be affected by death energy.

Zong Shen didn't dislike it either, and directly accepted all the orders, which can be regarded as further enriching the material inventory.

Among these items, the most valuable one was the little head.

It is a special undead artifact, a magic wonder that is accompanied by powerful undead.

And the grade is not low, it has reached the Yaoguang level. Although it is only the entry level of the first level of Yaoguang, its value is also better than the common golden epic equipment.

Zong Shen grabbed the head and held it in his palm to observe.

Judging from the size of the head, it should have been a young child under ten years old.

There is a taupe enamel on the surface of the bone, giving it a somewhat ceramic-like texture.

Moreover, when Zong Shen touched this head, he could feel various forces in his body reacting to it.

This thing is like a universal container, Zong Shen seems to be able to input any power in his body into it.

Not only that, but this head also vaguely conveyed an emotion of hunger and thirst.

It wants to devour everything, be it power or elements.

To be on the safe side, he didn't try to input power without authorization, but with a thought, he called out the strategy module.

As the information about the related items surfaced, Zong Shen also had an expression of enlightenment on his face.

[Skull of the Hungry Dead (Glory Level I)]

[Quality: Dazzling Class I]

[Effect: Hunger Condensation (any power except Holy Light can be input into it, and the condensation can be transformed into the power of the undead and the power of shadow, with a huge storage capacity)

Will-o'-the-wisp spit (by consuming the power of the undead and the power of shadow transformed inside, spray out a ghost-wisp of the undead, with a maximum range of 120 meters and a diameter of 1.2 meters, which can cause 200 points of magic damage to all enemies along the way every second, no cooling time )

Consolidated Skull (Using the head as a carrier, condense the hungry dead to help in the battle, lasts for 10 minutes, cooldown time is 12 hours)]

[Passive effect: Undead nourishment (the head of the hungry dead that condenses a large amount of undead power and shadow power can convert the power in it into experience points to feed back any undead unit. The specific conversion ratio depends on the specific situation)]

(One from the head of the poor child, it is unimaginable that little Jack was starved to death

He was only eight years old, and because he was trapped in the cellar, he became food for the trapped

Not only was his limbs cut off, he was also tortured by hunger during his lifetime

oh may the poor boy rest in peace

It is precisely because of such a tragic experience that the resentment after death is dominated by the wreckage, and it has become a high-level undead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It narrates its own hunger all day long, it longs for all flesh and energy, and finally dies at the knife of Colby)

This is a necromancer that tends to be auxiliary in nature.

There is some effect, but not much.

For undead units, this thing is an out-and-out "power bank".

It can be recharged by absorbing other elemental powers, so that any power can be converted into the power of the dead and the power of the shadow, and then converted into experience points suitable for the dead.

"It's a good thing."

Zong Shen didn't play with it too much, after all, the main body of this magic weapon is a child's head.

He felt sorry for Jack's life experience, but more than 10,000 years have passed, and everything has long been irreversible.

(end of this chapter)

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